Userprofil von ondavid
Member since 5 / 2012

Punkte: 13
Rank: n/a
Vorname: ondavid Alter & Geschlecht: 39 m Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About ondavid

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  1. ondavid 12. 11 2015

    Hi mate,the map is really nice, but has some shortcomings and an example, if I may say around the field proximity of the trees to the fields which makes it difficult for the use of the equipment,and you can walk through a portion of the trees,creating many problems for harvester but also the lack of bio gas plant on the map it's a sad situation,I would be very happy if you do a new update to the map.if you turn PDF file in English would be can get into the farm in the chicken part.finally we're doing in the field in trees that cannot be cut woodcutting you need to manage a very complex image,thanks a lot mate I'll keep working on the map

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