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V 1.4 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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This mod should be placed above all other map mods in the mod manager!
Tested with versions 1.31 and 1.32 of the game; it should also work with newer/older versions.

Changes in v1.4:
– Adapted for ProMods 2.30
– Adapted for RusMap v1.8 by aldimator
– Adapted for Southern Region map v7.2.0 by SimKA
– Adapted for Fikcyjna Wielkopolska v0.7 by MATAMET
– Adapted for MajooouMap v1.7 by Majooou_cz
– Adapted for SibirMap v0.3.1 by 10avoid
– Added German names for cargoes, companies and ferries
– Some additions and mistake corrections, capital names edited
– Add-on for Romania map v1.0 by Mirfi
– Add-on for Poland Rebuilding v2.2
– Add-on for Romania Extended v1.7 by Arayas

Adds German translations of the cities of the following maps/DLCs:
– vanilla map
– DLC “Going East!”
– DLC “Scandinavia”
– DLC “Vive la France!”
– DLC “Italia”
– ProMods v2.30
– RusMap v1.8
– Southern Region v7.2.0
– (Project Balkans v2.8)
– SibirMap v0.3.1
– Fikcyjna Wielkopolska v0.7
– MajooouMap v1.7 (free version)
in brackets.
Example: “E?k (Lyck)”

If you discover a new city, only the German translation will be displayed – “PRAG”.

The capitals of all countries are written in CAPITAL LETTERS on the map. (E. g.: “BRATISLAVA (Pressburg)”)

To some other cities – mainly France and the UK – were added dialect names of this cities with slashes. Example: “Huesca/Uesca”

Some freight and company names (Southern Region, ProMods) are also translated/transcripted.

IMPORTANT: For MIRFI’s ROMANIA MAP, Arayas’ RoEXTENDED MAP and POLAND REBUILDING MAP there are extra files within the archive “German_City_Names_v1.4.scs” which you have to extract and activate if you use one of this map!

Topolino, ProMods Team, aldimator, SimKA, Project Balkans team, 10avoid, MATAMET, Majooou_cz, MIRFI, Arayas, Poland Rebuilding team

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Modell: Topolino, ProMods Team, aldimator, SimKA, Project Balkans team, 10avoid, MATAMET, Majooou_cz, MIRFI, Arayas, Poland Rebuilding team
Textur: Topolino, ProMods Team, aldimator, SimKA, Project Balkans team, 10avoid, MATAMET, Majooou_cz, MIRFI, Arayas, Poland Rebuilding team
Script: Topolino, ProMods Team, aldimator, SimKA, Project Balkans team, 10avoid, MATAMET, Majooou_cz, MIRFI, Arayas, Poland Rebuilding team
Idee / Konzept: Topolino, ProMods Team, aldimator, SimKA, Project Balkans team, 10avoid, MATAMET, Majooou_cz, MIRFI, Arayas, Poland Rebuilding team
Tester: Topolino, ProMods Team, aldimator, SimKA, Project Balkans team, 10avoid, MATAMET, Majooou_cz, MIRFI, Arayas, Poland Rebuilding team
Sonstige: Topolino, ProMods Team, aldimator, SimKA, Project Balkans team, 10avoid, MATAMET, Majooou_cz, MIRFI, Arayas, Poland Rebuilding team

  • 02. September, 21:47 Uhr
    Version 1.4

  • 866399
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 6 Jahre


02.09 2018
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V 1.4
Eurotruck Simulator 2
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02. 09 2018 1.388

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