Userprofil von kahenneberg
Member since 6 / 2015

Punkte: 1.618
Modder Level 11
Rank: #2726
Vorname: Kaj Alter & Geschlecht: m Wohnort: Farum Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About kahenneberg

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  1. Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I have tried Realistic Weather and can confirm, that Realistic Weather is incompatible with a number of mods, including RealLifeNumbers. According to some players the issue came about when Realistic Weather was updated. I get no clues, why RLN does not load correctly when Realistic Weather is activated. So I will not try to fix it.

  2. kahenneberg 19. Januar

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    The price of pallets depends on the value of the goods on the pallet. It is my experience that during the life of a FS game, many pallet mods are released with new and never seen configurations. RLN is likely to either crash or calculate a wrong price, if the Pallet mod deviates from the build-in pallets. Unfortunately I can not issue a new version of RLN each time a new pallet mod appears.

    It appears that RLN crash when setting field prices. Can you mail me a log file?

    1 Antworten

  3. kahenneberg 30. 11 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I have studied the data structure for the storemanager and it seems to have changed since RLN was released, perhaps in the last update to FS25 V.1.3. I will adjust the script to handle these changes.

    1 Antworten

  4. kahenneberg 29. 11 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Thank you for telling me. Strange that I did not get that error myself in FS25 version 1.3 . What map are you playing?

  5. kahenneberg 28. 11 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I don't play on servers or MP. So thank you so much for letting me know.

    1 Antworten

  6. kahenneberg 25. 11 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hello Ciupciup12,

    Leasing rates are defined using a global scaling factor, which sets the leasing cost as a small fraction of sales price. I tried to define a runingLeasingFactor (lease rate per hour) but somehow ended up corrupting the game. Had to reinstall the game from scratch. So, I will leave the feature as is.

  7. kahenneberg 21. 11 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Yes, the principle of use has not changed. However, there is now only one set of xml files. The number of store items is now so large that I cannot find time to maintain multiple sets for different countries. Of course you can still have multiple sets of xml files stored in different savegame folders inside the modSettings folder. Please read the Readme file for details.

    1 Antworten

  8. kahenneberg 21. 11 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    The version for FS25 is not listed at in the script category.

  9. kahenneberg 21. 11 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I have tried to upload the new version for FS25. Unfortunately, I uploaded it in the wrong place. It is found here under FS22, with version So you will find it at the very bottom of the list of old versions of the mod.

    I have then tried to upload it to the FS25 database. For some reason, it received a complaint and has been blocked. I do not know, what the issue is.

    1 Antworten

  10. kahenneberg 17. 11 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I have been playing with some of the scripts in FS25 this weekend. The ones I have fixed are: RealNumberCalendarInfo, RealNumberFieldPrices, RealNumbersFruitTypes, RealNumbersFillTypes, RealNumbersStorePrices, and RealNumbersLeasing.

    I am not certain that I will include the other scripts.

    I will upload a zip file this comming week. It may likely be with just one set of xml files.

    1 Antworten

  11. kahenneberg 23. 06 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    The newest version ( no longer scales animal input and output. There are good alternative mods in MaizePlus and EnhancedAnimalSystem. These two mods now seems to work well together. Most changes that could be made in RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua can also be made in these two mods.

  12. kahenneberg 15. 06 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    You are right. It seems that every map maker makes changes to the animals.xml file. In addition MaizePlus and EnhancedAnimalSystems also make changes to animals.xml. RLN will not work, unless you make changes in my_animalTypes.xml to match the changes made by the map maker, as well as MaizePlus and EnhancedAnimalSystems if they are also used.

    You can comment out RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua in the modDesc.xml file to not you RLN to scale animal feed intake.

    New mods provides a lot of non-standard pallets with some equipment on it. RLN assumes pallets contain materials that are priced by volume. I try occasionally to bypass these non-standard pallets. This means that the player must adjust the price inside that mod.

    As written on several occasions, my professional job takes so much time, I have no time for gaming or modding at the moment.

  13. kahenneberg 23. 04 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I will try and find time to look into it. Unfortunately I have almost no time for playing or modding at the moment.

  14. kahenneberg 02. 03 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    HI, in theory it would be possible. But my work does not leave me much time to play or mod FS. So, I can't promiss anything. But please, e-mail me a list of environment features you would like to adjust. My e-mail is in the top of the mod files.

  15. kahenneberg 02. 03 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I will look into this new mod and see where the conflict is.

  16. kahenneberg 02. 03 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I'm working on an update. Ballyspring was updated resently with a lot of changes to animals.xml. I have a working version of Ballyspring without MaizePluz. I still have to work out a version with MaizePluz.

  17. kahenneberg 20. 01 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    You are welcome to share, either here, or by a direct e-mail to me. Whatever is convenient.

    1 Antworten

  18. kahenneberg 18. 01 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hi. Please see the comments made for some of the other posts. As you have noticed, it is the number of parameter values that does not agree. You have to adjust the number of parameter values for each parameter in RLN, so that it agrees with the other mods defining these parameters. My observation is that RLN agrees well with EnhancedAnimalSystem. To also agree with maizePLus, a small edit must be made to maizePlus_animalFoodAdditions. See more about this in the other comments.

    1 Antworten

  19. kahenneberg 18. 01 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    It is not the values of the parameters that matter. At least not with respect to crashing scripts. It is the number of parameters defined. In some cases there are two values for buyPrice, in other cases three values. RLN must have the exact number of data values expected.

    The number of values expected is defined in the maps animal.xml file. But can then be increased in other mods like EnhancedAnimalSystems.
    RLN now read the number of values expected and prints them out in the log. They are called keyframes.

    Here are an example from a log file. Notice that young animals do not produce milk and have no keyframe for milk output.

    --- RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua started : press lAlt-ra ---

    2024-01-14 20:11
    --- Animal types ---

    2024-01-14 20:11 1 : COW
    2024-01-14 20:11 2 : PIG
    2024-01-14 20:11 3 : SHEEP
    2024-01-14 20:11 4 : HORSE
    2024-01-14 20:11 5 : CHICKEN
    2024-01-14 20:11
    --- Animal subtypes ---

    2024-01-14 20:11 1 : COW_SWISS_BROWN ; 1 = COW
    2024-01-14 20:11 buyPrice keyframes : 4
    2024-01-14 20:11 sellPrice keyframes : 4
    2024-01-14 20:11 tranportPrice keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 straw keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 water keyframes : 7
    2024-01-14 20:11 food keyframes : 7
    2024-01-14 20:11 milk keyframes : 11
    2024-01-14 20:11 manure keyframes : 2
    2024-01-14 20:11 liquidManure keyframes : 2
    2024-01-14 20:11
    2024-01-14 20:11 2 : BULL_SWISS_BROWN ; 1 = COW
    2024-01-14 20:11 buyPrice keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 sellPrice keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 tranportPrice keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 straw keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 water keyframes : 7
    2024-01-14 20:11 food keyframes : 7
    2024-01-14 20:11 manure keyframes : 2
    2024-01-14 20:11 liquidManure keyframes : 2
    2024-01-14 20:11
    2024-01-14 20:11 3 : COW_HOLSTEIN ; 1 = COW
    2024-01-14 20:11 buyPrice keyframes : 4
    2024-01-14 20:11 sellPrice keyframes : 4
    2024-01-14 20:11 tranportPrice keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 straw keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 water keyframes : 7
    2024-01-14 20:11 food keyframes : 7
    2024-01-14 20:11 milk keyframes : 11
    2024-01-14 20:11 manure keyframes : 2
    2024-01-14 20:11 liquidManure keyframes : 2
    2024-01-14 20:11
    2024-01-14 20:11 4 : BULL_HOLSTEIN ; 1 = COW
    2024-01-14 20:11 buyPrice keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 sellPrice keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 tranportPrice keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 straw keyframes : 3
    2024-01-14 20:11 water keyframes : 7
    2024-01-14 20:11 food keyframes : 7
    2024-01-14 20:11 manure keyframes : 2
    2024-01-14 20:11 liquidManure keyframes : 2

    If one then looks in the RLN file my_animalTypes.xml
    <type typeIndex ="1" name="COW" FirstGrazingMonth="5" LastGrazingMonth="10">
    <subType subTypeIndex="1" name="COW_SWISS_BROWN">
    <buyPrice age="0" price="75" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <buyPrice age="24" price="1200" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <buyPrice age="36" price="1200" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <buyPrice age="60" price="1000" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <sellPrice age="0" price="50" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <sellPrice age="3" price="325" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <sellPrice age="48" price="2438" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <sellPrice age="60" price="2438" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <transportPrice age="0" price="10" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <transportPrice age="12" price="16" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <transportPrice age="18" price="20" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <strawInput age="0" litersPerMonth="150" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <strawInput age="24" litersPerMonth="225" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <strawInput age="48" litersPerMonth="300" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <waterInput age="0" litersPerMonth="180" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <waterInput age="6" litersPerMonth="280" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <waterInput age="12" litersPerMonth="380" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <waterInput age="18" litersPerMonth="480" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <waterInput age="26" litersPerMonth="580" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <waterInput age="28" litersPerMonth="920" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <waterInput age="36" litersPerMonth="940" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <foodInput age="0" litersPerMonth="106" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <foodInput age="6" litersPerMonth="306" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <foodInput age="12" litersPerMonth="600" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <foodInput age="18" litersPerMonth="900" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <foodInput age="24" litersPerMonth="1200" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <foodInput age="36" litersPerMonth="1862" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <foodInput age="48" litersPerMonth="1900" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <milkOutput age="0" litersPerMonth="0" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="12" litersPerMonth="0" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="17" litersPerMonth="0" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="19" litersPerMonth="0" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="27" litersPerMonth="0" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="28" litersPerMonth="0" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="29" litersPerMonth="535" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="30" litersPerMonth="620" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="31" litersPerMonth="620" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="70" litersPerMonth="580" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <milkOutput age="75" litersPerMonth="535" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="1"/>
    <liquidManureOutput age="0" litersPerMonth="104" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <liquidManureOutput age="48" litersPerMonth="1828" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <manureOutput age="0" litersPerMonth="150" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>
    <manureOutput age="48" litersPerMonth="2652" grazingPeriodScaleFactor="0.1"/>

    you will see that there have to be 4 values for buyprice, 4 values for sellprice and so on.

  20. kahenneberg 18. 01 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    It is tricky to get several mods work together, if they all try to define the same thing. In the case of animal input and output, these data are defined in a file called animals.xml. Some maps redefine the value and the number of values. MaizePLus, EnhancedAnimalSystem and RLN also defines these data.

    Some mods add additional data values. Others replace data values with new values.

    MaizePlus has a supporting mod called maziePlus_animalFoodAdditions. This mod has a file called maizePlus_animalDataOverride.xml

    I noticed that the number of data point for milk yield was 11 for COW_SWISS_BROWN, where as there were only 10 values for COW_HOLSTEIN. Notice that it is not the yield values, that matters, but the number of yield values.

    Here is some lines from this file. This is my edited file, so there is now 11 values for both types of cows. With this addition I could use EnhancedAnimalSystems and RLN with and without maizePlus.

    <!-- all in liters per month for cows -->
    <animalData type="COW" subType="COW_SWISS_BROWN" >
    <!-- <reproduction minAgeMonth="26" durationMonth="10" minHealthFactor="0.75" /> -->
    <inputs overrideType="add">
    <input type="straw" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="100" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
    <key ageMonth="22" value="450" />
    <input type="food" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="600" />
    <key ageMonth="6" value="1000" />
    <key ageMonth="12" value="1600" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="2200" />
    <key ageMonth="22" value="2500" />
    <key ageMonth="27" value="3000" />
    <key ageMonth="28" value="3900" />
    <input type="water" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="680" />
    <key ageMonth="6" value="780" />
    <key ageMonth="12" value="880" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="1180" />
    <key ageMonth="26" value="1220" />
    <key ageMonth="27" value="1320" />
    <key ageMonth="28" value="1360" />

    <outputs overrideType="replace">
    <output type="milk" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="12" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="17" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="19" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="20" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="22" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="23" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="24" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="26" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="27" value="1300" />
    <key ageMonth="28" value="1600" />

    <output type="manure" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="1000" />

    <output type="liquidManure" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="1300" />


    <animalData type="COW" subType="COW_HOLSTEIN" >
    <!-- <reproduction minAgeMonth="26" durationMonth="10" minHealthFactor="0.75" /> -->
    <inputs overrideType="add">
    <input type="straw" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="100" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
    <key ageMonth="22" value="450" />
    <input type="food" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="600" />
    <key ageMonth="6" value="1000" />
    <key ageMonth="12" value="1600" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="2200" />
    <key ageMonth="22" value="2500" />
    <key ageMonth="27" value="3000" />
    <key ageMonth="28" value="3900" />
    <input type="water" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="680" />
    <key ageMonth="6" value="780" />
    <key ageMonth="12" value="880" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="1180" />
    <key ageMonth="26" value="1220" />
    <key ageMonth="27" value="1320" />
    <key ageMonth="28" value="1360" />

    <outputs overrideType="replace">
    <output type="milk" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="12" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="17" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="19" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="20" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="22" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="23" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="24" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="26" value="0" />
    <key ageMonth="27" value="1300" />
    <key ageMonth="28" value="1600" />

    <output type="manure" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="1000" />

    <output type="liquidManure" >
    <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
    <key ageMonth="18" value="1300" />


    The number of datapoints for a given parameter is called keyframes. The latest version of RLN prints out the number of keyframes expected. It is then necessary to alter the number of data point in RLN, to match the expected keyframes.

    The number of keyframes used can vary from one map to another. The latest version of BallySpring has almost one for each month up to 5 years to allow the milk yield to vary in dry periods before calving.

    I hope this info helps a bit.

  21. kahenneberg 14. 01 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I have tried to include the mod SeeBales. It works well for me.
    I see that RLN has an issue for a bale item. But I cannot tell what the issue is by installing SeeBales.

    I do have some mods with store items that are unusal. Like a tire classified as a pallet. Often RLN will fail to handle such mods correctly and I have to disable these.

  22. kahenneberg 14. 01 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    There are a number of mods that defines inputs and outputs for animals. They do this in different ways, in particular the number of datapoints varies from mod to mod. RLN will fail if the number of data points disagree.

    To use both EnhancedAnimalSystem and MaizePlus together with RLN I had to make changes to the file maizePLus_animalDataOverride.xml in the mod FS22_maizePlus_animalFoodAdditions.

    The cow milk output has 11 values for COW_SWISS_BROWN but only 10 values for COW_HOLSTEIN. I made the list of values for the COW_HOLSTEIN identical to that for COW_SWISS_BROWN.

    After this change, I found that EAS can work with and without maizePlus.

    It can also be that the map maker has redefined the number of datapoints for some input or output parameters in animals.xml. Then it no longer agrees with RLN and you have to make a special version of my_AnimalTypes that has the same number of parameters as the animals.xml file for that map.

    This is why there are special files for maps like HofBergman and BallySpring.

    1 Antworten

  23. kahenneberg 14. 01 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    To use both EnhancedAnimalSystem and MaizePlus together with RLN I had to make changes to the file maizePLus_animalDataOverride.xml in the mod FS22_maizePlus_animalFoodAdditions.

    The cow milk output has 11 values for COW_SWISS_BROWN but only 10 values for COW_HOLSTEIN. I made the list of values for the COW_HOLSTEIN identical to that for COW_SWISS_BROWN.

    After this change, I found that EAS can work with and without maizePlus.

  24. kahenneberg 02. 01 2024

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    A new release is out. A few scripts have been disabled to make room for better alternatives.

    Use BetterContracts. You need to edit the mod to make new price scale options.

    In scripts/settings.lua I have made these changes:
    {name = "multReward",
    values = {0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,1,2,3}, -- {.8,.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4}
    texts = {"-95 %","standard","-80 %","-70 %","100 %","200 %","300 %"},

    And further down:

    {name = "multLease",
    min = .8, max = 1.5, increment = .1,
    values = {0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,1,2,3}, -- {.8,.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5},
    texts = {"-95 %","standard","-80 %","-70 %","-60 %","100 %","200 %","300 %"},

    A reward scaling of 0.1 seems realistic, but make your own scalings.

  25. kahenneberg 29. 12 2023

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    I have been working on an update to RLN, that includes the new crops (carrot, beetroot, parsnips) and also is compatible with EnhancedAnimalSystem v I'm still testing, but so far no problems.

    1 Antworten

  26. kahenneberg 14. 12 2023

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hi there, yes I'm healthy and in good spirit. Thank you for your concern. Unfortunately I have not been able to find time for modding or play the last 6 months due to increased work duties. Two colleagues have past away and one has been laid off, so a lot more work to the rest of us.
    I continue to hope that I will be able to find time for more modding and more play. But I have a great deal of new things to catch up with, new fruits and more.

    1 Antworten

  27. kahenneberg 11. 09 2023

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hi awoibrhjpi,

    I have not used the new version of Enhanced animal systems. But, any time a mod or map uses customized or extended animals, the xml file my_animalTypes.xml needs to be extended. This is so if there are new types of animals or if the default specifications are altered, like if there are modifications to the number of age steps for input and output.

    I will try and use the latest version of Enhanced animal systems and see what can be done.

    If the map modifies the animals, and then two mods try to change the parameters as well, it is bound to cause problems.

  28. kahenneberg 29. 08 2023

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hi awoibrhjpi

    I expect that new filltypes will be modifiable. If so, I will work on such an update.
    I use the mod Enhanced Animal System together with RLN. I have not noticed any issues between the two mods. I recall that I edited the size of pig litters inside the mod itself (not in RLN) to fit the average in my country.

    1 Antworten

  29. kahenneberg 18. 06 2023

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hello JS39:
    Just to let you know, that I have read your feedback. For a long time I have not had missions. They all disappeared within minutes when starting on a new map, and never to return. In the start after the launch of FS22 I think there was a fundamental problem with missions. Possibly it was fixed in a game update. But I never really got it working in my games. It is possible that RealLifeNumbers is somehow interfering with missions and that this is the reason why I never get missions in my games.
    When I find time, hopefully in July, I will take a look at it. My first step would be to disable the scripts in RLN one-by-one, and see if that changes the situation. You may try that as well.

    1 Antworten

  30. kahenneberg 29. 04 2023

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hello ako083,

    I will look into the new version and see what I can do.

  31. kahenneberg 01. 02 2023

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Modebcn, I have made some corrections to an xml file. This seems to work for me, but I would like to ask if you could test the modified file. Could you send me an e-mail to the mail address listed at the top of all lua files in RLN? Then I will forward you the corrected file. The corrections incorporates the addition of cats and a few other changes introduced on the latest edition of the Hof Bergmann map.

  32. kahenneberg 01. 02 2023

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Modebcn, I have made some corrections to an xml file. This seems to work for me, but I would like to ask if you could test the modified file. Could you send me an e-mail to the mail address listed at the top of all lua files in RLN? Then I will forward you the corrected file. The corrections incorporate the addition of cats and a few other changes introduced on the latest edition of the Hof Bergmann map.

  33. kahenneberg 26. 01 2023

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hello Modebcn, I cannot get the reply button to work, so I answer your comment here. I have not played of the Hof Bergman map for a while and have not updated it because it usually means you have to start over. But I will take a look as soon as I get time. It will not be this weekend, as my sweet wife insists that we take an extended weekend in Tromsø in northern Norway.

  34. kahenneberg 28. 12 2022

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Sorry, I was to quick. There is only one version of RealLifeAnimalscaling.lua. But there are several versions of my_animalTypes.xml. You must install the one made for MaizePlus. Please read the install instructions.

    1 Antworten

  35. kahenneberg 28. 12 2022

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    You must make sure that the script RealLifeAnimalscaling.lua is the correct version for use with MaizePlus. There is one to use with MaizePlus and another to use without MaizePlus.

    And also make sure that the map has the standard set of animals. Maps like HoffBergman and some maps by Cazz64 need special versions of RealLifeAnimalscaling.lua.

    If this is not the issue, let me know what map you are playing and I will take a look tomorrow.

    1 Antworten

  36. kahenneberg 26. 12 2022

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    PS. Keep the Cotton and Sugarcane definitions in the maps_growth.xml. Don't delete them.

  37. kahenneberg 26. 12 2022

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hello drewCZ,
    I finally got arround to look into various issues with RLN. The error you mention in Upper Bavarian SP is due to the map maker trying to leave out Cotton and Sugarcane. I'm not sure if this is the proper way of doing this.

    If I add a maps_growth.xml from another map to the maps/map folder, it works. But you need to change a line in map.xml:

    <growth filename="maps/map/maps_growth.xml" />

    1 Antworten

  38. kahenneberg 20. 12 2022

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    Hello Mafagafo, reply did not work, so here is my reply.

    I found somewhere a rule-of-thumb that straw yield is about 80% of grain yield, when measured in mass. This was for wheat and barley. I doubt that 80% is a good value for all types of straw. Oat has very light grains (about 0.4 kg / liter), but I expect the straw yield to be almost the same as for barley I'm guessing). For wheat the mass density is about 0.772 kg/Liter. The grain yield is set to 0.4535 Liter/m2. This is for 50% yield, so if you do all field work (plowing, fertilzing etc. the max yield is 0.907 Liters/m2. Multiplying this with the mass density we get 0.772 kg/L * 0.907 Liters/m2 = 0.700 kg/m2 which corresponds to 7000 kg/ha. Since the straw yield is 80% of the grain yield, the straw yield is 0.80*0.700 kg/m2 = 0.56 kg/m2 or 5600 kg/ha. I usually set the density of a straw bale to 0.13 kg/Liter, so 0.56 kg/m2 of straw equals 0.56kg/m2 / 0.13 kg/Liter = 4.3 Liters/m2.

    In the xml file my_fruitTypes.xml the litersPerSqm for wheat straw is set at 3.09 Liters/m2. That is a bit less than what I just calculated.

    It would be the same calculation for other crops with straw, just with other values.

    1 Antworten

  39. kahenneberg 14. 12 2022

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers

    I have tried to fix the issue with field leasing in version
    It is now also compatible with Grist Mill.
    Some still have issues with crop growth. This seems to depend on the map, and the crops defined on the map. This issue has not been resolved as I do not have a map where this issue occurs.

  40. kahenneberg 27. 11 2022

    Mod: RealLifeNumbers
    This type of error could be due to a problem with the file named my_cropGrowth.xml.

    Could you send that to me? My e-mail address is at the top of all lua files.

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