Iveco EuroStar -Reworked- [1.30.x]

V überarbeitet Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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I downloaded and tested the EuroStar by Diablo on, but I realized that a couple of things, like the engines equipped on it, aren’t accurate at all like in real life. So I edited the settings of some files and, on the other hand, I also added something special for this amazing truck: my sound mod for the 520 HP V8 engine. For who noticed that, it sounds similiar to the one from the IVECO Turbo 190-38, because both have the same 17.2-liter V8 engine (launched in 1976 and dismissed in 1999). This EuroStar by Diablo looked a bit “shallow” to me, it look like it missed something, so I put my hands on it, and for the first time here we have a REAL EuroStar! At least that’s why I “reworked” this mod. Anyway, I hope you like it and enjoy!

Diablo, Kriechbaum, badass22


Modell: Diablo, Kriechbaum, badass22
Textur: Diablo, Kriechbaum, badass22
Script: Diablo, Kriechbaum, badass22
Idee / Konzept: Diablo, Kriechbaum, badass22
Tester: Diablo, Kriechbaum, badass22
Sonstige: Diablo, Kriechbaum, badass22

  • 20. Januar, 10:23 Uhr
    Version überarbeitet

  • 849781
    von mods80
    vor etwa 7 Jahre


20.01 2018
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V überarbeitet
Eurotruck Simulator 2
189,9 MB 731
20. 01 2018 731

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  1. scorpionv6 23. 01 2018

    Die Beiden Spiegel funktionieren ja gar nicht :( Schade


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