LED beleuchtete LKW Logos 1.34.x

V 6.0 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Here is my Truckled Light Mod for

Scania Next Gen S and R
Daf 106 by SCS
Scania RJL
MAN Euro6 by SCS and Madster

Dennis504 and Abbastrepas and SCS


Modell: Dennis504 and Abbastrepas
Textur: Dennis504 and Abbastrepas
Script: Dennis504 and Abbastrepas
Idee / Konzept: Dennis504 and Abbastrepas
Tester: Dennis504 and Abbastrepas
Sonstige: Dennis504 and Abbastrepas

  • 07. Oktober, 19:37 Uhr
    Version 6.0

    LED Trucklight Mod v6.0 1.35.x

    Notice: Please make my Mod on First Place on the Mod Manager!!

    Fully standalone mod, it doesn't replace anything.

    Added on Version 6.0:
    On all Trucks:

    Scania Next Gen S and R:

    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange
    -Scania Vabis Embleme only right side orange and white
    -Super Logo white with white light and orange light
    -Engine V8 650 [ V8 logo on white light and orange Light ]
    -Engine S730 on white and orange
    -Old Scania Logo Variants: Chrome and Truckpaint
    -Hotfix for Skinnable Old logo
    -slotpoint addet for Lightbox

    Daf106 by SCS:

    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange
    -Dafold Logo Addet
    -Slotpoint addet for Lightbox

    MAN Euro6 by SCS:

    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange
    -slotpoint addet for Lightbox

    MAN TGX Euro6 by Madster:

    -New Logo Create for Grill and new Definition

    Scania RJL:

    -Works on all Frontgrill
    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange
    -Old Scania Logo Variants for 5 Series Grill and 6 Series Grill
    -Skinnable Old Logo Hotfix

    Mercedes Benz New Actros by Schumi Rework:
    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange

    Scania Next Gen Torpedo:

    -Old Scania Logo addet White and Orange Paintable
    -Old Scania Logo addet non Light Chrome
    Volvo FH 16 by Eugene:
    -Chrome Logos White and Orange

    DAF 105 by SCS and Vadik:

    -Chrome Variant White and Orange

    Mercedes Benz New Actros by Alex:

    -Logo with ao_create with light on white and Orange
    -Logo with Chrome with white and orange

    Renault Range T:

    -Logo addet on Plastic Grill and Chrome on White and Orange
    -grill addet to paint
    -f_inlay_cab to paint

    Accessory added:
    -Double King of Road white and orange

    -DoubleStock Scania white and orange

    -Super Skinnable white and orange

    -Besser non Light Chrome

    -Besser Chrome white and orange



    Mod creator: Dennis Grelak of SCS Base and Kai Becker

    The mod has been tested in 1.33, 1.34 and 1.35.x game version

  • 05. September, 00:58 Uhr
    Version 5.5

    LED Trucklights v5.5 [1.35.x + DX11]

    New Bug and Dx11 Update for ETS2 1.35

    all Logos new created

    Have fun..

    SCS, Madster, Schumi, René Wolf, Eugene and Dennis Grelak

  • 10. Juni, 19:58 Uhr
    Version 5.0

    LED Trucklights v5.0 1.35.x

    Hello Frends of LED Trucklight Mod

    here comes Version 5.0 for 1.35x

    new is

    new Daflogo
    new scania old logo
    slotpoints of all my logos for lightbox
    and more

    SCS, Madster, Schumi, René Wolf, Eugene and Dennis Grelak

  • 06. Mai, 01:20 Uhr
    Version 4.5

    LED Trucklights v4.5 1.34.x

    Here is a new Update from my LED Trucklight Mod, Have Fun!

    -Scania Torpedo Next Gen Scania Old Logo addet
    -Super Logo Skinnable non Light
    -Besser Logo Skinnable non Light
    -Rework of MAN Logo from Madster Euro 6

    SCS, Madster, Schumi, René Wolf, Eugene and Dennis Grelak

  • 14. April, 22:31 Uhr
    Version 4.2

    LED Trucklight for Logos v4.2 1.34.x

    Trucklogos with Light for MAN,Scania,DAF,Mercedes-Benz and Volvo FH 16 and Iveco

    Fully standalone mod, it doesn't replace anything.

    Added on New Version 4.2:

    on all Trucks:
    Scania Next Gen S and R:
    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange
    -Scania Vabis Embleme only right side orange and white
    -Super Logo white with white light and orange light
    -Engine V8 650 [ V8 logo on white light and orange Light ]
    -Engine S730 on white and orange
    -Old Scania Logo Variants: Chrome and Truckpaint
    -Hotfix for Skinnable Old logo

    Daf106 by SCS:
    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange

    MAN Euro6 by SCS:
    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange

    MAN TGX Euro6 by Madster:
    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange

    Scania RJL:
    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange
    -works on all Frontgrill
    -Old Scania Logo Variants for 5 Series Grill and 6 Series Grill
    -Skinnable Old Logo Hotfix

    Mercedes Benz New Actros by Schumi Rework
    -Skinnable white and orange
    -Chrome white and orange

    Volvo FH 16 by Eugene
    -Chrome Logos White and Orange

    DAF 105 by SCS and Vadik
    -Chrome Variant White and Orange

    Accessory added:
    -Double King of Road white and orange
    -Double Stock Scania white and orange
    -Super (Skinnable) white and orange
    -Besser non Light Chrome
    -Besser Chrome white and orange
    -Lightbox Added

  • 24. Februar, 20:31 Uhr
    Version 3.5

    LED Trucklight for Logos v3.5 1.34.x

    new version of my trucklight mod:

    -Addet Engine S730 white and orange
    -Vadik and SCS Daf 105 Logo
    -Double Emblems addet

    for more please read my description.

    SCS, Madster, Schumi, Vadik, Eugene and Dennis Grelak

  • 17. Februar, 15:38 Uhr
    Version 3.0

    LED Trucklight v3.0 1.34.x

    New on V3.0

    -Fix for beacons
    -volvo fh 16 addet from Eugene
    -Scania next gen S v8 emblem addet white and orange
    -Scania next gen S and R round Badge addet on white and orange

    have fun with my mod

    SCS, Madster, Schumi, Eugene and Dennis Grelak

    This is a FIX, so FULL Mod is here:


    In ModManager FIX ABOVE FULL Mod !!!

  • 12. Februar, 23:35 Uhr
    Version 2.5

    LED Trucklight v2.5 1.34.x

    new Version of my LED Trucklight Logo Series.

    New on V2.5:

    Scania Emblem — White and Orange
    Super Logo — White and Orange
    Besser Logo — White and Orange

    New UI Logos and Mod Logo addet

    SCS, Madster, Schumi and Dennis Grelak

  • 11. Februar, 18:55 Uhr
    Version 2.0

    LED Trucklogos with Light v2.0 1.34.x

    new in V2.0


    all Trucklogos with Chrome
    aviable on all grills by Scania RJL


    Mercedes New Actros 2014 by Schumi

    SCS, Madster, Schumi and Dennis Grelak

  • 10. Februar, 19:18 Uhr
    Version 1.0

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10.02 2019
Modhoster Userbewertung
5.0 / 1 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

Ist dieser Mod besonders empfehlenswert?

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V 5.0
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1 Kommentare

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  1. Ich finde den Mod mega klasse nur leider funktioniert er mit der neuen 1.35 version nicht mehr, wäre echt mega klasse wenn es da ein Update

    2 Antworten


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