Userprofil von Husky-gold909
Member since 7 / 2020

Punkte: 2
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About Husky-gold909

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  1. Husky-gold909 08. 08 2020

    Mod: Busters JD1910 Aircart
    Hello I downloaded your mod and found the same problem 1910 cart is downloaded but the sowing machines are not with the same pack please fix this. Otherwise it is a great mod.

  2. Husky-gold909 17. 07 2020

    Mod: John Deere 2623 Anhydrous
    I really like the mod, only problem I have found with it is, it will only work in helper mode not when your running it, I thought maybe it was just a texture change issue but when you go to the map it doesn't change the field status from harvested or plowed to cultivated. Hope this can be fixed with the next patch update. Thank you

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