domesticanim 11 173

V 1.0 Mod für Minecraft

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for Minecraft 1.7.3

Something like this will probably be added into the game, shears are useless without this.

You can now domesticate pigs, cows, sheep and chickens.
Fleece on domesticated sheep will regrow after some time.
Domesticated chickens will lay eggs much more often.
Domesticated animals won?€™t despawn.
Tamed saddled pigs won?€™t despawn as well.
Feed tamed animals to heal them

How to domesticate animals
Cow: feed with wheat
Chicken: feed with seeds
Sheep: feed with leaves
Pig: feed with wheat

After taming, heart particles will appear (similar to wolves).
Tamed pigs are not very useful, but you can create a cote with a realistic oinking effect .

Copy *.class files from the downloaded zip into your minecraft.jar (use WinRAR or something similar).
Don?€™t forget to delete the META-INF folder!

Warning: do not use this for different versions than 1.7, it might ruin your minecraft.

This mod is not compatible with any other mods that change these animals. One of them will not work (usually the first-installed one).
This is a singleplayer mod!
If you remove this mod (eg. update client), your animals will forget they are domesticated.


  • 21. Dezember, 00:26 Uhr
    Version 1.0


21.12 2011
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V 1.0
8,7 KB 233
21. 12 2011 233

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