ETS2 Save Game Editor

V 1 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Do you have trouble with modifying your savegames or do you feel like it is too much work for you?


Well, now the time has come to make it easier for you.


Let me present you the (I'm still looking for a good name)

"ETS2 Savegame Editor"


There is not much to say about it, it's only purpose is to make saveediting easier and (hopefully) faster.

Just take a look at the images in the spoiler close to the bottom of this post.

And let me answer your first question, YES, IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH ATS as well

  1. Hit "Open File" and select your savegame file
  2. Hit "Anyalyze Savegame"
  3. Wait a few seconds until a message appears
  4. Modify the stuff you want
  5. Hit "Apply and Save Settings"
  6. Wait until you get a success message
  7. Done, you have successfully modified your savegame



  • 03. Februar, 21:19 Uhr
    Version 1


03.02 2019
Modhoster Userbewertung
1.0 / 1 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1
Eurotruck Simulator 2
39,8 KB 675
03. 02 2019 675

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  1. MrModder99x 06. 02 2019

    [GER] : Bitte Vehicle Editor Freischalten.
    [ENG] : Please activate Vehicle Editor
