V 2.5 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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The bus is standalone.

Acquired in MAN.
Available for purchase from level 0.

- Your interior.
- Dashboard and trip computer from MAN TGX.
- Your sound. Some sound files from Avanuel.

- Partial animation of the buttons on the dashboard (alarm button, direction indicator switch, retarder and headlight switch. There is also an animation of the parking brake valve and wipers on the windshield. The wipers are animated from the inside and outside, erase raindrops and have two speed modes) .

- 10 skins in a separate mod (Man Lion Coach Skin Custom Pack).
- One chassis, 4x2.
- One engine, 420 l / s.
- One 6-speed MAN TipMatic gearbox with retarder.
- No support for DLC (Cabin Accessories, National Window Flags).


Modell: Kaptan06, Kadir Yagiz, Metehan Bilal
Textur: Kaptan06, Kadir Yagiz, Metehan Bilal
Script: Kaptan06, Kadir Yagiz, Metehan Bilal
Idee / Konzept: Kaptan06, Kadir Yagiz, Metehan Bilal
Tester: Kaptan06, Kadir Yagiz, Metehan Bilal
Sonstige: Kaptan06, Kadir Yagiz, Metehan Bilal

  • 20. Februar, 00:33 Uhr
    Version 2.5

  • 925439
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 925438
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 925437
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 925436
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren


20.02 2020
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V 2.5
Eurotruck Simulator 2
44,5 MB 321
20. 02 2020 321

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