IVECO 180 NC/NT by Antonio62

V 1.49 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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It includes both the drive and bdf versions.

In this second version we have the body, the tarpaulin, the concrete mixer, the tank and the refrigerated truck available.

Wide range of semi-trailers and trailers.

Three different semi-trailers, flatbed, tarpaulin and without sides.

All with the addition of its own loads.

For trailers we have the tank, the box, the tarpaulin, the refrigerated trailer and the onion trailer. Both two and three aces.

And in addition a real gem! The Ghost Trailer! This particular trailer is invisible.

The truck also has its own customizable interior, its own sounds, abundant tuning and can also be combined with other mods.


Successfully tested on version 1.49




Antonio 62, Baltazar


Modell: Antonio 62, Baltazar
Textur: Antonio 62, Baltazar
Script:Antonio 62, Baltazar
Idee / Konzept: Antonio 62, Baltazar
Tester:Antonio 62, Baltazar
Sonstige: Antonio 62, Baltazar

  • 22. Dezember, 03:30 Uhr
    Version 1.49

  • 3560676
    von mods80
    vor etwa 1 Jahr
  • 3560675
    von mods80
    vor etwa 1 Jahr
  • 3560674
    von mods80
    vor etwa 1 Jahr
  • 3560673
    von mods80
    vor etwa 1 Jahr


22.12 2023
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V 1.49
Eurotruck Simulator 2
242,1 MB 248
22. 12 2023 248

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