DAF F241 von XBS 1.33.x

V 1.7.4 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Standalone truck, Sold in DAF Dealer shop.

No details from other games or mods.

Model and additional details created in the 3d editor for this truck.

version ETS2 1.33


Edit mod for personal use only.


Day Cab

Topsleeper Cab

Sleeper cab

Space cab



FT 4×2

FTS 6×2 lift axle

FTG 6×2 Twin Steer Tractor

FTT 6×4



DAF 825 (209-250 hp)

DAF 1160 (252-373 hp)



ZF S 6.90

ZF 5S-111 GPA

ZF 5S-90 GP

Fuller RTO 9513

ZF 16S-130

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Modell: XBS
Textur: XBS
Script: XBS
Idee / Konzept: XBS
Tester: XBS
Sonstige: XBS

  • 11. Juni, 01:23 Uhr
    Version 1.7.4

    DAF F241 Series + Interior v1.7.4 by XBS (1.50)

    Changes v1.7.4
    – Compatibility for 1.50
    – Updated materials
    – Fixed bugs

    – Standalone truck
    – 4 Cabins
    – 5 Chassis
    – 9 Engines + sounds
    – 5 Transmissions
    – Tuning
    – DLC cabin Accessory support
    – Buy in Mod dealer


  • 18. Januar, 03:01 Uhr
    Version 1.7.3

    DAF F241 Series + Interior v1.7.3 by XBS (1.49)

    Changes v1.7.3
    – Compatibility for 1.49

    – Standalone truck
    – 4 Cabins
    – 5 Chassis
    – 9 Engines + sounds
    – 5 Transmissions
    – Tuning
    – DLC cabin Accessory


  • 02. Oktober, 22:10 Uhr
    Version 1.7.2

    DAF F241 Series + Interior v1.7.2 by XBS (1.48)

    DAF F241 – this mod adds an excellent classic truck with a great model. Fully created from scratch without using parts from other mods. DAF F241 is the name of a cab used on a series of heavy-duty, mostly long-distance trucks produced by the Dutch manufacturer DAF from 1973 until 1994. They are better known as the DAF 2800, 3300 and 3600. DAF F241 Series is a range of trucks produced by the Dutch manufacturer DAF from 1973 to 1991. The series included various models with different features and specifications, such as different engine sizes and types, transmission options, and cab configurations. Overall, the DAF F241 series was a popular range of heavy-duty trucks, known for their reliability, durability, and fuel efficiency. The range was eventually replaced by the DAF 95 series in 1991.

    Features DAF F241 Series:
    – Independent truck model
    – High quality 3D model
    – High-quality detailed exterior
    – High-quality detailed interior
    – the model has its own interior
    – the model has its own sound
    – the model has its own wheels
    – correct truck proportions
    – the model has a passenger seat
    – the character is correctly sitting in the driver’s seat
    – the choice of power engine (9 Engines)
    – the choice of transmission and gearbox (5 Transmissions)
    – the choice of cabins (4 types)
    – the choice of chassis (5 types)
    – the choice of wheels and rims
    – choice of color body / metallic paint/skins
    – correct position of the DAF logo
    – present the illumination of the arrow speedometer and tachometer
    – Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals
    – working lights
    – The correct position of the player
    – There are external tuning
    – Supports all major functions of the game
    – Buy in DAF or Acces Mod dealer

    Changes in v1.7.2:
    – Adapted to the latest game patch 1.48;
    – Updated models;
    – Automats cleanup.

    Tested on game version 1.47.x

    XBS, SCS Software, soap98

  • 18. Juli, 23:41 Uhr
    Version 1.7.1

    DAF F241 Series + Interior v1.7.1 by XBS (1.47)

    Changes v1.7.1
    Fixed steering wheel bug
    Fixed warning and errors
    Updated wheel animation
    Updated truck data
    Adapted for 1.47

    Standalone truck
    4 Cabins
    5 Chassis
    9 Engines + sounds
    5 Transmissions
    DLC cabin Accessory



  • 23. Dezember, 01:43 Uhr
    Version 1.7

    DAF F241 Series + Interior v1.7 by XBS (1.46)

    Changes v1.7
    Corrected model file errors
    Fixed gps and cabin conflicts
    Rebuilded mod

    Standalone truck
    4 Cabins
    5 Chassis
    9 Engines + sounds
    5 Transmissions
    DLC cabin Accessory

    Support for 1.46

  • 03. Oktober, 00:04 Uhr
    Version 1.6

    DAF F241 Series + Interior v1.6 by XBS (1.45)

    4 Cabin
    4 Chassis
    2 Engines
    5 Transmissions

    Version: 1.6
    Standalone truck, Sold in DAF Dealer shop.
    No details from other games or mods.
    Model and additional details created in the 3d editor for this truck.

  • 09. Juni, 22:09 Uhr
    Version 1.5.2

    DAF F241 Series + Interior v1.5.2 by XBS (1.44.x)

    Version: ETS2 1.44x

    Standalone truck, Sold in DAF Dealer shop.

    No details from other games or mods.

    Model and additional details created in the 3d editor for this truck.


  • 12. August, 13:30 Uhr
    Version 1.5.1

    DAF F241 Series + Interior v1.5.1 by XBS (1.41.x)

    DAF F241 - this mod add an excellent classic truck with a great model. Fully created from scratch without using parts from other mods.DAF F241 is the name of a cab used on a series of heavy-duty, mostly long distance trucks produced by the Dutch manufacturer DAF from 1973 until 1994. They are better known as the DAF 2800, 3300 and 3600.

    Features DAF F241 Series:
    - independent truck model
    - High quality 3D model
    - High quality detailed exterior
    - High quality detailed interior
    - the model has own interior
    - the model has own sound
    - the model has own wheels
    - correct truck proportions
    - passangers seats
    - the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat
    - the choice of power engine
    - the choice of transmission and gearbox
    - the choice of cabins
    - the choice of chassis
    - the choice of wheels configuration
    - choice of color body / metallic paint / skins
    - correct position of the DAF logo
    - present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
    - Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals
    - working lights
    - The correct position of the player
    – There are external tuning
    - Supports all major functions of the game
    - buy in DAF dealer

    Changes in v1.5.1:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.41

  • 24. April, 22:59 Uhr
    Version 1.5

    DAF F241 v1.5 by XBS [1.40]

    Standalone truck, Sold in DAF Dealer shop.

    Edit mod for personal use only.

    When uploading to third-party sites to save the author’s

    version ETS2 1.40

    version 1.5

    Added: Compatible with game version 1.40

  • 18. Oktober, 00:15 Uhr
    Version 1.4

    DAF F241 v1.4 by XBS [1.39]

    Standalone truck, Sold in DAF Dealer shop.
    Edit mod for personal use only.

    version ETS2 1.39

    version 1.4
    Added: Compatible with game version 1.39
    Added: Wide sun visor
    Added: Big FrontGrill


  • 09. Juni, 17:56 Uhr
    Version 1.3

    DAF F241 v1.3 by XBS [1.37.x]

    Changelog v1.3
    Added: Compatible with game version 1.37
    Added: Stoneguards.
    Added: Front window decals.
    Added: Side window deflectors.
    Changed: Engine sound.

    Standalone truck, Sold in DAF Dealer shop.
    No details from other games or mods.
    Model and additional details created in the 3d editor for this truck.
    version ETS2 1.37

  • 13. Juni, 22:38 Uhr
    Version 1.2

    DAF F241 V1.2 1.35.X

    Mod updated to version 1.2 (Only for v1.35)
    Added: Compatible with game version 1.35
    Added: Chassis 8x2 (with equipment rack behind the cabin).
    Added: Heavy Duty Bumper for chassis 8x2.
    Added: Heavy Duty Front Grill for chassis 8x2.
    Added: Roof light Box UK Style (for day cab, sleeper cab).
    Added: Paint Jobs for heavy duty chassis.

    Standalone truck, Sold in DAF Dealer shop.
    No details from other games or mods.
    Model and additional details created in the 3d editor for this truck.

    Author XBS

    Templates: https://sharemods.com/6ayxsvapt5z6/uv_template_v1.2.rar.html

  • 09. Februar, 16:00 Uhr
    Version 1.1

    DAF F241 by XBS v1.1 1.33.x - 1.34.x

    Standalone truck, Sold in DAF Dealer shop.
    No details from other games or mods.
    Model and additional details created in the 3d editor for this truck.
    version ETS2 1.33

    version: 1.1
    Fixed: Wipers.
    Fixed: Mirrors.
    Fixed: Oil pressure animation.
    Added: Attachment points for roof sleepercab and daycab.
    Added: Two Spoiler for Sleepercab (long, short).
    Added: Doorsteps Paint.

  • 25. Januar, 20:37 Uhr
    Version 1.0

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25.01 2019
Modhoster Userbewertung
5.0 / 1 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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