Mod activates reefer trailer sounds from the Sound Fixes Pack for the vanilla game trailers in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
NOTE that trailer sounds like this are not a standard feature in the game, hence this addon will come with caveats.
The reefer engine will sound the loudest when you are close to the trailer and may play after coupling the trailer.
You can hear the hum of it inside the truck but you can open the windows to hear it in greater clarity.
The volume of the sound is determined by the trailer noise slider in the Audio settings.
Tested only for 1.40 game version and works with reefer trailers used in the Freight Market.
Requires Sound Fixes Pack (minimum v21.29) enabled for this to work.
Not guaranteed to work with mods replacing vanilla SCS trailers.
Compatible with reefer trailer in Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack.
If you want to make these sounds work with a different trailer mod, check out the modding guide here:
1. The major caveat is that the sound doesn’t follow the trailer, so once you start driving with the trailer, you will notice the sound fading away.
However, if you stay in the spot where you hooked up the trailer, you can listen to the reefer sound for as long as you want.
2. The shutdown of the reefer sound is abrupt. The sound event stops shortly after decoupling.
Drive Safely
Modell: Drive Safely
Textur: Drive Safely
Script:Drive Safely
Idee / Konzept: Drive Safely
Tester:Drive Safely
Sonstige: Drive Safely
13. Juni, 15:42 UhrVersion update auf 1.50
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon - 1.50
New in this update: Updated mod description to reflect changes in 1.50 and added reefer startup sound effects for the following owned trailers: Schwarzmüller Refrigerated Trailer, Krone Cool Liner Trailer.
It should also be possible to configure owned reefer trailers with the reefer startup sound effect now. See modding guide for the lines of code you need.
Multiple improvements to the reefer trailer sound have been made via the Sound Fixes Pack:
– Reefer sound will take up more area of the trailer now, with a better 3D sound position in the trailer.
– The trailer sound slider will now control all aspects of the reefer sound in the Audio Settings.
– Open window noise being enabled in the Audio Settings is no longer mandatory for the reefer sound loop to work.
– Better disposal handling of the sound event.Description:
Hear the seamless white noise of a reefer trailer!
This mod adds the definition files to activate the Sound Fixes Pack reefer sounds for reefer trailers by SCS Software.
There are some trade-offs due to reefer sounds not being a standard feature in the game yet.
Nevertheless, a lot of limitations have been overcome to allow more freedom and less hassles. Read below for details:Setup:
1. Enable this addon and the Sound Fixes Pack. Make sure the Sound Fixes Pack has high priority in the Mod Manager.
2. Other road / trailer tire sound mods must be disabled.Please note:
The refrigerated trailer will beep and its engine will startup after coupling the trailer.
The reefer will continue to run as you drive and you can hear the hum of it from the truck interior.
The mod relies on the trailer tire sound to carry the reefer sound.
The sound event will stop after decoupling the trailer.See compatibility section for what modes the functionality will work.
For any owned reefer trailer, there is a workaround built in to the Sound Fixes Pack to enable the reefer sound.
The reefer startup sound effect is not supported with the workaround option.Some roads may not be supporting trailer tire sounds, hence why the reefer sound might not work there.
If this happens, driving offroad into the grass or gravel usually gets the reefer sound loop working again successfully.
Workaround for any trailer including owned reefer trailers:
1. Go into the Audio settings.
2. In the voice navigation menu, select “~ Function – Force enable reefer sound”.
3. Click the Preview button.
4. Select a different voice navigation option OR uncheck the voice navigation.
5. If you want to turn off the reefer sound, detaching the trailer will work in most cases. Otherwise restart the game.Fully supported trailers:
– Base game reefer trailers
– Freight Market: Confirmed to work
– External Contracts: Confirmed to work.
– Quick Jobs: Can work, but you need to disconnect and reconnect the trailer to start the cycle.
– Ownable Trailers: Confirmed to work with:
Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack DLC reefer trailer, and the Krone Trailer Pack DLC Cool Liner trailer.
You can use the voice navigation workaround for unsupported reefer trailers but it won’t include the startup sound effect.Game versions: 1.50
Sound Fixes Pack is required for the functionality.Sound volume configuration:
1. The Trailer Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer startup noise and the reefer sound loop.
2. It is recommended to have the slider at 50%.Credits:
Drive Safely -
09. November, 17:49 UhrVersion update auf 1.49
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon - 1.49
Confirmed compatibility for 1.49
Mod version number changed to date format.This mod adds the definition files to activate the Sound Fixes Pack reefer sounds for reefer trailers by SCS Software.
Fully supported trailers:
1. Base game reefer trailers
2. Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack DLC reefer trailers
3. Krone Trailer Pack DLC Cool Liner trailersSound Fixes Pack required for the functionality.
DriveSafety -
17. Oktober, 23:02 UhrVersion update auf 1.48.1
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon - 1.48.1
New in version: Compatibility update for ETS2 1.48.5.
Hear the seamless white noise of a reefer trailer!
This mod adds the definition files to activate the Sound Fixes Pack reefer sounds for reefer trailers by SCS Software.
There are some trade-offs due to reefer sounds not being a standard feature in the game yet.
Nevertheless, a lot of limitations have been overcome to allow more freedom and less hassles. Read below for details:Setup:
1. Enable this addon and the Sound Fixes Pack in high priority in the Mod Manager.
2. Ensure “Noise of the flowing air” is activated in the Audio settings and that there are no conflicting wind sound mods.
3. Conflicting road / tire noise sound mods must be disabled if using an owned reefer trailer.Please note:
The refrigerated trailer will beep and its engine will startup after coupling the trailer.
The reefer will continue to run as you drive and you can hear the hum of it from the truck interior.
The mod relies on the wind sound to carry the reefer sound.
Due to the way the wind sounds are optimized, it cannot sustain the reefer sound at 0 km/h for long.
The reefer sounds should kick back in once you set off, however.
The sound event will stop after decoupling the trailer.If you want to take a break and keep the reefer running while idling or parked, such as when you’re parked at a truck stop:
Simply disconnect and reconnect the trailer to reactivate the cycle.See compatibility section for what modes the functionality will work.
For any owned reefer trailer, there is a workaround built in to the Sound Fixes Pack to enable the reefer sound.
The reefer startup sound effect is not supported with the workaround option.Workaround for any trailer including owned reefer trailers:
1. Go into the Audio settings.
2. In the voice navigation menu, select “~ Function – Force enable reefer sound”.
3. Click the Preview button.
4. Select a different voice navigation option OR uncheck the voice navigation, then drive to hear the reefer sound.
5. If you want to turn off the reefer sound, detaching the trailer will work in most cases. Otherwise restart the game.Fully supported trailers:
1. Base game reefer trailers
2. Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack DLC reefer trailers
3. Krone Trailer Pack DLC Cool Liner trailersCompatibility:
? Freight Market: Confirmed to work
? External Contracts: Confirmed to work.
? Quick Jobs: Can work, but you need to disconnect and reconnect the trailer to start the cycle.
? Ownable Trailers: Requires the workaround, but does not include the beep and startup sound effect.Game versions: 1.48.5
Sound Fixes Pack required for the functionality.
Sound volume configuration:
1. The Trailer Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer startup noise and sound loop of a new cycle.
2. The Truck Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer sound loop when driving.
3. It is recommended to have both sliders at the same volume (50%) for consistency.Credits:
Drive Safely -
21. August, 01:05 UhrVersion update auf 1.48
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon - 1.48
Hear the seamless white noise of a reefer trailer!
This mod adds the definition files to activate the Sound Fixes Pack reefer sounds for reefer trailers by SCS Software.
There are some trade-offs due to reefer sounds not being a standard feature in the game yet.
Nevertheless, a lot of limitations have been overcome to allow more freedom and less hassles. Read below for details:Setup:
1. Enable this addon and the Sound Fixes Pack in high priority in the Mod Manager.
2. Ensure “Noise of the flowing air” is activated in the Audio settings and that there are no conflicting wind sound mods.
3. Conflicting road / tire noise sound mods must be disabled if using an owned reefer trailer.Please note:
The refrigerated trailer will beep and its engine will startup after coupling the trailer.
The reefer will continue to run as you drive and you can hear the hum of it from the truck interior.
The mod relies on the wind sound to carry the reefer sound.
Due to the way the wind sounds are optimized, it cannot sustain the reefer sound at 0 km/h for long.
The reefer sounds should kick back in once you set off, however.
The sound event will stop after decoupling the trailer.If you want to take a break and keep the reefer running while idling or parked, such as when you’re parked at a truck stop:
Simply disconnect and reconnect the trailer to reactivate the cycle.See compatibility section for what modes the functionality will work.
For any owned reefer trailer, there is a workaround built in to the Sound Fixes Pack to enable the reefer sound.
The reefer startup sound effect is not supported with the workaround option.Workaround for any trailer including owned reefer trailers:
1. Go into the Audio settings.
2. In the voice navigation menu, select “~ Function – Force enable reefer sound”.
3. Click the Preview button.
4. Select a different voice navigation option OR uncheck the voice navigation, then drive to hear the reefer sound.
5. If you want to turn off the reefer sound, detaching the trailer will work in most cases. Otherwise restart the game.Fully supported trailers:
1. Base game reefer trailers
2. Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack DLC reefer trailers
3. Krone Trailer Pack DLC Cool Liner trailersCompatibility:
? Freight Market: Confirmed to work
? External Contracts: Confirmed to work.
? Quick Jobs: Can work, but you need to disconnect and reconnect the trailer to start the cycle.
? Ownable Trailers: Requires the workaround, but does not include the beep and startup sound effect.Game versions: 1.48, 1.47, 1.46
Sound Fixes Pack required for the functionality.If you want to configure the sounds to work with a different reefer trailer mod, check out the modding guide here: volume configuration:
1. The Trailer Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer startup noise and sound loop of a new cycle.
2. The Truck Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer sound loop when driving.
3. It is recommended to have both sliders at the same volume (50%) for consistency.Credits:
Drive Safely -
03. Juni, 02:43 UhrVersion update auf 1.47.1
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon - 1.47.1
Reefer trailer sounds
PLEASE NOTE that the trailer sounds like this is not a standard feature in the game so this addon will come with caveats.The refrigerator engine will sound loudest when you are next to a trailer
You can hear it inside the truck, but you can open the windows to hear it more clearly.The sound volume is determined by the trailer noise slider in the sound settings.
The mod is compatible with Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack
Sound Fixes Pack is recommended for work:
Author: Drive Safely
16. April, 02:18 UhrVersion update auf 1.47
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon - 1.47
Changes: Mod description, manifest, and icon updated. Confirmed compatibility with 1.47.
Hear the seamless white noise of a reefer trailer!
This mod adds the definition files to activate the Sound Fixes Pack reefer sounds for reefer trailers by SCS Software.
There are some trade-offs due to reefer sounds not being a standard feature in the game yet.
Nevertheless, a lot of limitations have been overcome to allow more freedom and less hassles. Read below for details:Setup:
1. Enable this addon and the Sound Fixes Pack in high priority in the Mod Manager.
2. Ensure “Noise of the flowing air” is activated in the Audio settings and that there are no conflicting wind sound mods.Please note:
The refrigerated trailer will beep and its engine will startup after coupling the trailer.
The reefer will continue to run as you drive and you can hear the hum of it from the truck interior.
The mod relies on the wind sound to carry the reefer sound.
Due to the way the wind sounds are optimized, it cannot sustain the reefer sound at 0 km/h for long.
The reefer sounds should kick back in once you set off, however.
The sound event will stop after decoupling the trailer.If you want to take a break and keep the reefer running while idling or parked, such as when you’re parked at a truck stop:
Simply disconnect and reconnect the trailer to reactivate the cycle.See compatibility section for what modes the functionality will work.
For any owned reefer trailer, there is a workaround built in to the Sound Fixes Pack to enable the reefer sound as you drive.
The reefer startup sound effect and the stationary reefer sound is not supported with the workaround option.Workaround for any trailer including owned reefer trailers:
1. Go into the Audio settings.
2. In the voice navigation menu, select “~ Function – Force enable reefer sound”.
3. Click the Preview button. (No sound effect expected from preview)
4. Select a different voice navigation option OR uncheck the voice navigation, then drive to hear the reefer sound.
5. If you want to turn off the reefer sound, detaching the trailer will work in most cases. Otherwise restart the game.Fully supported trailers:
1. Base game reefer trailers
2. Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack DLC reefer trailers
3. Krone Trailer Pack DLC Cool Liner trailersCompatibility:
? Freight Market: Confirmed to work
? External Contracts: Confirmed to work.
? Quick Jobs: Can work, but you need to disconnect and reconnect the trailer to start the cycle.
? Ownable Trailers: Requires the workaround – sound can play only when moving.Game versions: 1.47, 1.46
Sound Fixes Pack required for the functionality.If you want to configure the sounds to work with a different reefer trailer mod, check out the modding guide here: volume configuration:
1. The Trailer Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer startup noise and sound loop of a new cycle.
2. The Truck Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer sound loop when driving.
3. It is recommended to have both sliders at the same volume (50%) for consistency.Credits:
Drive Safely -
25. November, 03:00 UhrVersion update auf 1.46
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon - 1.46
Changelog: Adapted mod for definition file changes for trailers in 1.46.
Synopsis: Hear the seamless white noise of a reefer trailer!
This mod adds the definition files to activate the Sound Fixes Pack reefer sounds for reefer trailers by SCS Software.
There are some trade-offs due to reefer sounds not being a standard feature in the game yet.
Nevertheless, a lot of limitations have been overcome to allow more freedom and less hassles.All information required for using this mod can be found in the mod’s description in the Mod Manager.
Drive Safely -
08. Juni, 21:20 UhrVersion 1.5
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon v1.5 [1.44]
What’s new: Same as previous version but description updated to include 1.44.
Synopsis: Hear the seamless white noise of a reefer trailer!
This mod adds the definition files to activate the Sound Fixes Pack reefer sounds for reefer trailers by SCS Software.
There are some trade-offs due to reefer sounds not being a standard feature in the game yet.
Nevertheless, a lot of limitations have been overcome to allow more freedom and less hassles.Further details found in the mod description in the Mod Manager.
Drive Safely -
22. Dezember, 02:26 UhrVersion 1.4
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon v1.4 [1.43]
Minor definition update compatible with Krone DLC update
This mod adds the definition files to activate the Sound Fixes Pack reefer sounds for reefer trailers by SCS Software.
There are some trade-offs due to reefer sounds not being a standard feature in the game yet.
Nevertheless, a lot of limitations have been overcome to allow more freedom and less hassles. Read below for details:Setup:
1. Enable this addon and the Sound Fixes Pack in high priority in the Mod Manager.
2. Ensure "Noise of the flowing air" is activated in the Audio settings and that there are no conflicting wind sound mods.Please note:
The refrigerated trailer will beep and its engine will startup after coupling the trailer.
The reefer will continue to run as you drive and you can hear the hum of it from the truck interior.
The mod relies on the wind sound to carry the reefer sound.
Due to the way the wind sounds are optimized, it cannot sustain the reefer sound at 0 km/h for long.
The reefer sounds should kick back in once you set off, however.
The sound event will stop after decoupling the trailer.If you want to take a break and keep the reefer running while idling or parked, such as when you're parked at a truck stop:
Simply disconnect and reconnect the trailer to reactivate the cycle.See compatibility section for what modes the functionality will work.
For any owned reefer trailer, there is a workaround built in to the Sound Fixes Pack to enable the reefer sound as you drive.
The reefer startup sound effect and the stationary reefer sound is not supported with the workaround option.Workaround for any trailer including owned reefer trailers:
1. Go into the Audio settings.
2. In the voice navigation menu, select "~ Function - Force enable reefer sound".
3. Click the Preview button.
4. Select a different voice navigation option OR uncheck the voice navigation, then drive to hear the reefer sound.
5. If you want to turn off the reefer sound, detaching the trailer will work in most cases. Otherwise restart the game.Fully supported trailers:
1. Base game reefer trailers
2. Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack DLC reefer trailers
3. Krone Trailer Pack DLC Cool Liner trailersCompatibility:
?? Freight Market: Confirmed to work
?? External Contracts: Confirmed to work.
?? Quick Jobs: Can work, but you need to disconnect and reconnect the trailer to start the cycle.
?? Ownable Trailers: Requires the workaround - sound can play only when moving.Game versions: 1.43, 1.42, 1.41
Sound Fixes Pack required for the functionality.Sound volume configuration:
1. The Trailer Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer startup noise and sound loop of a new cycle.
2. The Truck Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer sound loop when driving.
3. It is recommended to have both sliders at the same volume (50%) for consistency. -
06. November, 23:03 UhrVersion 1.3
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon v1.3 [1.42]
What the mod does
Mod activates reefer trailer sounds from the Sound Fixes Pack for the vanilla game trailers in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
NOTE that trailer sounds like this are not a standard feature in the game, hence this addon will come with quirks.The reefer engine will play after coupling the trailer.
You can also perceive the hum of it inside the truck.Compatibility
Compatible with reefer trailers in the Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack and the Krone Trailer Pack DLCs.
Tested only for 1.42 and 1.41 game version.
Requires Sound Fixes Pack (version 21.88 or higher) enabled for this to work.
Not guaranteed to work with mods replacing vanilla SCS trailers and other wind noise mods.If you want to configure these sounds to work with a different reefer trailer mod, check out the modding guide here: quirks to note!
– This relies on the wind sound to “carry” the reefer sound once you drive, so other wind noise mods won’t be compatible.
– “Noise of the flowing air” must be activated in the Audio settings.
– Due to the way the wind sounds are optimized in game, it cannot sustain the reefer sound at 0 km/h for long.
– The reefer sounds should kick back in once you set off, however.
– The Trailer Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer startup noise and sound loop of a new cycle.
– The Truck Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer sound loop when driving.
– It is recommended to have both sliders at the same volume (50%) for consistency.
– The sound event will stop shortly after decoupling. You can always reconnect the trailer to reactivate the cycle.
– If you want to take a break and keep the reefer idling, such as when you’re at a truck stop:
Simply disconnect and reconnect the trailer to reactivate the cycle.
This will allow you to hear the reefer when you are idle or parked. It can be a relaxing white noise this way.Regarding what the refrigerated trailer sound can be confirmed to work with:
– Freight Market: Confirmed to work.
– External Contracts: Confirmed to work.
– Quick Jobs: Can work, but you need to disconnect and reconnect the trailer to start the cycle.
– Ownable Trailers: Requires workaround option. Sound of reefer when stationary and starting up is not applicable.Owned trailer workaround
To use the workaround option properly:
1. Go into the Audio settings.
2. In the voice navigation menu, select “~ Function – Force enable reefer sound”.
3. Click the Preview button.
4. Reselect your desired voice navigation option OR uncheck the voice navigation.
5. Drive as usual and the reefer sound will play when you are not stationary.Note that the reefer beep & startup sound which plays when you’re stationary is not available with the workaround option.
To stop the reefer sound with the workaround option, detaching the trailer may work. If not, restarting the game is the only way. -
16. August, 13:58 UhrVersion 1.2
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon v1.2 [1.41]
New in this version: Only update was for the mod description to reflect the new change in Sound Fixes Pack v21.57, previous 1.41 reefer trailer sound addons may be forwards compatible.
This mod activates reefer trailer sounds from the Sound Fixes Pack for the vanilla game trailers in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
NOTE that trailer sounds like this are not a standard feature in the game, hence this addon will come with quirks.
The reefer engine will play after coupling the trailer.
You can also perceive the hum of it inside the truck.# Compatibility
Compatible with reefer trailers in the Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack and the Krone Trailer Pack DLCs.
Tested only for 1.41 game version.
Requires Sound Fixes Pack (version 21.57 or higher) enabled for this to work.
Not guaranteed to work with mods replacing vanilla SCS trailers and other wind noise mods.If you want to configure these sounds to work with a different reefer trailer mod, check out the modding guide here: Important quirks to note!
– This relies on the wind sound to “carry” the reefer sound once you drive, so other wind noise mods won’t be compatible.
– “Noise of the flowing air” must be activated in the Audio settings.
– Due to the way the wind sounds are optimized in game, it cannot sustain the reefer sound at 0 km/h for long.
– The reefer sounds should kick back in once you set off, however.
– The Trailer Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer startup noise and sound loop of a new cycle.
– The Truck Noise slider controls the sound volume of the reefer sound loop when driving.
– It is recommended to have both sliders at the same volume (50%) for consistency.
– The sound event will stop shortly after decoupling. You can always reconnect the trailer to reactivate the cycle.
– If you want to take a break and keep the reefer idling, such as when you’re at a truck stop:
Simply disconnect and reconnect the trailer to reactivate the cycle.
This will allow you to hear the reefer when you are idle or parked. It can be a relaxing white noise this way.Regarding what the refrigerated trailer sound can be confirmed to work with:
– Freight Market: Confirmed to work.
– External Contracts: Confirmed to work.
– Quick Jobs: Can work, but you need to disconnect and reconnect the trailer to start the cycle.
– Ownable Trailers: Not applicable.Credits:
Drive Safely -
17. Juli, 20:00 UhrVersion 1.1
Reefer Trailer Sound Addon v1.1 [1.41]
New in this version: Configured sound for Krone DLC freight market trailers, and enabled 1.41 compatibility
Mod activates reefer trailer sounds from the Sound Fixes Pack for the vanilla game trailers in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
NOTE that trailer sounds like this are not a standard feature in the game, hence this addon will come with caveats.The reefer engine will sound the loudest when you are close to the trailer and may play after coupling the trailer.
You can hear the hum of it inside the truck but you can open the windows to hear it in greater clarity.The volume of the sound is determined by the trailer noise slider in the Audio settings.
Tested only for 1.41 game version and works with reefer trailers used in the Freight Market.
Requires Sound Fixes Pack (version 21.39 or higher) enabled for this to work.
Not guaranteed to work with mods replacing vanilla SCS trailers.
Compatible with reefer trailers in the Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack and the Krone Trailer Pack DLCs.If you want to make these sounds work with a different trailer mod, check out the modding guide here:
1. The major caveat is that the sound doesn’t follow the trailer, so once you start driving with the trailer, you will notice the sound fading away.
However, if you stay in the spot where you hooked up the trailer, you can listen to the reefer sound for as long as you want.2. The shutdown of the reefer sound is abrupt. The sound event stops shortly after decoupling.
Drive SafelyLinks:
22. April, 03:20 UhrVersion 1.0
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