Frühherbstliches Wetter Modifikation (1.32.x)

V 3.4 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
Autumnal daylight hours
HDR bloom reduced
Appropriate temperature readings
No thunder and lighting
No harvesters

Compatible with all map DLCs

Compatibility latest version: 1.32

Recommended settings
HDR: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High

Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
Early Autumn should be placed above other mods in Mod Manager.



Modell: Grimes
Textur: Grimes
Script: Grimes
Idee / Konzept: Grimes
Tester: Grimes
Sonstige: Grimes

  • 27. November, 23:24 Uhr
    Version 3.4

    Early Autumn / Fall v3.4 by Grimes (1.49)

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather for American Truck Simulator.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Grass Improvements
    Increased grass density
    Autumn weather
    Autumnal daylight hours
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting
    Improved rain

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: ATS 1.49

    Changes in v3.4
    Updated for 1.49

    Recommended settings
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.


  • 16. August, 01:24 Uhr
    Version 3.3

    Early Autumn / Fall v3.3 by Grimes (1.48)

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather for American Truck Simulator.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Grass Improvements
    Increased grass density
    Autumn weather
    Autumnal daylight hours
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting
    Improved rain

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: ATS 1.48

    Changes in v3.3
    Updated for 1.48

    Recommended settings
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.


  • 06. Mai, 02:38 Uhr
    Version 3.2

    Early Autumn / Fall v3.2 by Grimes (1.47)

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather for American Truck Simulator.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Grass Improvements
    Increased grass density
    Autumn weather
    Autumnal daylight hours
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting
    Improved rain

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: ATS 1.47

    Changes in v3.2
    Updated for 1.47
    Vegetation improvements

    Recommended settings
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.



  • 26. November, 00:05 Uhr
    Version 3.1

    Early Autumn / Fall v3.1 by Grimes (1.46)

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Grass Improvements
    Increased grass density
    Autumn weather
    Autumnal daylight hours
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting
    Improved windscreen raindrops

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: 1.46

    Changes in v3.1
    Updated for 1.46
    Increased grass density

    Recommended settings
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.


  • 01. Juni, 01:25 Uhr
    Version 2.7

    Early Autumn / Fall v2.7 by Grimes (1.44.x)

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Autumn weather
    Autumnal daylight hours
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting
    Improved windscreen raindrops

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: 1.44

    Changes in v2.7
    Updated for 1.44

    Recommended settings
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.


  • 16. Dezember, 08:25 Uhr
    Version 2.6

    Early Autumn / Fall v2.6 by Grimes (1.43.x)

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Autumn weather
    Autumnal daylight hours
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting
    Improved windscreen raindrops

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: 1.43

    Changes in v2.6
    Updated for 1.43

    Recommended settings
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.


  • 25. Juli, 22:25 Uhr
    Version 2.5

    Early Autumn / Fall v2.5 by Grimes (1.41.x)

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Autumn weather
    Autumnal daylight hours
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting
    Improved windscreen raindrops

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: 1.41

    Changes in v2.5
    Updated for 1.41

    Recommended settings
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.


  • 30. April, 00:49 Uhr
    Version 2.0

    Early Autumn / Fall v2.0 by Grimes (1.40.x)

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Autumn weather
    Autumnal daylight hours
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting
    Improved windscreen rain

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: 1.40

    Changes in v2.0
    Updated for 1.40

    Recommended settings
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.


  • 14. November, 01:59 Uhr
    Version 1.6

    [ATS] Early Autumn / Fall v1.6 by Grimes (1.39.x)

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    More sky textures
    Autumnal daylight hours
    HDR bloom reduced (default HDR addon also available)
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: 1.39

    Changes in v1.6
    Updated for 1.39
    Updated for Colorado dlc
    Weather improvements

    Recommended settings
    HDR: Enabled
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be placed above other mods in Mod Manager.

  • 12. August, 04:27 Uhr
    Version 1.5

    [ATS] Early Autumn / Fall v1.5 by Grimes (1.38.x)

    Early Autumn / Fall - quality mod which simulates early autumn environment and weather in American Truck Simulator game.

    Features mod Early Autumn / Fall:
    - Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    - Autumnal daylight hours
    - HDR bloom reduced
    - Appropriate temperature readings
    - No thunder and lighting
    - Compatible with all map DLCs

    Changes in v1.5:
    - Updated for 1.38
    - Updated for Idaho dlc
    - Weather improvements
    - More sky textures
    - Darker nights

    Recommended settings
    - HDR: Enabled
    - Vegetation Detail: High
    - Grass Density: High

    - Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    - Early Autumn should be placed above other mods in Mod Manager.

    Tested on game version 1.38.x

  • 29. April, 00:58 Uhr
    Version 1.4

    [ATS] Early Autumn/Fall v1.4 [1.37.x]

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Autumnal daylight hours
    HDR bloom reduced
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: 1.37

    Changes in v1.4
    Updated for 1.37

    Recommended settings
    HDR: Enabled
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be placed above other mods in Mod Manager.

  • 09. November, 01:42 Uhr
    Version 1.3

    Early Autumn/Fall v1.3 [1.36.x]

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Autumnal daylight hours
    HDR bloom reduced
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: 1.36

    Changes in v1.3
    Updated for 1.36
    Weather improvements

    Recommended settings
    HDR: Enabled
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be placed above other mods in Mod Manager.


  • 15. Juni, 08:19 Uhr
    Version 1.2

    Early Autumn/Fall v1.2 1.35.x

    This mod simulates early autumn environment and weather.

    Less leaves on trees and autumnal colours
    Autumnal daylight hours
    HDR bloom reduced
    Appropriate temperature readings
    No thunder and lighting

    Compatible with all map DLCs

    Compatibility latest version: 1.35

    Recommended settings
    HDR: Enabled
    Vegetation Detail: High
    Grass Density: High

    Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
    Early Autumn should be placed above other mods in Mod Manager.


  • 20. Oktober, 01:03 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 2923379
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahren
  • 2923378
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahren
  • 2923377
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahren
  • 2206330
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 3 Jahre
  • 976049
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 4 Jahre
  • 976048
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 4 Jahre
  • 976047
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 4 Jahre
  • 908418
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre
  • 872013
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 6 Jahre
  • 872012
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 6 Jahre
  • 872011
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 6 Jahre


20.10 2018
Modhoster Userbewertung
5.0 / 1 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 3.4
American Truck Simulator
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V 3.2
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