Modell: trzpro
Textur: trzpro
Script: trzpro
Idee / Konzept: trzpro
Tester: trzpro
Sonstige: trzpro
01. September, 12:17 UhrVersion update auf 1.48
Renault Symbol 2009 - 1.48
Updated to 1.48Credits:
trzpro -
22. Juli, 00:36 UhrVersion update auf 1.47.1
Renault Symbol 2009 - 1.47.1
Update to latest version 1.47Credits:
27. März, 23:12 UhrVersion update auf 1.47
Renault Symbol 2009 - 1.47
Renault Symbol 2009
In conclusion, Renault is a pretty reliable car brand. They have been consistently dependable over the years and their repair costs are low. When their cars do go wrong, they are also off the road for a short period of time, which further improves their reliability.
Updated to 1.46Disclaimer: This is not my mod, this mod has been made by the author: TRZPRO. This mod has been changed to a new version of ETS2 and has been reposted, since this mod hasn’t been posted for a while, no copyright infringement intended.
Make sure to support me on Instagram: @gamespot_gaming, and for more questions, hit me up in the dm’s!
Pictures made by @gamespot_gaming
GameSpot Gaming
trzpro -
08. Juni, 20:08 UhrVersion update auf 1.44
Renault Symbol 2009 - 1.44
Updated to 1.44Credits:
trzpro -
03. Mai, 04:03 UhrVersion update auf 1.31
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