Renault Magnum Integral + Interieur (1.35.x)

V update auf 1.48 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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- independent truck model

- High quality 3D model

- High quality detailed exterior

- High quality detailed interior

- passangers seats

- the model has own interior

- the model has own sound

- the model has own wheels

- present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer

- the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat

- the choice of engine power

- the choice of transmission and gearbox

- the choice of wheels configuration

- correct position of the Renault logo

- Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals;

- The correct position of the player

- Supports all major functions of the game

- Improved FPS.

- Few changes and improvementes on cabin.

- Improved compatibility with others mods.

- New lights.

- Other minor corrections.

- Clean gamelog.

- No warnings.

- DLC'S & SiSL Megapack addon available

- buy in Renault dealer


Changes for 1.35.x:

- DirectX 11 ready

- Truck adapted to 1.35.x ETS2 game version.

- Improved compatibility with other mods.

- Windshield wipers updated and upgraded.

- Improved cabin lights.


Modell: trucker2121, CTV, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36
Textur: trucker2121, CTV, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36
Script: trucker2121, CTV, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36
Idee / Konzept: trucker2121, CTV, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36
Tester: trucker2121, CTV, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36
Sonstige: trucker2121, CTV, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36

  • 27. September, 02:40 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.48

    Renault Magnum Integral - 1.48

    Truck adapted to 1.48.x ETS2 game version.
    U.I. shadow corrected.
    Added skins support (template included).
    Other minor corrections.
    You need SiS’L megapack to have all the cabin accessories available.

  • 21. Mai, 10:01 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.47

    Renault Magnum Integral - 1.47

    Truck adapted to 1.47.x ETS2 game version.
    Openable side windows.
    Rain particles from wheels corrected.
    B-Mirror relocated and redesigned.
    Added metallic paints.
    Other minor corrections.
    You need SiS’L megapack to have all the cabin accessories available.

    Enjoy it.

    CTV, trucker2121, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36.

  • 04. März, 01:51 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.46.4

    Renault Magnum Integral - 1.46.4

    1 cabin
    1 chassis
    Own interior
    Own sound
    DLC accessories and Sisl pack ready

    Support 1.46
    Added windows animation
    Fixed outdated flares and beacon
    Fixed steering wheel animation
    Fixed glitched mirrors
    Fixed GPS
    Fixed sound

    trucker2121, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815

  • 04. Februar, 23:24 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.46.3

    Renault Magnum Integral - 1.46.3

    Fixed definition for steering wheel
    Fixed Dealer def
    Updated satellite ui for gps
    Remove obsolete errors
    Updated model version for animations
    Updated for 1.46

    Standard Cabin
    4×2 Chassis
    7 Engines upto 480hp
    Exclusive interior
    12 speed and ZF16 transmission
    Tuning Parts
    Working sounds
    Sisl Cabin Accessories support

  • 28. Januar, 21:14 Uhr
    Version update auf

    Renault Magnum Integral -

    -Fixed definition for steering wheel
    -Updated satellite ui for gps
    -Remove obsolete errors
    -Updated model version for animations
    -Updated for 1.46

    -Standard Cabin
    -4×2 Chassis
    -7 Engines upto 480hp
    -Exclusive interior
    -12 speed and ZF16 transmission
    -Tuning Parts
    -Working sounds
    -Sisl Cabin Accessories support

    Update: soap98
    Credits; cyrus, etopia and more

  • 17. November, 02:45 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.46 [Fixed]

    Renault Magnum Integral - 1.46 [FIXED]

    Mod features:
    Independent truck
    1 cabin
    1 chassis
    Own interior
    Own sound
    DLC accessories and Sisl pack ready

    Support 1.46
    Added windows animation
    Fixed outdated flares and beacon
    Fixed steering wheel animation
    Fixed glitched mirrors
    Fixed Gps
    Fixed sound

    Fixed side mirror texture

    CyrusTheVirus, trucker2121, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36. Update:Etophia

  • 01. November, 11:27 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.46

    Renault Magnum Integral - 1.46

    Mod features:
    Independent truck
    1 cabin
    1 chassis
    Own interior
    Own sound
    DLC accessories and Sisl pack ready

    Support 1.46
    Added windows animation
    Fixed outdated flares and beacon
    Fixed steering wheel animation
    Fixed glitched mirrors
    Fixed Gps
    Fixed sound

    CyrusTheVirus, trucker2121, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36. Update: Etophia

  • 27. August, 13:09 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.35

  • 3522082
    von mods80
    vor etwa 2 Jahre
  • 3522081
    von mods80
    vor etwa 2 Jahre
  • 3518391
    von mods80
    vor etwa 2 Jahre
  • 3507292
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 2 Jahre
  • 901474
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre
  • 901473
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre
  • 901472
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre
  • 901471
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre


27.08 2019
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