Passagier Mod für Autos

V update auf 1.49 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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This mod adds passengers to cars at various ETS2 companies, ATS and on maps:

EAA, EBR, Rotas Brasil, Eldorado, Reforma(ATS), Bahia, Sul-Paraná, RC Brasil, Brasilzão, Ceibo, Grand Utopia and Promods


Compatible with the version 1.39x - 1.43x



* This mod is an adaptation of a trailer, there may be some bugs

* If the passanger do not appear, advance the time, (sleep, f7 + enter or quick travel). They will be available in quick jobs and in the freight market

* Some cars may have problems due to the position of the hook.

* The weight of cargo is 1 ton

* If a trailer appears in the same place as the passengers, use camera 0 + ctrl F9 or F7+enter for workshop

* Mod tested and working in multiplayer, make sure everyone on the convoy is using the same mod version (Steam workshop version is different from sharemods version)


Please respect the credits!


Passenger mod for cars by Cristhian Cardoso


Modell: Cristhian Cardoso
Textur: Cristhian Cardoso
Script:Cristhian Cardoso
Idee / Konzept: Cristhian Cardoso
Tester:Cristhian Cardoso
Sonstige: Cristhian Cardoso

  • 23. März, 23:36 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.49

    Passenger Mod for Cars - 1.49

    This mod adds passengers to cars at various ETS2 companies, ATS and on maps:
    EAA, EBR, Rotas Brasil, Eldorado, Reforma(ATS), Bahia, Sul-Paraná, RC Brasil, Brasilzão, Ceibo, Grand Utopia and Promods
    Compatible with the version 1.49x


  • 07. Juli, 16:07 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.47/1.48

    Passenger Mod for Cars - 1.47/1.48

    This mod adds passengers to cars at various ETS2 companies, ATS and on maps:
    EAA, EBR, Rotas Brasil, Eldorado, Reforma(ATS), Bahia, Sul-Paraná, RC Brasil, Brasilzão, Ceibo, Grand Utopia and Promods
    Compatible with the version 1.45x – 1.48x

    This mod is an adaptation of a trailer, there may be some bugs
    If the passanger do not appear, advance the time, (sleep, f7 + enter or quick travel). They will be available in quick jobs and in the freight market
    Recommended to use easy parking or automatic parking
    Some cars may have problems due to the position of the hook.
    The weight of cargo is 1 ton
    If a trailer appears in the same place as the passengers, use camera 0 + ctrl F9 or F7+enter

    Cristhian Cardoso

  • 02. Oktober, 01:35 Uhr
    Version 1.2

    Passenger Mod for Cars v1.2 [1.45]

    This mod adds passengers at various ETS2 companies.

    * This mod is an adaptation of a trailer, there may be some bugs
    * If the passanger do not appear, advance the time, (sleep, f7 + enter or quick travel). They will be available in quick jobs and in the freight market
    * It is not possible to add passengers in the standard bus stations (ETS2/ATS Standard Map), it is necessary to edit the map and prefab
    * If a trailer appears in the same place as the passengers, use camera 0 + ctrl F9 or F7+enter for workshop
    * Mod tested and working in multiplayer, make sure everyone on the convoy is using the same mod version (Steam workshop version is different from sharemods version)

    Compatible with the version 1.45x

  • 27. November, 23:26 Uhr
    Version 1.1

    Passenger Mod for Cars v1.1 [1.43]

    Changelogs v1.1:

    - Icon corrections
    -The trailer hitch sound was changed

    This mod adds passengers to cars at various ETS2 companies, ATS and on maps:
    EAA, EBR, Rotas Brasil, Eldorado, Reforma(ATS), Bahia, Sul-Paraná, RC Brasil, Brasilzão, Ceibo, Grand Utopia and Promods

    Compatible with the version 1.39x - 1.43x

    * This mod is an adaptation of a trailer, there may be some bugs
    * If the passanger do not appear, advance the time, (sleep, f7 + enter or quick travel). They will be available in quick jobs and in the freight market
    * Some cars may have problems due to the position of the hook.
    * The weight of cargo is 1 ton
    * If a trailer appears in the same place as the passengers, use camera 0 + ctrl F9 or F7+enter for workshop
    * Mod tested and working in multiplayer, make sure everyone on the convoy is using the same

  • 14. November, 00:19 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 3538993
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 1 Jahr
  • 2064049
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre
  • 2064048
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre
  • 2064047
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre
  • 2064046
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre
  • 2064045
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre
  • 2064044
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre
  • 2064043
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre


14.11 2021
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