Aslains XVM Mod

V 0.8.10 Mod für World Of Tanks

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Mod versions:
- Normal (just a typical version of my mod like on screenshots above)

- New Style (new version introduced recently with a tank contour, tier and name)
- Normal CB (normal version for colorblind players)
- Classical (with centered tiered icons over tanks)
- Classical CB (special version for colorblind players)
- Hitlog only (hitlog, minimap, adv. capture bar mods, rest is WoT default)
- Mod pack (additional mods)


Step 1. Click on a link, wait 5 sec, click Skip Add, and on the new page click on Download button

Step 2. Run my installer, set destination folder then select what you want to install:


Step 3. Launch the game and go to Settings - Game Tab - uncheck: Show vehicle tier

Note: In case of problems with download try this backup download site


br2yd4l for the very initial icon version many years back in closed beta
- Crabtr33, Pottulaari and RyuOgi for actively supporting me with new ideas and such stuff
- The XVM team for creating such amazing tool

  • 11. Januar, 21:19 Uhr
    Version 0.8.10


11.01 2014
Modhoster Userbewertung
1.0 / 3 Stimmen


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V 0.8.10
World Of Tanks
17,1 MB 751
11. 01 2014 751

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