Western Star 57X Edit - 1.46

V update auf 1.46.1 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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Added the ability to choose between the window and ventilation in the sleeping place

Small corrections


This mod aims to rework and to add stock accessories to the Western Star 57X.


This mod currently features:

– 3 cabins – 1 day cab and 2 72-inch sleepers of different heights

– Interior edits – both sleepers now feature selection between basic bed or studio, new seats, and some other edits


Creator’s notes (please read this):

– The new cabin currently doesn’t support paintjobs, except basic colors.

– As I currently don’t have much informations about 57X, I’ve decided to start with a simple edit – more will come later. Further edits will be done along with other additions from SCS Software. Please do not request more edits at the moment – the mod will be updated according to new information from WS or SCS themselves.

– This mod uses some assets from my older mod “49X Edit”. However, this mod works independently, without need of using 49X Edit.






Modell: marekg304
Textur: marekg304
Idee / Konzept: marekg304
Sonstige: marekg304

  • 05. März, 18:28 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.46.1

    Western Star 57X Edit - 1.46.1

    Added option to select between window and vent on the sleeper
    Minor fixes

    Support for ATS 1.46

    This mod currently features:
    3 cabins – 1 day cab and 2 72-inch sleepers of different heights
    Interior edits – both sleepers now feature selection between basic bed or studio, new seats, and some other edits

    Creator’s notes (please read this):
    The new cabin currently doesn’t support paintjobs, except basic colors.
    As I currently don’t have much informations about 57X, I’ve decided to start with a simple edit – more will come later. Further edits will be done along with other additions from SCS Software. Please do not request more edits at the moment – the mod will be updated according to new information from WS or SCS themselves.
    This mod uses some assets from my older mod “49X Edit”. However, this mod works independently, without need of using 49X Edit.

  • 01. Januar, 08:55 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.46

  • 3522288
    von mods80
    vor etwa 2 Jahren
  • 3522287
    von mods80
    vor etwa 2 Jahren
  • 3513785
    von mods80
    vor etwa 2 Jahre
  • 3513784
    von mods80
    vor etwa 2 Jahre
  • 3513783
    von mods80
    vor etwa 2 Jahre


01.01 2023
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