VOLVO FH MK1 (FH12 & FH16) 1.35.x

V überarbeitetes neues update auf 1.35 #2 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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-Fully standalone.

-Adapted for Ets2 1.35.x game version. 

Few corrections in 3D model.

Now rims & tires fit perfectly.

Adjusted interior camera position.

Fixed the on-board computer (credits to Piva).

Improved beacons.

Quick jobs trucks now have GPS.

Modified front windshield to be able to drive in rain (windshield wipers do not remove the water).

-Addon for DLC cabin accessories & SiSL Megapack included in main mod. 

*You need SiS'L megapack to have all the cabin accessories available.




Inmen, Domas225, Pawel92, maPriv, CTV, Mar3krugel, Justin, Sergey Sergeyev,

Seraoki, Pirs, Volk86, Stels, Vinzel, Axeet, Rimuus, Skorp86, IvanK, Andriuxa56, The4Farming,

Solaris36, Taina95, Zeus, Dron4ik194, Vasco, Tasos978, ComandoreOne, Ogneevenko,

ILyhaSedioshkin, Ventyres, Maksim Ogneevenko, Denis Filimovov, Rimuus, Kamz,

Robertas14, Balkanboy, Antique, Kriechbaum, Term99.


Modell: Inmen, Domas225, Pawel92, maPriv, CTV, Mar3krugel, Justin, Sergey Sergeyev,


Seraoki, Pirs, Volk86, Stels, Vinzel, Axeet, Rimuus, Skorp86, IvanK, Andriuxa56, The4Farming,


Solaris36, Taina95, Zeus, Dron4ik194, Vasco, Tasos978, ComandoreOne, Ogneevenko,


ILyhaSedioshkin, Ventyres, Maksim Ogneevenko, Denis Filimovov, Rimuus, Kamz,


Robertas14, Balkanboy, Antique, Kriechbaum, Term99.

Textur: Inmen, Domas225, Pawel92, maPriv, CTV, Mar3krugel, Justin, Sergey Sergeyev,


Seraoki, Pirs, Volk86, Stels, Vinzel, Axeet, Rimuus, Skorp86, IvanK, Andriuxa56, The4Farming,


Solaris36, Taina95, Zeus, Dron4ik194, Vasco, Tasos978, ComandoreOne, Ogneevenko,


ILyhaSedioshkin, Ventyres, Maksim Ogneevenko, Denis Filimovov, Rimuus, Kamz,


Robertas14, Balkanboy, Antique, Kriechbaum, Term99.

Script: Inmen, Domas225, Pawel92, maPriv, CTV, Mar3krugel, Justin, Sergey Sergeyev,


Seraoki, Pirs, Volk86, Stels, Vinzel, Axeet, Rimuus, Skorp86, IvanK, Andriuxa56, The4Farming,


Solaris36, Taina95, Zeus, Dron4ik194, Vasco, Tasos978, ComandoreOne, Ogneevenko,


ILyhaSedioshkin, Ventyres, Maksim Ogneevenko, Denis Filimovov, Rimuus, Kamz,


Robertas14, Balkanboy, Antique, Kriechbaum, Term99.

Idee / Konzept: Inmen, Domas225, Pawel92, maPriv, CTV, Mar3krugel, Justin, Sergey Sergeyev,


Seraoki, Pirs, Volk86, Stels, Vinzel, Axeet, Rimuus, Skorp86, IvanK, Andriuxa56, The4Farming,


Solaris36, Taina95, Zeus, Dron4ik194, Vasco, Tasos978, ComandoreOne, Ogneevenko,


ILyhaSedioshkin, Ventyres, Maksim Ogneevenko, Denis Filimovov, Rimuus, Kamz,


Robertas14, Balkanboy, Antique, Kriechbaum, Term99.

Tester: Inmen, Domas225, Pawel92, maPriv, CTV, Mar3krugel, Justin, Sergey Sergeyev,


Seraoki, Pirs, Volk86, Stels, Vinzel, Axeet, Rimuus, Skorp86, IvanK, Andriuxa56, The4Farming,


Solaris36, Taina95, Zeus, Dron4ik194, Vasco, Tasos978, ComandoreOne, Ogneevenko,


ILyhaSedioshkin, Ventyres, Maksim Ogneevenko, Denis Filimovov, Rimuus, Kamz,


Robertas14, Balkanboy, Antique, Kriechbaum, Term99.

Sonstige: Inmen, Domas225, Pawel92, maPriv, CTV, Mar3krugel, Justin, Sergey Sergeyev,


Seraoki, Pirs, Volk86, Stels, Vinzel, Axeet, Rimuus, Skorp86, IvanK, Andriuxa56, The4Farming,


Solaris36, Taina95, Zeus, Dron4ik194, Vasco, Tasos978, ComandoreOne, Ogneevenko,


ILyhaSedioshkin, Ventyres, Maksim Ogneevenko, Denis Filimovov, Rimuus, Kamz,


Robertas14, Balkanboy, Antique, Kriechbaum, Term99.

  • 01. September, 12:37 Uhr
    Version überarbeitetes neues update auf 1.35 #2

    VOLVO FH12 MK1 1.35.X & DX11 [REWORKED]

    Fully standalone.
    Adaptation to ETS2 1.35.x.
    Few corrections in 3D model.
    Fixed vertex warning.
    Adjusted 4x2 chassis collisions.
    Chassis 6x shortened 25cm.
    Chassis shadows adjusted.
    5th wheel height lowered.
    Fire extinguisher decal corrected.
    Excessive bright in crystal corrected.
    Now rims & tires fit perfectly.
    Adjusted interior camera position.
    Fixed the on-board computer (credits to Piva).
    Improved beacons.
    Quick jobs trucks now have GPS.
    Modified front windshield to be able to drive in rain (windshield wipers do not remove the water).
    DLC cabin accessories & SiSL Megapack addon included.
    You need SiS'L megapack to have all the cabin accessories available.

  • 01. August, 22:50 Uhr
    Version neues update auf 1.35

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01.08 2019
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