Kenworth K200 (RTA-Mods) 1.34.x

V update auf 1.47 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Added missing files and made necessary corrections.
- Iveco dealership. Standalone.
- Two cabins.
- 5 chassis.
- Own interior.
- Accessories.
- Paintjobs.
- Own wheels.
- SCI Steering Wheels DLC included.
- Advanced Coupling System support.
- Trailer cables support.
- Cabin Accessories DLC support.
- National Window Flags DLC support.
- Added to Quick Jobs.
- Presented in the gallery of trucks and in the orders of agencies.
- Real engines, transmissions, sound, interior.


Modell: jekich1, Oleg Verhovodov, SCS, Smith, Oleg Verhovodov (Fire-Blade), Mikhail Verhovodov, Virat, Evelin_Sophie, kriechbaum, Mick Brown, Tracy N Nathan Anderson, HCC, BSA
Textur: jekich1, Oleg Verhovodov, SCS, Smith, Oleg Verhovodov (Fire-Blade), Mikhail Verhovodov, Virat, Evelin_Sophie, kriechbaum, Mick Brown, Tracy N Nathan Anderson, HCC, BSA
Script: jekich1, Oleg Verhovodov, SCS, Smith, Oleg Verhovodov (Fire-Blade), Mikhail Verhovodov, Virat, Evelin_Sophie, kriechbaum, Mick Brown, Tracy N Nathan Anderson, HCC, BSA
Idee / Konzept: jekich1, Oleg Verhovodov, SCS, Smith, Oleg Verhovodov (Fire-Blade), Mikhail Verhovodov, Virat, Evelin_Sophie, kriechbaum, Mick Brown, Tracy N Nathan Anderson, HCC, BSA
Tester: jekich1, Oleg Verhovodov, SCS, Smith, Oleg Verhovodov (Fire-Blade), Mikhail Verhovodov, Virat, Evelin_Sophie, kriechbaum, Mick Brown, Tracy N Nathan Anderson, HCC, BSA
Sonstige: jekich1, Oleg Verhovodov, SCS, Smith, Oleg Verhovodov (Fire-Blade), Mikhail Verhovodov, Virat, Evelin_Sophie, kriechbaum, Mick Brown, Tracy N Nathan Anderson, HCC, BSA

  • 16. Juni, 01:10 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.47

    Kenworth K200 HCC Edit (BSA Revision) by RTA-Mods [1.47]

    The mod’s adapted terminal version with Convoy Mode support for ETS2 v1.47.*
    Suitable for ETS2 v1.47
    Iveco dealership, Iveco mod dealers;
    Five cabins;
    4 interiors;
    7 chassis;
    Eaton Fuller transmissions (third-party transmissions are not supported);
    Engines sounds updated;
    Its own tuning;
    Paintjobs (template is provided);
    Its own wheels;
    SCI Steering Wheels DLC included (2020 update);
    ETS2 DLC Cabin Accessories support;
    SiSL’s Mega Pack v3.x support;
    Advanced Coupling System support;
    Trailer cables support;
    Window animation support;
    Added to Quick Jobs;
    Presented in Trucks Gallery.

    jekich1,Oleg Verhovodov,SCS: – 3D model.
    Smith – Template, assistance with animation etc.
    Oleg Verhovodov (Fire-Blade): – Interior model, modeling.
    Mikhail Verhovodov: – Conversion to the game, setting up materials, textures. Animation. Baking.
    Virat – steering wheel modeling.
    Evelin_Sophie: – Skin Pack. Testing.
    Driver Geo: – Video
    Mick Brown: – Technical support.
    Tracy N Nathan Anderson: – Technical support.
    HCC – Truck model editing, 8×6 Tri-drive axle chassis modeling, plus adding of some accessories for it.

  • 04. Februar, 10:56 Uhr
    Version 14.43

    Kenworth K200 v14.43 HCC Edit (BSA Revision) by RTA-Mods [1.43]

    Fixed versions of the mod for ETS2 v1.43 or higher.
    Version allows you to use third-party engines with the mod (however, third-party transmissions are still not supported).

    Suitable for ETS2 v1.40 or higher.
    – Iveco dealership, Kenworth mod dealers;
    – Two cabins;
    – 3 interiors;
    – 5 chassis;
    – Engines sounds updated;
    – Its own tuning;
    – Paintjobs (template is provided);
    – Its own wheels;
    – Smoke;
    – SCI Steering Wheels DLC included (2020 update);
    – ETS2 DLC Cabin Accessories support;
    – SiSL’s Mega Pack v3.x support;
    – Advanced Coupling System support;
    – Trailer cables support;
    – Window animation support;
    – Added to Quick Jobs;
    – Presented in Trucks Gallery.

    jekich1,Oleg Verhovodov,SCS: - 3D model. Smith - Template, assistance with animation etc. Oleg Verhovodov (Fire-Blade): - Interior model, modeling. Mikhail Verhovodov: - Conversion to the game, setting up materials, textures. Animation. Baking. Virat - steering wheel modeling. Evelin_Sophie: - Skin Pack. Testing. Driver Geo: - Video Mick Brown: - Technical support. Tracy N Nathan Anderson - Technical support.HCC - Truck model editing, 8x4 Twin-drive and 8x6 Tri-drive axle chassis modeling, plus adding of some accessories for them.Engines sound credits:Kriechbaum - Paccar MX-13, Cummins 444, Cummins X15 Performance, Cummins ISX15 Signature Series; Piva - Cummins ISX12 and ISX15 Series; Imsonutz - CAT C15S. Support blacksitearea

  • 05. April, 20:57 Uhr
    Version 14.3

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05.04 2019
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