International 9900i Upgrade Parts - 1.43

V 1.0.5 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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Changes so far v1.0.5:


- Hogebuilt mudguards , led headlights and custom sideskirt added, note tandem mudguards will not fit day chassis due to different wheel location.


- Hogebuilt Mudguards, led headlight and custom sideskirt added


- Trailer floating corrected.


Hi there, this is a smal upgrade pack for the SCS's 9900i. It includes colored and lowered long chassis, paint long tank and paint grill too, maybe more content will come in future so stay tuned, SIRIO. Enjoy it !!!


Modell: * SIRIO *
Textur: * SIRIO *
Script:* SIRIO *
Idee / Konzept: * SIRIO *
Tester:* SIRIO *
Sonstige: * SIRIO *

  • 30. März, 01:44 Uhr
    Version 1.0.5

  • 2652048
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahren


30.03 2022
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V 1.0.5
American Truck Simulator
15,1 MB 568
30. 03 2022 568

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