Ford LTL 9000 + Interior (v1.43.x)

V 4.6.1 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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Ford LTL 9000 - quality truck mod with own interior and sound adapted to the latest ATS game version. The truck is very well detailed with accurate dials,upholstery and down to the texturing. The Ford L-Series is a series of heavy trucks that were assembled and sold by Ford between 1970 and 1998. Ford has produced its "Heavy Duty" trucks since 1948, and the "Super Duty" model range since 1958, sold with various GVW ratings. The 1-8 truck classification by weight was a new concept proposed by the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Administration.


Features Ford LTL 9000:

- independent truck model

- High quality 3D model

- High quality detailed exterior

- High quality detailed interior

- High quality textures

- High quality rims & 3D tires

- High quality mirrors reflection 

- the model has a passanger seat

- the model has own wheels

- the model has own sound

- the model has own interior

- the choice of transmission and gearbox

- the choice of power engine

- the choice of wheels and rims

- the choice of cabins (2 types)

- the choice of chassis (2 types)

- choice of color body / metallic paint

- the choice of wheels configuration

- passanger seat with co-driver present

- the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat

- correct position of the Ford logo

- present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer

- Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals

- working lights

- working mirrors

- The correct position of the player

- Cables trailer support

- Cabin Accesories support

- Supports all major functions of the game

- buy from Acces Mod dealer


Tested on game version 1.43.x

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Modell: Blades Shop
Textur: Blades Shop
Script:Blades Shop
Idee / Konzept: Blades Shop
Tester:Blades Shop
Sonstige: Blades Shop

  • 25. Januar, 21:29 Uhr
    Version 4.6.1

    Ford LTL 9000 v4.6.1 - 1.49

    Ford LTL 9000 - quality truck mod with own interior and sound adapted to the latest ATS game version. The truck is very well detailed with accurate dials,upholstery and down to the texturing. The Ford L-Series is a series of heavy trucks that were assembled and sold by Ford between 1970 and 1998. Ford has produced its "Heavy Duty" trucks since 1948, and the "Super Duty" model range since 1958, sold with various GVW ratings. The 1-8 truck classification by weight was a new concept proposed by the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Administration.

    Features Ford LTL 9000:
    - Independent truck model
    - High quality 3D model
    - High quality detailed exterior
    - High quality detailed interior
    - High quality textures
    - High quality rims & 3D tires
    - High quality mirrors reflection
    - the model has a passanger seat
    - the model has own wheels
    - the model has own sound
    - the model has own interior
    - the choice of transmission and gearbox
    - the choice of power engine
    - the choice of wheels and rims
    - the choice of cabins (2 types)
    - the choice of chassis (2 types)
    - choice of color body / metallic paint
    - the choice of wheels configuration
    - passanger seat with co-driver present
    - the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat
    - correct position of the Ford logo
    - present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
    - Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals
    - working lights
    - working mirrors
    - The correct position of the player
    - Cables trailer support
    - Cabin Accesories support
    - Supports all major functions of the game
    - buy from Acces Mod dealer

    Changes in v4.6.1:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.49.x;
    - Updated some models and animations;
    - Added Cummins N14 330E, 370E, 400E engines;
    - Fixed checkpoint;
    - Added 4 checkpoints;
    - Bugs fixed.

    Tested on game version 1.49.x

  • 02. November, 03:28 Uhr
    Version 4.6

    Ford LTL 9000 v4.6 - 1.48.5

    Changelog 4.6
    Updated models and textures
    Updated animations for the wipers, window and dashboards
    Updated the truck dealer
    Updated ratios for transmissions
    Added new mod ui
    Fixed obsolete files
    Fixed gps display
    Adapted for 1.48.5

    Cabins: Flattop, Sleeper
    2 Chassis
    Engines: Cummins NTC/444/N14/L10, DD92, Cat 3406E/3406B/3406C
    Interior: Flattop, Standard
    A lot of customization for interior & exterior

    Blades Shop

  • 16. Juli, 02:39 Uhr
    Version 4.5

    Ford LTL 9000 v4.5 - 1.48

    Update for 4.5
    Adapted for 1.48

    Ford LTL 9000
    Engine Sounds By Kriechbaum
    Standalone – Ford Dealer

    Blades Shop, FurryManforme1976, Kriechbaum, Scs, SiSL

  • 30. März, 00:32 Uhr
    Version 4.0

    Ford LTL 9000 v4.0 - 1.47

    Version 4.0

    Fixed Engine Sounds By Kriechbaum
    Standalone - Ford Dealer

    updated to ATS version 1.47

    Blades Shop, FurryManforme1976, Kriechbaum, SCS, SiSL

  • 02. Dezember, 02:54 Uhr
    Version 3.5

    Ford LTL 9000 v3.5 - 1.46

    Version 3.5
    Added with Cummins N14 330E, 370E, & 400E
    Fixed Transmissions
    Added 4 Transmissions

    Blades Shop, FurryManforme1976, Kriechbaum, SCS, SiSL

  • 22. Januar, 04:29 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 3554143
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 1 Jahr
  • 3554142
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 1 Jahr
  • 3554141
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 1 Jahr
  • 2367722
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre
  • 2367721
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre


22.01 2022
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