GTM Kenworth W900B [1.36.X]

V 1.49.1 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Since the introduction of the W900B, Kenworth has introduced two variants of the W900. In 1987, the W900S was introduced, adopting the sloped hood of the T800. In 1989, the W900L was introduced as a longer version, extending the BBC from 120 to 130 inches. Initially produced as a limited edition (to commemorate a W900’s appearance in Licence to Kill), the W900L went from becoming a limited edition to a full production vehicle.
W900B then took the place of “the workhorse”. Shorter wheelbase and overall bigger grill allowing for more efficient engine cooling allow the B model to fit into more diverse scenarios.

Kenworth W900B

Chassis – 4×2, 6×2, 6×2 midlift, 6×4, 8×4, 8×4 steeraxle Short and Long

Cab – Day Cab, Sleeper and Aero Sleeper.

fixed for 1.36

Engines: cumm?ns,paccar,cat with own sounds.

gtm team


Modell: gtm team
Textur: gtm team
Script: gtm team
Idee / Konzept: gtm team
Tester: gtm team
Sonstige: gtm team

  • 09. Januar, 03:03 Uhr
    Version 1.49.1

    Kenworth W900B + Interior by GTM Team v1.49.1

    Conversion from PBX to ETS;
    Basic files have been restored;
    Accessories are registered in the salon;
    Cable ETC;
    Your wheels;
    The hood mirrors and the deflector on the passenger side are configured;
    Added GPS and Dashboard;
    Other minor fixes;
    The author of the conversion and revision: Oleg Strukov.

    Authors: Oleg Strukov, GTM team, Krichbaum

  • 04. Januar, 02:53 Uhr
    Version 1.49

    Kenworth W900B + Interior by GTM Team v1.49

    Changelogs v1.49
    Enable dashboard and steering wheel backlights (is now switchable on/off)
    Added more accessory support for interior
    Compatibility for 1.49

    3 Cabins
    Chassis 4×2, 6×2, 6×2 midlift, 6×4, 8×4, 8×4 steeraxle Short and Long
    Cab Day Cab, Sleeper and Aero Sleeper.
    Standalone truck
    Has its own sound
    Interior included

    GTM Team: Wolfi, SCS - models Natvander - def files, technical consulting DaStig, Sabr, Natvander, Wolfi - paintjobs, UV Mapping/templates consulting SiSL - interior addon compatibility, interior tuning locators, standalone files, Steam Workshop version Carl1992 - non-Steam Workshop files, beta testing

  • 08. Juni, 01:28 Uhr
    Version 1.3

    Kenworth W900B + Interior v1.3 by GTM Team (1.40.x)

    Changelog v1.3

    Adapted to 1.40
    Changed the materials of the rear view mirrors, glasses, and so on.
    Adapted truck lighting.
    From myself added quite a bit tuning (a couple of bumpers and several exhaust pipes.)
    Changed some details in the cabin.
    Changed some sounds.

    – Standalone;
    – 3 cab options;
    – 20 chassis options;
    – 20 engines;
    – 15 transmissions;
    – 2 interior options;
    – Your sounds (4 options)
    – Your skins;
    – External tuning;
    – Cab accessories (requires SiSL’s Megapack).

  • 28. Januar, 15:21 Uhr
    Version 1.2.4

    KENWORTH W900B v1.2.4 [1.39.x]

    American classic for ETS 2. Beautiful tractor Kenworth W900B from the 80s, converted from ATS.

    The new Kenworth W900B is of high quality and has the widest possibilities, 3 cabins and 19 chassis tracks are implemented. formulas: 4 × 2, 6 × 2, 6 × 4 and 8 × 4, added 20 internal combustion engines (370 - 625 HP) with new sounds and 15 gearboxes (6, 7, 10, 13 and 18-st).

    Kenworth W900B has a detailed interior with animation and support for the installation of accessories (including from a set

    Kenworth W900B is sold in the section "Dealers of brands from modifications"


    01/27/2021, updated sounds for version 1.39

    Authors: GTM Team

  • 07. Dezember, 09:16 Uhr
    Version 1.2.3

    KENWORTH W900B v1.2.3 [1.39.x]

    Changes v1.2.3
    Update for 1.39

    - Standalone;
    - 3 cab options;
    - 20 chassis options;
    - 20 engines;
    - 15 transmissions;
    - 2 interior options;
    - Your sounds (4 options)
    - Your skins;
    - External tuning;
    - Cab accessories (requires SiSL's Megapack).

    Link 1 Truck:

    Link 2 Template:

    Link 3 Addon to fix crash when choosing a bonnet mirror:

  • 05. September, 22:15 Uhr
    Version 1.2.2

    KENWORTH W900B v1.2.2 [1.38.x]

    Changelog v1.2.2:

    - Adapted in ETS2 1.38
    - Redundant Wheel Accessory error on Quick Oversize Jobs has been fixed.

    During 1982, Kenworth introduced the W900B as a replacement for the W900A. While largely distinguished by its introduction of rectangular headlamps, the W900B underwent further modification. To further accommodate increased engine cooling, the hoodline was raised, requiring the cab to be mounted higher on the frame.

    Since the introduction of the W900B, Kenworth has introduced two variants of the W900. In 1987, the W900S was introduced, adopting the sloped hood of the T800. In 1989, the W900L was introduced as a longer version, extending the BBC from 120 to 130 inches. Initially produced as a limited edition (to commemorate a W900's appearance in Licence to Kill), the W900L went from becoming a limited edition to a full production vehicle. W900B then took the place of "the workhorse". Shorter wheelbase and overall bigger grill allowing for more efficient engine cooling allow the B model to fit into more diverse scenarios.

    Kenworth W900B
    Chassis - 4x2, 6x2, 6x2 midlift, 6x4, 8x4, 8x4 steeraxle Short and Long
    Cab - Day Cab, Sleeper and Aero Sleeper.

    Link 1 Truck:

    Link 2 Templates:

  • 02. April, 19:27 Uhr
    Version 1.0 -FIXED-

  • 3563227
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    vor etwa 1 Jahr
  • 3563226
    von mods80
    vor etwa 1 Jahr
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    vor etwa 1 Jahr
  • 3563224
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    vor etwa 1 Jahr
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    vor etwa 1 Jahr
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  • 987819
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    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 930911
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 930910
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren


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