Rigid chassis for RJL Scania T & T4 (Kraker/NTM...

V 3.2.1 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Rigid chassis addon for Scania T and Scania T 4-series by RJL.

You must have Kraker/NTM/Ekeri Tandem addon for RJL Scania rs&r4 by Kast activated for this mod to work properly.

You must have the latest version of the Scania T mod by RJL activated for this mod to work.

This addon gives you NTM/Ekeri/Kraker rigid chassis for Scania T. All chassis has the same tuning options as the original

Templates for sideboxes here: http://sharemods.com/cc2srba1uabm/Scania_T_Rigid_Templates.zip.html

• Chassis for both regular as the extended cab
• 6×2 Rigid Rear steer
• 6×2 Rigid Rear steer Taglift
• 6×4 Rigid
• 6×2 Rigid Taglift

Available cargo boxes are the same as in Kasts addon.


Kast – Mod base
RJL – Base truck

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Modell: Capital, Kast, RJL
Textur: Capital, Kast, RJL
Script: Capital, Kast, RJL
Idee / Konzept: Capital, Kast, RJL
Tester: Capital, Kast, RJL
Sonstige: Capital, Kast, RJL

  • 02. Oktober, 20:40 Uhr
    Version 3.2.1

    Rigid chassis addon for Scania T and T 4-series by RJL.

    You must have the latest version of the Scania T mod by RJL activated for this mod to work.

    You must have Kraker/NTM/VAK/Ekeri Tandem addon for RJL Scania rs&r4 by Kast activated for this mod to work properly.

    This addon gives you NTM/Ekeri/VAK/Kraker rigid chassis for Scania T. All chassis has the same tuning options as the original

    • Chassis for both regular as the extended cab
    • 6×2 Rigid Rear steer
    • 6×2 Rigid Rear steer Taglift
    • 6×4 Rigid
    • 6×2 Rigid Taglift

    Available cargo boxes are the same as in Kasts addon.

    Install by just drop the ZIP-file in your mod folder and activate it in mod manager.

    TEMPLATES here: https://sharemods.com/s47pv2oyw2fe/Scania_T_Rigid_Templates.zip.html

    Changelog v3.w to 3.2.1
    Fixed a bug with rear fenders

    Kast – Mod base
    RJL – Base truck

    Capital, Kast, RJL

  • 27. Mai, 20:54 Uhr
    Version 3.0.1 (27.05.18)

    Rigid chassis addon for Scania T and T 4-series by RJL.

    You must have the latest version of the Scania T mod by RJL activated for this mod to work.
    You can find it here: http://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=151394

    You must have Kraker/NTM/Ekeri Tandem addon for RJL Scania rs&r4 by Kast activated for this mod to work properly
    You can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=246483

    This addon gives you NTM/Ekeri/Kraker rigid chassis for Scania T. All chassis has the same tuning options as the original

    • Chassis for both regular as the extended cab
    • 6×2 Rigid Rear steer
    • 6×2 Rigid Rear steer Taglift
    • 6×4 Rigid
    • 6×2 Rigid Taglift

    Available cargo boxes are the same as in Kasts addon.

    Templates for mods special parts are here: http://sharemods.com/cc2srba1uabm/Scania_T_Rigid_Templates.zip.html

    Changelog v3.0 to 3.0.1
    Fixed some problems that made the game crash if the Scania RS mod isn’t activated
    Fixed a couple of bugs with taillights
    Switched to Kasts chassis icons

    Kast – Mod base
    RJL – Base truck

  • 27. Mai, 01:06 Uhr
    Version 3.0

  • 869450
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    vor mehr als 6 Jahre
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  • 860055
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