No speed limit

V 1.25 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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This will show you how to get no speed limit and no fines and it's not hard at all.

Now before you do anything this is NOT a mod but there is a file that you download that you need to change  for no speed limit and no fines.  now all of this will be in the read me file

1.Go to you documents.

2.Then go to Euro truck Simulator 2 ,It might be right there or it might be in my games.

3.Then go to profiles and then you will see file folders named with numbers and letters and there will only be one if
you only have one profile which means if you have more than one profile each of the folders in profiles will be for
one of the profiles.

4.Then go into one of the profiles you want to have no speed limit and no fines in (remember you cannot do this to the
whole game)

5.Then delete the config.cgf file and replace it with the one in the file you downloaded.

And if you want to see whats in all those files you see there just open them with notepad because there just text files


   Now if you have the need for speed you dont have to worry about fines anymore :)

   And also if you want to go on a ramming spree download my no damage mod.



  • 27. Oktober, 00:02 Uhr
    Version 1.25

    compatible with 1.25

  • 26. September, 02:10 Uhr
    Version 1.0


26.09 2014
Modhoster Userbewertung
2.89 / 9 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.25
Eurotruck Simulator 2
2,3 KB 1634
27. 10 2016 1.634
V 1.0
Eurotruck Simulator 2
3,7 MB 4639
26. 09 2014 4.639

1 Kommentare

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  1. MAN1964 27. 09 2014

    Ich habe mir das mal angesehen, die config deaktiviert alles.
    uset g_police "0" bedeutet das man wie ein Irrer rumdüsen kann ohne auf Verkehrsregeln zu achten, Rote Ampeln, falsche Fahrtrichtung, alles egal. keine Strafe.
    Wem es gefällt soll es machen.
    Doch meine Ich, etwas Realität sollte bleiben.
