Realistische Regen & Donner Sounds von Kass [1...

V 7.2 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Features In Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds V1.8:


* Compatible To Work With ETS Game Versions 1.35.x

* Realistic Thunder Sounds.

* Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.

* Realistic Rain Drops/Windshield Effects.

* Improved Rain

* Improved Quality Of the Water 2K & 4K (E.g: Sea & Rivers etc)

* Improved Rain Particles/Spray (Truck & AI Traffic)


Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

How To Install New Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V1.8:

IMPORTANT: Put This Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V1.6 mod In your Mods Folder and activate it As High Priority (Top).

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Modell: Kass
Textur: Kass
Script: Kass
Idee / Konzept: Kass
Tester: Kass
Sonstige: Kass

  • 23. Mai, 19:28 Uhr
    Version 7.2

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v7.2 by Kass - 1.50

    Features In Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.50.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel

    Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V7 News / Updates:
    ? Compatible With ETS 1.50.x
    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:


  • 13. Dezember, 03:15 Uhr
    Version 7.1

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v7.1 by Kass - 1.49

    Fixed Lightning Bolts
    Other Tweaks And Improvements

    Compatible To Work With Game Version 1.49.x
    Realistic Water
    Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    Realistic Rain
    Realistic Rain Effects
    Realistic Rain Sounds
    Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)


  • 10. Dezember, 17:39 Uhr
    Version 7.0

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v7.0 by Kass - 1.49

    Features In Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.49.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V6 News / Updates:

    ? Added Custom Realistic Lightning Bolts
    ? Fixed Rain Sound
    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements

  • 03. Dezember, 01:27 Uhr
    Version 6.9

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.9 by Kass - 1.49

    Compatible With 1.49.x
    Other Tweaks And Improvements

    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.49.x
    Realistic Water
    Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    Realistic Rain
    Realistic Rain Effects
    Realistic Rain Sounds
    Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)


  • 05. November, 03:28 Uhr
    Version 6.8

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.8 by Kass - 1.48

    Replaced Thunder & Rain Sound Inside Truck Cabin With New One
    Other Tweaks And Improvements

    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.48.x
    Realistic Water
    Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    Realistic Rain
    Realistic Rain Effects
    Realistic Rain Sounds
    Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)


  • 06. Oktober, 23:37 Uhr
    Version 6.7.1

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.7.1 by Kass - 1.48

    News & Updates:

    -Adapted the mod to ETS2 1.48.5.x


    - Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.48.5.x

    - Realistic Water

    - Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc

    - Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)

    - Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.

    - Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.

    - Realistic Rain

    - Realistic Rain Effects

    - Realistic Rain Sounds

    - Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)

    - Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    - Custom Truck Outside View - Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

  • 22. September, 20:17 Uhr
    Version 6.7

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.7 by Kass - 1.48

    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.48.x
    Realistic Water
    Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    Realistic Rain
    Realistic Rain Effects
    Realistic Rain Sounds
    Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Thunder Sounds Tweaks & Improvements
    Replaced Some Thunder Sounds With New Ones
    Water Particles / Spray Improvements
    Water Particles / Spray Tweaks
    Other Tweaks And Improvements


  • 21. August, 01:00 Uhr
    Version 6.6

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.6 by Kass - 1.48

    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.48.x
    Realistic Water
    Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    Realistic Rain
    Realistic Rain Effects
    Realistic Rain Sounds
    Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.48.x
    Other Tweaks And Improvements


  • 16. April, 02:57 Uhr
    Version 6.5

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.5 by Kass - 1.47

    Features In Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.47.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V6 News / Updates:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.47.x
    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:


  • 03. März, 15:07 Uhr
    Version 6.4.1

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.4.1 by Kass - 1.46

    News & Updates:
    Improved Water (Lakes, Rivers, Sea etc)
    Improved Rain
    Improved Lights Flares
    Other Tweaks And Improvements

    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.46.x
    Realistic Water
    Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    Realistic Rain
    Realistic Rain Effects
    Realistic Rain Sounds
    Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)


  • 26. Februar, 02:04 Uhr
    Version 6.4

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.4 by Kass - 1.46

    Features In Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V6.4:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.46.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Custom Truck Outside View – Further Zoom Out (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V6 News / Updates:

    ? Improved Water (Lakes, Rivers, Sea etc)
    ? Improved Rain
    ? Improved Lights Flares
    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:


  • 17. Januar, 03:18 Uhr
    Version 6.3

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.3 by Kass - 1.46

    Features In Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V6.3:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.46.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Custom Truck Outside View (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V6 News / Updates:

    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:


  • 12. November, 01:38 Uhr
    Version 6.2

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.2 by Kass - 1.46


    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.46.x
    Other Tweaks And Improvements
    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.46.x
    Realistic Water
    Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    Realistic Rain
    Realistic Rain Effects
    Realistic Rain Sounds
    Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    Custom Truck Outside View (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

  • 19. September, 00:57 Uhr
    Version 6.1

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.1 by Kass - 1.45

    Features In Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V6.1:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.45.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Custom Truck Outside View (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V6 News / Updates:

    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:


  • 29. August, 01:38 Uhr
    Version 6.0

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v6.0 by Kass - 1.45

    Features In Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V5.9:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.45.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Custom Truck Outside View (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Water & Thunder Sounds V6 News / Updates:

    ? Rework Rain Drops And Windshield Effects
    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:


  • 28. Juli, 22:17 Uhr
    Version 5.9

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.9 by Kass - 1.45

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.45.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Custom Truck Outside View (Keyboard Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    News & Updates:
    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.45.x
    ? Increased Further Zoom Out Distance (Keyboard Key 2 & Mouse Wheel)
    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements


  • 12. Juli, 23:15 Uhr
    Version 5.8

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.8 by Kass (1.44.x)

    Features In Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds V5.8:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.44.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs, Ponds etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V5.x News / Updates:

    ? Improved Water Particles
    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:


  • 14. Mai, 21:55 Uhr
    Version 5.7

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.7 by Kass (1.44.x)

    News & Updates:
    ? Compatible With ETS 1.44.x
    ? Other Tweaks And Improvements

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.44.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)


  • 24. April, 07:29 Uhr
    Version 5.6

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.6 by Kass (1.43.x)

    Features In Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds V5.6:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.43.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs, Ponds etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V5 News / Updates:

    ? Improved Rain & Water
    ? Improved Water Wheels / Tires Particles
    ? Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:


  • 18. Februar, 18:31 Uhr
    Version 5.5

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.5 by Kass (1.43.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic

    Changes in v5.5:
    - Rain Tweaks;
    - Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements.

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    Tested on game version 1.43.x

  • 23. Januar, 00:52 Uhr
    Version 5.4

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.4 by Kass (1.43.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic

    Changes in v5.4:
    - Rain Tweaks;
    - Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements.

  • 02. Januar, 00:42 Uhr
    Version 5.3

    Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.3 [1.43.x]

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic

    Changes in v5.3:
    - Rework Water Lakes, Rivers etc;
    - Rework Water Particles;
    - Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements.

  • 14. Dezember, 02:03 Uhr
    Version 5.2.1

    Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.2.1 [1.43.x]

    Fixed links

    News & Updates:
    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.43.x
    Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements

    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.43.x
    Realistic Water
    Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    Realistic Rain
    Realistic Rain Effects
    Realistic Rain Sounds
    Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

  • 13. November, 21:29 Uhr
    Version 5.1

    Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.1 [1.42.x]

    Features In Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds V5.1:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.42.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs, Ponds etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40 HQ Sounds)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V5 News / Updates:

    ? Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:


  • 25. Oktober, 00:40 Uhr
    Version 5.0

    Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds v5.0 [1.42.x]

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic

    Changes in v5.0:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.42;
    - Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

  • 08. Oktober, 20:05 Uhr
    Version 4.9

    Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.9 [1.41.x]

    Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.41.x
    Realistic Water
    Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40)
    Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    Realistic Rain
    Realistic Rain Effects
    Realistic Rain Sounds
    Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    News & Updates:
    Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements

  • 25. August, 17:31 Uhr
    Version 4.8

    Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.8 [1.41.x]

    Changelog V4.8
    ? Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.41.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

  • 28. Juli, 19:32 Uhr
    Version 4.7

    Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.7 [1.41]

    Changelog v4.7
    ? Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.41.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

  • 17. Juli, 01:18 Uhr
    Version 4.6

    Realistic Water & Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.6 [1.41]

    Features In Rain & Thunder Sounds V4.6:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.41.x
    ? Realistic Water
    ? Realistic Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Beachs etc
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V4 News / Updates:

    ? Compatible With ETS 1.41.x
    ? Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:



  • 02. Juli, 20:30 Uhr
    Version 4.5

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.5 [1.40]

    Features In Rain & Thunder Sounds V4.5:

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.40.x
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds (Over 40)
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach, Dam etc)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V4 News / Updates:

    ? Other Minor Tweaks And Improvements

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:

  • 24. Mai, 01:14 Uhr
    Version 4.4 neuer upload

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.4 - new upload - [1.40]

    Changelog v4.4
    ? Tweaks Water & Rain
    ? Tweak Wheels Water Particles / Spray

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.40.x
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach, Dam etc)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

  • 15. Mai, 19:26 Uhr
    Version 4.4

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.4 [1.40]

    Changelog v4.4
    ? Tweaks Water & Rain
    ? Tweak Wheels Water Particles / Spray

    ? Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.40.x
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach, Dam etc)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Truck Outside View (Key 2) Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    You can support my work if you want just buy me coffee:

  • 17. April, 00:46 Uhr
    Version 4.3

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.3 by Kass (1.40.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.38.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic

    Changes in v4.3:
    - Tweaks Water & Rain

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    Tested on game version 1.40.x

  • 09. April, 23:24 Uhr
    Version 4.2

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.2 by Kass (1.40.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.38.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic

    Changes in v4.2:
    - Improved rain overall;
    - adapted to the latest game patch 1.40

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    Tested on game version 1.40.x

  • 28. Januar, 15:03 Uhr
    Version 4.0

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v4.0 by Kass (1.39.x)

    ? Compatible To Work With ATS Game Version 1.39.x
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    ? Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    ? Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    ? Realistic Rain
    ? Realistic Rain Effects
    ? Realistic Rain Sounds
    ? Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    ? Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    ? Realistic Mirrors FOV
    ? Truck Outside View Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

  • 22. Januar, 15:36 Uhr
    Version 3.9

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.9 by Kass (1.39.x)

    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.38.x & 1.39.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    * Realistic Mirrors FOV
    * Truck Outside View Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V3.9 News / Updates:

    * Tweak Water / Rain

  • 04. Dezember, 18:57 Uhr
    Version 3.8

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.8 by Kass (1.39.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.38.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic

    Changes in v3.8:
    - Tweak Water / Rain
    - adapted to the latest game patch 1.39

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    Tested on game version 1.39.x

  • 06. November, 13:35 Uhr
    Version 3.7

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.7 by Kass (1.39.x)

    Changelog v3.7:

    * Compatible With ETS2 1.39.x
    * Tweak Water / Rain

    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

  • 25. Oktober, 16:05 Uhr
    Version 3.6

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.6 by Kass (1.38.x)

    V3.6 News / Updates: Reworked Rain & Effects

    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.38.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
    * Realistic Mirrors FOV
    * Truck Outside View Zoom In / Out (Mouse Wheel)

  • 25. September, 18:45 Uhr
    Version 3.5

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.5 by Kass (1.38.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features mod Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.38.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic

    Changes in v3.5:
    - Improved Water: River, Ocean, Beach, Lakes, Ponds etc
    - Improved Some Sounds

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    Tested on game version 1.38.x

  • 11. September, 22:43 Uhr
    Version 3.4

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.4 by Kass (1.38.x)

    Changelog v3.4:

    * Added 17 New HQ Thunder Sounds
    * Improved Flares

    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.38.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

  • 09. August, 22:14 Uhr
    Version 3.3

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.3 by Kass (1.38.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features mod Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.38.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic

    Changes in v3.3:
    - Improved The Water / Rain In General
    - Improved Wheels Road Dirt / Dust Particles

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    Tested on game version 1.38.x

  • 23. Juli, 01:06 Uhr
    Version 3.2

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.2 by Kass (1.38.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features mod Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.37.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Changes in v3.2:
    - Updated For ETS 1.38.x
    - Some Minor Updates & Improvements

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    Tested on game version 1.38.x

  • 20. Juni, 00:44 Uhr
    Version 3.1

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.1 by Kass (1.37.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features mod Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.37.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Changes in v3.1:
    - New Realistic Rain
    - New Rain Effects / Water
    - Added New Realistic Thunder Sounds
    - Improved Wheels Water Spray / Particles
    - Improved Realism Of Water, Lakes, Oceans, Beach, Pond, Rivers etc

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    Tested on game version 1.37.x

  • 11. Juni, 19:22 Uhr
    Version 3.0.2

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.0.2 by Kass (1.37.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features mod Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.37.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds 17 HQ Thunder Sounds - WIP)
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Changes in v3.0.2:
    - Updated / Improved Wheels Water Particles
    - Improved Water Quality Of Lakes, Oceans, Beach, Pond, Rivers etc

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    Tested on game version 1.37.x

  • 04. Juni, 23:55 Uhr
    Version 3.0.1

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.0.1 by Kass (1.37.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features mod Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.37.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds 17 HQ Thunder Sounds - WIP)
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Changes in v3.0.1:
    - Adjusted The Colors In General
    - Tweaked To More Realistic And Vibrant Colors In General
    - Fixed The Reflections In General, Glass, Windows, Environment etc

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

  • 16. Mai, 20:12 Uhr
    Version 3.0

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v3.0 by Kass (1.37.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V3.0 For ETS 1.37.x ONLY

    Features In Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds V3.0:

    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.37.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds. (17 HQ Thunder Sounds – WIP)
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V3.0 News / Updates:

    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.37.x Only
    * Added Over 13 New Realistic HQ Thunder Sounds (WIP)

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment / weather type mods.

  • 10. Mai, 17:36 Uhr
    Version 2.3.3

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v2.3.3 by Kass (1.37.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V2.3.3 For ETS 1.37.x ONLY

    Features In Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds V2.3.3:

    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.37.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment / weather type mods.

  • 07. Mai, 22:52 Uhr
    Version 2.3.2

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v2.3.2 by Kass (1.37.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder. The mod adds fogs of various densities and different types to the game. Also, the mod changes the sounds of thunder, making them more realistic and loud, in total about 4 new thunder sounds are in fashion. In addition, the mod makes the sound of the rain itself realistic, both inside the cabin and the rear, changes the sound of drops.

    Features mod Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.36.x
    * 4 realistic thunder sounds;
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops/Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Changes in v2.3.2:
    - Fixed Other Issues
    - Wind Sound fixed (hopefully)

  • 06. Mai, 22:17 Uhr
    Version 2.3 für 1.37

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v2.3 by Kass (1.37.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder.

    Features mod Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.36.x
    * 4 realistic thunder sounds;
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops/Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Changes in v2.3:
    - mod adapted to the latest game version 1.37.x

    IMPORTANT: Put This Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v2.3 mod In your Mods Folder and activate it As High Priority (Top).
    put Above any Other Environment, Weather, Sound Mod/s etc otherwise will not work as it should.

  • 17. Januar, 20:04 Uhr
    Version 2.2

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v2.2 by Kass (1.36.x)

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds - this mod changes the rainy weather in Euro Truck Simulator 2, making it much more realistic. Changes affected rain, fog and thunder.

    Features mod Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.36.x
    * 4 realistic thunder sounds;
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops/Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Changes in v2.2:
    - Compatibility for work with version 1.36.x
    - Realistic thunder sounds
    - Realistic thunder sounds inside the cab and outside the truck cab
    - Realistic raindrops and windshield effects.
    - Realistic rain
    - Realistic rain effects.
    - Realistic Rain Sounds
    - Realistic rain intensity (from light rain to heavy rain)
    - Realistic water (for example: sea and rivers, lakes, beach, etc.)
    - Rain particles / spray from under the wheels (truck, trailer, traffic)
    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    IMPORTANT: Put This Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v2.2 mod In your Mods Folder and activate it As High Priority (Top).
    put Above any Other Environment, Weather, Sound Mod/s etc otherwise will not work as it should.

  • 15. Dezember, 22:48 Uhr
    Version 2.1

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V2.1 [Upd. 15.12.2019] 1.36.x

    Features In Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds V2.1:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.36.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops/Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Rain
    * Realistic Rain Effects
    * Realistic Rain Sounds
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes etc)
    * Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)

  • 02. August, 21:30 Uhr
    Version 1.9

    Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds v1.9 by Kass [1.35.x]

    Features In Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds V1.9:
    * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Versions 1.34.x & 1.35.x
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds.
    * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
    * Realistic Rain Drops/Windshield Effects.
    * Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers etc)
    * Improved Rain
    * Rain Particles/Spray (Truck & AI Traffic)

    Important: Might Work with any other Environment type mods.

    How To Install New Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V1.8:
    IMPORTANT: Put This Realistic Rain & Thunder Sounds V1.6 mod In your Mods Folder and activate it As High Priority (Top).

  • 09. Juli, 22:21 Uhr
    Version 1.8

  • 2063508
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  • 898758
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09.07 2019
Modhoster Userbewertung
5.0 / 1 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

Ist dieser Mod besonders empfehlenswert?

V 7.2
Eurotruck Simulator 2
166,1 MB 402
23. 05 2024 402
V 7.1
Eurotruck Simulator 2
173,4 MB 239
13. 12 2023 239
V 7.0
Eurotruck Simulator 2
173,9 MB 238
10. 12 2023 238
51 ältere Versionen

1 Kommentare

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  1. Trucker-Franz 04. 08 2019

    Dieser Mod verändert die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungs von 90 auf 100.
    Dies ist für mich unakzeptabel.
    Aber sonst ist dieser Mod super.



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