Karte "Republik Karelien (RUS)" [1.36.x]

V 1.0 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Map "Republic of Karelia" R1
What DLS are needed: France, Italy, Baltic!
Module: Any (Europe or Autonomous)
Profile in the Archive!

Map Descriptions
A beta version of the first edition of the new map has been released, the Vyborg-Svetogorsk 1k1 route is an addition to the Baltic, since the map has just begun to be developed 50km + - so that it’s possible to go somewhere more, France, Italy and the Baltic are needed to work, the addition weighs less than a gig, the installation is the simplest, The structure includes a profile, you can put a pumped-out and video installation.

There are 2 files in the archive
- def
- Model


Modell: Dmitry Povetkin
Textur: Dmitry Povetkin
Script: Dmitry Povetkin
Idee / Konzept: Dmitry Povetkin
Tester: Dmitry Povetkin
Sonstige: Dmitry Povetkin

  • 02. April, 15:20 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 930886
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 930885
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 930884
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren


02.04 2020
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V 1.0
Eurotruck Simulator 2
530,9 MB 127
02. 04 2020 127

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