Download Mod 'Forest of Dean' runterladen

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2.33 / 3 Stimmen


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3 Kommentare

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  1. ValtraMan123 19. 11 2014

    Very good map. Best map out here for fs15. Made by a decent guy. Decent map. Good for everything.

    1 Antworten

  2. wolf310 15. 11 2014

    Yes that would help and not everywhere the same dark green Grasstexture.
    the buldings are to perfect in north-west orientation and in perfekt lines, better more random rotation and less precision positioning.
    the hillclimbing to the brewery is in kombination with the slow moving gate very hard.

    P.S. sorry for my bad english, i can better read than write

  3. wolf310 15. 11 2014

    the Map is not bad, but very lifeless.
    the map remenber me on the Song "Little Boxes"

    I miss some deko here and there and more different groundtexture


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