DAF XF Rot - Weißes Interieur 1.35.x

V 1.0 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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The mod is for both Standard and Exclusive interiors.
It includes Piva’s dashboard for DAF XF 105, Shulli’s sticker mod and exterior view by Carmichael (CMI).
The exteriors aren’t that detailed but better than the ones from default in brown and beige so they match better with the interiors.
Everything works in DX11 with no errors.

Recommended DLC: DAF Tuning Pack (if you want colored tables)
Recommended Mods: DAF XF by 50K 

The wheel is not included in the mod.

KyubiFox, Piva, Shulli, Carmichael


Modell: KyubiFox, Piva, Shulli, Carmichael
Textur: KyubiFox, Piva, Shulli, Carmichael
Script: KyubiFox, Piva, Shulli, Carmichael
Idee / Konzept: KyubiFox, Piva, Shulli, Carmichael
Tester: KyubiFox, Piva, Shulli, Carmichael
Sonstige: KyubiFox, Piva, Shulli, Carmichael

  • 01. September, 11:01 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 901981
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre
  • 901980
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre


01.09 2019
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V 1.0
Eurotruck Simulator 2
1,7 MB 254
01. 09 2019 254

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