Download Mod 'Grange grain' runterladen

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3.14 / 7 Stimmen


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4 Kommentare

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  1. Mrludo40 16. 10 2015

    this message is for
    (The Cleaner is mngrazy is more noob)
    mod 60MB made since Roman tiles are very detail but once you have chosen your roof does not like what is done noob, removed the channel if you not use your mod is really lighter

    1 Antworten

  2. Mrludo40 15. 10 2015


    yes my mod is 60 MB because the roof channel is a faithful reproduction is yes if you use this type of roof your little pc will not take it if has was created for large pc powerful that is why there are several type of roof to to choose if it says if you not read the description it is normal to have a kid reaction

    thank you goodnight kid

  3. Seba_S_Tian 15. 10 2015

    I like the given possibilities for personalization. So it's easy to make it suitable for your own map. Good work, mate.

  4. mngrazy 14. 10 2015

    60mb ? viel viel zuviel , selbst für high poly ,,, hallo das nen schuppen und kein multi komplex irgendwas .....
