Userprofil von Miau1981
Member since 7 / 2013

Punkte: 2
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Sandro Alter & Geschlecht: 43 m Wohnort: Eberswalde Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About Miau1981

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  1. Miau1981 16. 08 2015

    Mod: Baerenfeld
    Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
    Register vehicle type: WaterMilkZunhammer.MilkTrailer
    Script loaded: Compass.LUA (v1.4)
    FruitType registered: compost_soil
    Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FruitUtil.lua(55) : table index is nil
    --- installing driveControl by upsidedown into Drivable and Steerable...
    Register fruit type: seeds2 on:
    Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FruitUtil.lua(55) : table index is nil
    C:\Users\Miau\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\mods//Baerenfeld/SampleModMap.lua:186: attempt to index global 'GMMFillTypes' (a nil value)
    loading AdditionalFruitTypes
    AdditionalFruitTypes v0.5 by Jakob Tischler+upsidedown loaded
    Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
    Error: Running LUA method 'mouseEvent'.
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FruitUtil.lua(55) : table index is nil
    Application exit request forced.
    Application exit request forced.

    1 Antworten

  2. Miau1981 14. 08 2015

    Mod: Baerenfeld
    hallo ihr lieben ich bekomme die karte nicht zum laufen kann mir einer helfen

    2 Antworten

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