V 1.50 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Mod for SCANIA DC13 Engine & SCANIA DC16 V8 Engine.

Description and instructions

Augmented and adapted version of the sound.
The mod adds new realistic sounds for the DC13 and DC16 V8 engine.
Sounds like tire noise of the wind, the sounds of all switches and sticks.

Compatible with game version 1.39.x & 1.40.x

Based on the mods from Kriechbaum.
Supplement and adaptation by MIBATOMIC & ⋘✪☣ Vladimir ☣✪⋙.

Fashion author: MIBATOMIC & Kriechbaum.
Enjoy your game.

Мод для SCANIA DC13 Engine & SCANIA DC16 V8 Engine.

Описание и инструкции

Дополненная и адаптированная версия звука.
Мод добавляет новые реалистичные звуки для двигателя DC13 и DC16 V8.
Звуки как шин, шум ветра, звуки всех переключателей и стиков.

Совместим с версией игры 1.39.x & 1.40.x

За основу взяты моды от Kriechbaum.
Дополнение и адаптация от MIBATOMIC & ⋘✪☣ Vladimir ☣✪⋙.

Автор мода: MIBATOMIC & Kriechbaum.
Приятной вам игры.

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Idee / Konzept: MIBATOMIC

  • 28. Mai, 02:53 Uhr
    Version 1.50

    Scania DC13 & DC16 V8 Engine Sound Realistic v1.50

    Update: 19 May
    Added compatibility with version 1.50.x

    The mod adds new realistic sounds for the DC13 and DC16 V8 engine.
    The sounds of tires, the sound of wind, the sounds of all the switches and sticks.

    The mod is suitable for Scania:
    Scania R – Engines: DC13.06.360.E5, DC13.05.400.E5, DC13.10.440.E5, DC13.109.440.E6, DC13.07.480.E5, DC13.110.480.E6, DC16.21.730.E5 EEV.V8
    Scania R 2016 – Engine: DC16.107.730.E6 V8
    Scania S 2016 – Engine: DC16.107.730.E6 V8
    Scania Streamline – Engines: DC13.114.360.Euro5, DC13.116.370.E6, DC13.113.400.E5, DC13.115.410.E6, DC13.112.440.E5, DC13.109.440.E6, DC13.124.450.E6, DC13.111.480.E5, DC13.110.480.E6, DC13.125.490.E6, DC16.103.730.E6 V8

    Based on the mods from Kriechbaum.
    Supplement and adaptation by MIBATOMIC.


  • 16. März, 03:03 Uhr
    Version 1.49

    Scania DC13 & DC16 V8 Engine Sound Realistic v1.49

    The mod adds new realistic sounds for the DC13 and DC16 V8 engine.
    The sounds of tires, the sound of wind, the sounds of all the switches and sticks.

    The mod is suitable for Scania:
    Scania R – Engines: DC13.06.360.E5, DC13.05.400.E5, DC13.10.440.E5, DC13.109.440.E6, DC13.07.480.E5, DC13.110.480.E6, DC16.21.730.E5 EEV.V8
    Scania R 2016 – Engine: DC16.107.730.E6 V8
    Scania S 2016 – Engine: DC16.107.730.E6 V8
    Scania Streamline – Engines: DC13.114.360.Euro5, DC13.116.370.E6, DC13.113.400.E5, DC13.115.410.E6, DC13.112.440.E5, DC13.109.440.E6, DC13.124.450.E6, DC13.111.480.E5, DC13.110.480.E6, DC13.125.490.E6, DC16.103.730.E6 V8

    Compatible with game version 1.49.x
    Based on the mods from Kriechbaum.
    Supplement and adaptation by MIBATOMIC.


  • 09. November, 17:20 Uhr
    Version 1.48

    SCANIA DC13 & DC16 V8 SOUND - 1.48

    The mod is intended only for the official version of the game!
    It also works in the “Convoy” mode

    Augmented and adapted version of the sound.
    The mod adds new realistic sounds for the DC13 and DC16 V8 engine.
    The sounds of tires, the sound of wind, the sounds of all the switches and sticks.

    The mod is suitable for Scania:
    Scania R – Engines: DC13.06.360.E5, DC13.05.400.E5, DC13.10.440.E5, DC13.109.440.E6, DC13.07.480.E5, DC13.110.480.E6, DC16.21.730.E5 EEV.V8
    Scania R 2016 – Engine: DC16.107.730.E6 V8
    Scania S 2016 – Engine: DC16.107.730.E6 V8
    Scania Streamline – Engines: DC13.114.360.Euro5, DC13.116.370.E6, DC13.113.400.E5, DC13.115.410.E6, DC13.112.440.E5, DC13.109.440.E6, DC13.124.450.E6, DC13.111.480.E5, DC13.110.480.E6, DC13.125.490.E6, DC16.103.730.E6 V8

    Compatible with game version 1.48.x

    Kriechbaum, MIBATOMIC

  • 13. April, 23:21 Uhr
    Version 1.0 überarbeitet auf 1.47

    SCANIA DC13 & DC16 V8 SOUND - 1.47

    The mod adds new sounds for the engines Scania DC13 and DC16 V8.
    Works in the mode of the convoy
    A supplemented and adapted version of sound.
    The sounds of tires, the noise of the wind, the sounds of all switches and buttons are also added.
    Mod is suitable for Scania R& Streamline, Scania S&R 2016

    Mibatomic, Kriechbaum

  • 07. Juli, 20:42 Uhr
    Version 1.0 überarbeitet auf 1.45

    SCANIA DC13 & DC16 V8 SOUND - 1.45

    The mod adds new sounds for the engines Scania DC13 and DC16 V8.
    Works in the mode of the convoy

    A supplemented and adapted version of sound.
    The sounds of tires, the noise of the wind, the sounds of all switches and buttons are also added.

    Mod is suitable for Scania R& Streamline, Scania S&R 2016

  • 06. Februar, 21:41 Uhr
    Version 1.0 überarbeitet

  • 3077518
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 2 Jahre
  • 1047512
    von mods80
    vor etwa 4 Jahre


06.02 2021
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