Volvo VNL 2018 Improved Dashboard

V 1.2.1 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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Version 1.2:

Fixed crash at launch

Improved the speed limit indicator in the GPS

Repositioned the speed limit indicator to make it compatible with mods that display the speed limit on the windshield


Version  1.1:

Added a page to display estimated time to arrival, time to rest and trip time

Fixed a few misplaced elements


Version 1.0:

Initial release

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Modell: NemesysTrans
Textur: NemesysTrans
Idee / Konzept: NemesysTrans
Sonstige: NemesysTrans

  • 29. Dezember, 06:16 Uhr
    Version 1.2.1

    Volvo VNL 2018 Improved Dashboard v1.2.1 - 1.46

    This is an improved version of the Volvo VNL 2018 dashboard.


    Increased font size to make it easier to read
    Added page to display estimated arrival time, rest time and travel time
    Improved GPS speed limit indicator
    Moved the speed limit indicator to make it compatible with mods that show the speed limit on the windshield
    Fixed several misplaced elements
    Must have mod Truck Volvo VNL 2018


    Fixed instant consumption indicator. The original was a dot moving along the strip. Due to some changes made by SCS to the dashboard, it no longer worked. The dot is replaced by a green bar
    Increased the amount of instant and average consumption
    Darkened text is slightly brighter to make it easier to read
    Installation: copy the downloaded file to the mod folder and connect it in the mod manager.

    For game version 1.46.x

    Author NemesysTrans

  • 06. Dezember, 04:31 Uhr
    Version 1.2

  • 3510179
    von mods80
    vor etwa 2 Jahre


06.12 2022
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V 1.2.1
American Truck Simulator
19,0 KB 329
29. 12 2022 329
V 1.2
American Truck Simulator
19,0 KB 327
06. 12 2022 327

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