Here’s a totally new Volvo FH 2012 engine sound mod, recorded by myself. I have tried to recreate the same as possible level of realism we have while driving this truck. You will have all the details, like the tires sounds, the wind sound, all switches and sticks sounds are from a real Volvo, and of course the D13K engine itself.
I have the luck to drive that truck as daily truck so why not to share the experience with you !
Modell: Kriechbaum
Textur: Kriechbaum
Script: Kriechbaum
Idee / Konzept: Kriechbaum
Tester: Kriechbaum
Sonstige: Kriechbaum
12. September, 01:52 UhrVersion 4.1
Volvo FH13-16 2012 D13TC, D13K Sound v4.1 - 1.45
Improved Cabin Sounds
Fixed retarder
Improved Exterior soundsv4.0
Added D13TC engine sound.
Improved the D13K and made it working in multiplayer.Volvo D13TC engine sound is finished. So i’ve made a pack that includes both D13TC and D13K engine sounds.
These sounds mods are based on my own recordings.
Recorded each range of 100rpm’s precision in .wav stereo format 24 bits 96khz.
This sound mod works with the SCS and Eugene’s Volvo. -
14. März, 17:20 UhrVersion 4.0
Volvo FH4 D13K Engine Sound v4.0 by Kriechbaum (1.43.x)
Volvo FH4 D13K Engine Sound - mod adds new sounds of the Volvo D13K engine. This sound mod builds on past versions of the mod, which uses kriechbaum's personal sound recordings. Each 100 rpm WAV band has a stereo format of 24 bit 96 kHz. The mod is compatible with the default Volvo FH 2012 truck and the Eugene Volvo mod. The archive contains several versions of sounds, choose one of your favorites.
Features Volvo FH4 D13K Engine Sound:
- compatible trucks: Volvo FH12 (2012) and Volvo FH16 (2012);
- two options: One with fan sound and the second without fan;
- tires sounds, the wind sound, all switches and sticks sounds are from a real Volvo
- realistic sounds recorded;
- FMod Sound support.
Changes in v4.0:
- Sound totally reworked for game patch 1.43;
- Added D13TC engine sound;
- Improved the D13K and made it working in multiplayer.
31. Mai, 22:04 UhrVersion 3.0
VOLVO FH13 - 16 2012 Stock Sound v3.0 (Upd. 31.05.20) 1.37.x
Changelog v3.0
The sound mod has been updated in two variants, with and without fan sound.D13K Volvo engine sound is finished.
This sound mod is based on the previous version, it uses my own recordings.
Recorded each range of 100rpm's precision in .wav stereo format 24 bits 96khz. I of course in this version of the mod use my raw files. The quality is better. I've recorded the fan sound as well these last days.
It works on the SCS and Eugene Volvo.
I've made two variants : one with the fan sound and a second one without the fan. Choose the one you prefer, the fan will be audible when you start the truck (like in real life), and it will also be audible later when you drive.
I've also made a separate mod that adds the real Volvo air brakes sounds and air gear sounds.Link of the sound mod with fan sound: of the sound mod without fan sound: air brakes and air gear sounds mod link: you'll like it.
07. Januar, 15:35 UhrVersion 2.0
Volvo D13K v2.0 Engine Sound Mod [1.36.x]
Hi all and happy new year !
I’ve finished my new Volvo D13K engine sound mod.
It has been re-recorded from scratch with a Zoom H5 recorder. The result is pretty good !
Every precision of 100rpm’s range has been recorded and put in game with proper pitches values. This means the sound has the best quality possible at EVERY rpm’s range.
i’ve also recorded a Scania R490 (stock engine) and later i’ll do the sound the same way as this one.
it works for the SCS and Eugene’s Volvo reworked. -
05. April, 00:25 UhrVersion 1.0
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