Klaas Economy Mod

V 1.1.11 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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Ich legte zwei Bilder, eines mit Freightmarket, und eines mit Quickjobs.
Zu Beginn können Sie Aufträge mit ~ 0,40 $ / Meile begegnen.
Im dritten Bild sieht man Bankdarlehen zu sehen. Ignorieren aktiv Kredite, wie es mit den Standardeinstellungen durchgeführt wurde.
- Sie werden Ihre erste Darlehen nach Abschluss der 15 Arbeitsplätze erhalten
- Sie haben eine Firma Einladung nach Abschluss der 20 Arbeitsplätze erhalten
- Ihre Bankkredit wird auf Stufe 10 bis maximal 150.000 $ erhöhen
- Ihre Bankkredit wird auf Stufe 25 bis maximal 500.000 $ erhöhen
- Ihre Bankkredit wird auf Stufe 35 bis maximal $ 1.000.000 zu erhöhen
- Ihre Bankkredit wird auf Stufe 50 bis maximal 1.500.000 $ erhöhen
- Bankdarlehen wurden geändert:
+ 50.000 $ in 32 Wochen bezahlt
+ 100.000 $ in 36 Wochen bezahlt
+ $ 500.000 in 48 Wochen bezahlt
+ 1.000.000 $ in 72 Wochen bezahlt
- Online-Lkw-Markt wird nach besitzen 10 Lkw zur Verfügung stehen
- Garage Kraftstoff Rabatt ist jetzt 30%
- Garage Preise wurden zu 100.000 $ für eine kleine Garage geändert, und 70.000 $ für Garage Upgrade.
- Garage Produktivität wurden geändert zu 10.000 / 30.000 / 50.000 $
- Schlafzeit wurde auf 480 Minuten reduziert
- Keine Ladung Wahrscheinlichkeit auf 5% reduziert
- Mindestfracht Gültigkeit zu 6 Stunden angehoben
- Maximale Fracht Gültigkeit zu 40 Stunden angehoben
- Fahrervermietung Kosten auf 400 $ reduziert
- Free Fahrer Level-Cap auf Stufe 10 eingestellt
- Fahrer verlassen Zeit eingestellt zu 7 Tage, warnen nach 5 Tagen
- Keine Ladung Wahrscheinlichkeit für die Fahrer auf 5% reduziert
- Free xp reduziert 20xp / 100 Meilen
- XP-Bonus für eine perfekte Lieferung auf 10%
- XP-Bonus für die Lieferung ADR auf 8% eingestellt
- XP-Bonus für wichtige Arbeitsplätze auf 10%
- XP-Bonus für dringende Aufträge auf 15%
- XP Bonus für zerbrechliche Arbeitsplätze auf 12%
- XP Bonus für Fern Arbeitsplätze auf 5%
- XP-Bonus für wertvolle Arbeitsplätze auf 12%
- XP-Bonus für das Parken auf 10/25/50 (leicht / mittel / hart)
- XP Strafe für beschädigte Ladung auf -3XP oder -2% für 1% Schaden
- XP Tabel wurde geändert und erfordert jetzt mehr Erfahrung zu Stufe nach oben
- Alle Geldbußen 10 Mal reduziert worden



  • 14. März, 21:22 Uhr
    Version 1.1.11

    – Gas prices adjustments (real prices from 10.03.2016)

  • 06. März, 14:19 Uhr
    Version 1.1.10

    – Gas prices adjustments (real prices from 02.03.2016)

  • 03. März, 16:28 Uhr
    Version 1.1.9

    – Gas prices adjustments (real prices from 02.03.2016)
    – Insurance rate has been limited to 70%
    – Insurance rate will increase harder, and will decrease faster than normal.

  • 29. Februar, 11:48 Uhr
    Version 1.1.8

    – Gas prices adjustments (real prices from 28.02.2016)
    – Tickets probability have been changed (lower probability when a cop car isn’t near you )
    – You will not get a ticket for avoid sleeping, wrong way and not lights during night only if a cop car is near you.

  • 25. Februar, 23:51 Uhr
    Version 1.1.7

    – Gas prices adjustments (real prices from 25.02.2016)

  • 22. Februar, 18:43 Uhr
    Version 1.1.6

    – Fines have been edited:
    +car crash = 150 $
    +avoid sleeping = 100 $
    +wrong way =100 $
    +speeding = 180 $
    +no lights during night = 100 $
    +red lights = 150 $
    +avoid weighing = 400 $
    – Fines probability have been reduced when a cop isn’t near you.
    – Gas prices adjustments (real prices from 22.02.2016)

  • 19. Februar, 00:26 Uhr
    Version 1.1.5

    – Gas prices adjustments (real prices from 18.02.2016)

  • 18. Februar, 11:11 Uhr
    Version 1.1.4

    – Car crash fine probability set to 0.7
    – Red lights fine probability set to 0.7

  • 16. Februar, 21:26 Uhr
    Version 1.1.3

    – Your bank loan will raise at level 10 to maximum 150.000 $
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 15 to maximum 500.000 $
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 30 to maximum 1.000.000 $
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 50 to maximum 1.500.000 $
    – Bank loans have been changed:
    + 50.000 $ payed in 32 weeks
    + 100.000 $ payed in 36 weeks
    + 500.000 $ payed in 48 weeks
    + 1.000.000 $ payed in 72 weeks
    – Online truck market will be available after owning 3 trucks
    – Garage fuel discount is now 30%
    – Garage prices have been changed to 100.000 $ for a small garage, and 70.000 $ for garage upgrade.
    – Garage productivity have been changed to 10.000 / 30.000 / 50.000 $
    – Sleeping time has been reduced to 480 minutes
    – No cargo probability reduced to 5%
    – Minimum cargo validity raised to 6hours
    – Maximum cargo validity raised to 40hours
    – Driver hire cost reduced to 400 $
    – Free driver level cap set to level 10
    – Driver quit time set to 7 days, warn at 5 days
    – No cargo probability for drivers reduced to 5%
    – Free xp reduced to 20xp/100miles
    – XP bonus for a perfect delivery set to 10%
    – XP bonus for ADR delivery set to 15%
    – XP bonus for important jobs set to 10%
    – XP bonus for urgent jobs set to 15%
    – XP bonus for fragile jobs set to 12%
    – XP bonus for long distance jobs set to 10%
    – XP bonus for valuable jobs set to 12%
    – XP bonus for parking set to 10 / 25 / 50 (EASY/MEDIUM/HARD)
    – XP penalty for damaged cargo set to -3XP or -2% for 1% damage
    – XP tabel has been changed and now requires more experience to level up
    – Now you will receive 75% of truck price when you sell it.
    – Abandoned job gine set to 1500 $
    – Now you will not receive Double Fine if a police car is near you.
    – Fines have been edited:
    + car crash = 90 $
    + avoid sleeping = 70 $
    + wrong way = 50 $
    + speeding = 150 $
    + no lights during night = 70 $
    + red lights = 100 $
    + avoid weighing = 130 $
    – Police frequency reduced to 0.4 in California
    – Police frequency reduced to 0.3 in Nevada
    – Speed Ticket delay raised to 9 seconds of real time(same as official version)
    – Jobs value have been increased

  • 15. Februar, 10:35 Uhr
    Version 1.1.2

    All right reserved to Klaas . Please do not report this mod.
    Contact: klaasnetwork@gmail.com
    Experimental mod, please save your profile or use a new profile.
    Use contact adress for bugs or any suggestions.

    How to install

    Extract de scs file and then copy into mod folder. ( Usually Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod)
    Create a new profile or edit an existing profile and activate the mod.
    For safety reasons grant Klaas’ Economy Mod highest priority.

    I made 3 versions of my economy mod, so that you can chose the best one.
    The versions are almost the same, the only thing that is different is the first loan, which allows you to buy your first truck.
    Version a is the hardest and requires 100 Quickjobs before your first loan.
    Version b requires 50 Quickjobs before your first loan.
    Version c is the easiest and requires 30 Quickjobs before your first loan.

    – Speed Ticket delay raised to 8 seconds of real time
    – Minor changes

  • 13. Februar, 13:54 Uhr
    Version 1.1.1

    I made 3 versions of my economy mod, so that you can chose the best one.
    The versions are almost the same, the only thing that is different is the first loan, which allows you to buy your first truck.
    Version a is the hardest and requires 100 Quickjobs before your first loan.
    Version b requires 50 Quickjobs before your first loan.
    Version c is the easiest and requires 30 Quickjobs before your first loan.

    – Your bank loan will raise at level 10 to maximum 150.000 $
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 15 to maximum 500.000 $
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 30 to maximum 1.000.000 $
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 50 to maximum 1.500.000 $

  • 12. Februar, 15:15 Uhr
    Version 1.1.0

    – You will get your first loan after completing 100 jobs
    – You will receive a company invitation after completing 150 jobs
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 10 to maximum 150.000 $
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 20 to maximum 500.000 $
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 40 to maximum 1.000.000 $
    – Your bank loan will raise at level 50 to maximum 1.500.000 $
    – Bank loans have been changed:
    + 50.000 $ payed in 32 weeks
    + 100.000 $ payed in 36 weeks
    + 500.000 $ payed in 48 weeks
    + 1.000.000 $ payed in 72 weeks
    – Online truck market will be available after owning 10 trucks
    – Garage fuel discount is now 30%
    – Garage prices have been changed to 100.000 $ for a small garage, and 70.000 $ for garage upgrade.
    – Garage productivity have been changed to 10.000 / 30.000 / 50.000 $
    – Sleeping time has been reduced to 480 minutes
    – No cargo probability reduced to 5%
    – Minimum cargo validity raised to 6hours
    – Maximum cargo validity raised to 40hours
    – Driver hire cost reduced to 400 $
    – Free driver level cap set to level 10
    – Driver quit time set to 7 days, warn at 5 days
    – No cargo probability for drivers reduced to 5%
    – Free xp reduced to 20xp/100miles
    – XP bonus for a perfect delivery set to 10%
    – XP bonus for ADR delivery set to 15%
    – XP bonus for important jobs set to 10%
    – XP bonus for urgent jobs set to 15%
    – XP bonus for fragile jobs set to 12%
    – XP bonus for long distance jobs set to 10%
    – XP bonus for valuable jobs set to 12%
    – XP bonus for parking set to 10 / 25 / 50 (EASY/MEDIUM/HARD)
    – XP penalty for damaged cargo set to -3XP or -2% for 1% damage
    – XP tabel has been changed and now requires more experience to level up
    – Now you will receive 75% of truck price when you sell it.
    – Abandoned job gine set to 1500 $
    – Now you will not receive Double Fine if a police car is near you.
    – Fines have been edited:
    + car crash = 50 $
    + avoid sleeping = 40 $
    + wrong way = 35 $
    + speeding = 100 $
    + no lights during night = 35 $
    + red lights = 70 $
    + avoid weighing = 80 $
    – Police frequency reduced to 0.4 in California
    – Police frequency reduced to 0.3 in Nevada

  • 07. Februar, 22:10 Uhr
    Version 1.0


07.02 2016
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  1. Tobi.' 12. 02 2016

    Sehr guter Mod! Vielen vielen Dank. Sehr gute Arbeit
