D3S Mercedes Antos’12 r 1.35.1.x

V update auf 1.49 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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– full support of game engine features.
– quality midPoly 3D model.
– HQ texture and shadow map.
– includes default paintjobs SCS.
– the truck tractor and (or) the rigid chassis are completed two or three-axis chassis, various cabins, engines and transmission.
– have their tandem curtain trailers and semitrailer.
– tested on game version
changes patch 1.35:
-changed the structure of the mod (one main and one additional (optional) file).
-adaptation under the patch 1.35.1?
-DirectX 11 support.
-SCS Mega low loader semi-trailer returned.
-patch cable support added.
-added the ability to buy two of its tandem trailers and its semi-trailer.
-added adjustment of the position of the steering column and accessories on the steering wheel.
-the onboard computer activates the differential lock indicators, truck lift axles.
-changed the operation mode of the wipers (four modes).
-reconfigured adjustments of all truck chassis and trailers under patch 1.35.
-other minor settings and fixes..

base model – DANZ, adjustment of the model using ZModeler3 in patch 1.34.x – il_86, adaptation and editing for actual patches – dobr4060

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Modell: DANZ, adjustment of the model using ZModeler3 in patch 1.34.x – il_86, adaptation and editing for actual patches – dobr4060
Textur: DANZ, adjustment of the model using ZModeler3 in patch 1.34.x – il_86, adaptation and editing for actual patches – dobr4060
Script: DANZ, adjustment of the model using ZModeler3 in patch 1.34.x – il_86, adaptation and editing for actual patches – dobr4060
Idee / Konzept: DANZ, adjustment of the model using ZModeler3 in patch 1.34.x – il_86, adaptation and editing for actual patches – dobr4060
Tester: DANZ, adjustment of the model using ZModeler3 in patch 1.34.x – il_86, adaptation and editing for actual patches – dobr4060
Sonstige: DANZ, adjustment of the model using ZModeler3 in patch 1.34.x – il_86, adaptation and editing for actual patches – dobr4060

  • 02. März, 03:57 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.49

    Mercedes-Benz Antos 2012 v1.49.0 by D3S Design (1.49.x)

    Mercedes-Benz Antos 2012 - the mod adds one of the best Mercedes brand tractors to the game Euro Truck Simulator 2. A large number of tuning and the ability to hook third-party BDF trailers. The new Mercedes Benz Antos 12 supports all the features of the Euro Truck Simulator 2 engine and the basic SCS paintwork, which already puts it on a par with the original trucks, plus a large number of tuning options are available. For the new Antos, two cabins are available (high and low), 10 original engines and their own types of chassis (two and three axles), including those with a tilt body, many elements of external decor, and so on.

    Features Mercedes-Benz Antos 2012:
    - Independent truck model
    - High quality 3D model
    - High quality detailed exterior
    - High quality detailed interior
    - the model has own interior
    - the model has own sound
    - the model has own wheels
    - the model has passanger seat
    - the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat
    - the choice of engine power
    - the choice of transmission and gearbox
    - the choice of wheels and rims
    - the choice of interiors
    - choice of color body / metallic paint / skins
    - correct position of the Mercedes logo
    - present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
    - Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals
    - working lights
    - working mirrros
    - The correct position of the player
    - There are external tuning
    - Cabin Accessories support
    - FMod sound support
    - Window animation support
    - Supports all major functions of the game
    - Buy in Mercedes or Acces Mod dealer

    Changes in v1.49.0 By Hakan26:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.49 (Unofficial Update);
    - Fixed bugs from previous version.

    Tested on game version 1.49.x

    Credits: DANZ [D3S DESIGN], SCS, VITALIK_PRO100, Mondo.N, Alex-dobr4060, AJIEHA, Hakan26

  • 16. Februar, 22:56 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.46

    Mercedes-Benz Antos 2012 v1.46 by D3S Design - 1.46

    Beautiful Mercedes for Euro Truck Simulator 2

    Mod features:

    your interior,
    your wheels,
    Several chassis options (including BDF Tandem).
    Lots of tuning
    Support DLC Cabin Accessories
    Registered in agency orders and gallery


    Adaptation for 1.46
    Found bugs fixed
    Added window animation inside and outside

    Authors: Danz (D3S Design)
    Truck Reconstruction Help: Funyash
    Adaptation to 1.46: AJIEHA

  • 24. Mai, 02:13 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.44.1

    Mercedes-Benz Antos 2012 v1.44.1 by D3S Design (1.44.x)

    your interior,
    your wheels,
    Several chassis options (including BDF Tandem).
    Lots of tuning
    Support DLC Cabin Accessories
    Registered in agency orders and gallery
    Fixed red textures behind the wheel
    Fixed mirrors when the steering wheel is on the left

  • 20. Mai, 22:45 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.44

    Mercedes-Benz Antos 2012 v1.44 by D3S Design (1.44.x)

    your interior,
    your wheels,
    Several chassis options (including BDF Tandem).
    Lots of tuning
    Support DLC Cabin Accessories
    Registered in agency orders and gallery

    Updated to version 1.44
    Fixed texture issues
    Fixed sound
    Fixed animation


  • 22. Januar, 09:42 Uhr
    Version update auf

    Mercedes-Benz Antos 2012 v1.39.4.4 by D3S Design (1.39.x)

    r Xmas --- r
    -added Inventory support for Hauling Hope Event
    -other minor fixes..

    Important! Items from the Hauling Hope Event can only be installed if the Terms and Conditions of this event are met.

    Tested on patch:

    This version of the mod is NOT compatible with patch 1.38 or lower as it uses the new FMOD sound scheme.

  • 23. Dezember, 20:38 Uhr
    Version update auf

    Mercedes-Benz Antos 2012 v1.39.2.1 by D3S Design (1.39.x)

    Changelog r - r
    - added support for some new items from the updated ets2 DLC: Cabin Accessories
    - added support with Christmas Wise Giving Event 2020 Inventory
    - minor fixes in the on-Board computer
    - other minor fixes..

    Important! Items from the Christmas Wise Giving Event 2020 can only be installed if the Terms and Conditions of this event are met.

    Link 1 Truck :


    Link 2 Templates:


  • 31. Oktober, 20:12 Uhr
    Version update auf

    Mercedes-Benz Antos 2012 v1.39.0.33 by D3S Design (1.39.x)

    r — r
    -adaptation under the open beta-patch 1.39.beta
    -redefined characteristics, compatibility and restored ALL SOUNDS for the truck
    -fixed minor bugs

    Tested starting with the game beta-version

    – 3D model: DANZ [D3S DESIGN]
    – adaptation and editing for actual patches, starting with patch 1.26.x: dobr4060

  • 20. Juli, 22:12 Uhr
    Version update auf

    MERCEDES ANTOS 12 V1.38.0.46

    Changes r -- > r

    - redefined the characteristics, compatibility, and sounds of retarders for transmissions (gearboxes),
    - fixed compatibility of cabin accessories for the UK version,
    - in the UK version, the athermal glass of the cabs of trucks engaged in transportation for Quick Job Offers is fixed,
    - fixed minor bugs.

    You must sell the old version of the truck before connecting the new version of the mod!

    delete ALL old mod files and plug in a fresh update (remember that the main file is now one).
    If the truck was already purchased earlier, then you urgently need to visit the service station to find the lost steering wheel and wheels with tires.
    Be careful with tandem shipments, do not take extra weight.

    Now all files are collected in one archive. So the game is easier to read mod.

    Link 1 Updated Truck:

    Link 2 Templates:

  • 01. Mai, 21:56 Uhr
    Version update auf

    MERCEDES ANTOS 12 V1.37.0.65

    Changes r --> r
    The mod is adapted for the beta patch 1.37. x and the new FMOD sound scheme.
    For all chassis, British versions of cab interiors have been added, which are ideal for driving in countries that prefer to drive on the left side of the road (English hand), such as: Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, India and many others

    You must sell the old version of the truck before connecting the new version of the mod!

    delete ALL old mod files and plug in a fresh update (remember that the main file is now one).
    If the truck was already purchased earlier, then you urgently need to visit the service station to find the lost steering wheel and wheels with tires.
    Be careful with tandem shipments, do not take extra weight.

    Now all files are collected in one archive. So the game is easier to read mod.

    Link 1 Updated Truck: https://sharemods.com/tkanm8kcn03e/D3S_Mercedes_Antos12_r1.37uk.scs.html

    Link 3 Templates: https://modsbase.com/rfynxtikqwnm/templates_antos.rar.html

  • 21. Dezember, 08:35 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.36.2

    D3S Mercedes-Benz Antos 12r 1.36.2.x

    New Changelog:
    r 1.36.0.beta --> r
    -adaptation under the patch
    -added compatibility with Christmas Grand Giving event 2019
    -reconfigured adjustments of all truck chassis and trailers under patch 1.36.2
    -minor bugs fixed
    tested on game version

    Install Help:
    In the downloaded archive (compiled using 7-Zip v19.00) you will find two files with the extension .scs
    "D3S Mercedes Antos' 12 r1.36.x.x" - this is the main, base file - required to connect.
    "D3S Route Advisor Marker 2.0.123" - is an auxiliary and optional file that simply changes
    the appearance of the cursor on the game map and in the navigator. That is all he does.
    If you connect it, it must be installed with a higher priority than the set of your mod-maps.
    Additional folder "Template bodywork and truck" - contains cab coloring templates and
    decoding of details of .dds files of the truck body and trailers.

    -Open the downloaded archive.
    -Copy the base file to the "mod" folder
    -In the mod manager, delete ALL the old mod files and connect the latest update (remember that the main file is now one).
    the author of the basic model-DANZ[D3S DESIGN],
    further development of the mod-dobr4060

  • 04. November, 22:07 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.36.0.beta

    D3S Mercedes Benz Antos 12 r1.36.0.beta

    changelog / ?????????
    r — r 1.36.0.beta
    -adaptation under the patch 1.36.0 beta / ????????? ??? ???? 1.36.0 beta
    -added compatibility with DLC “Pink Ribbon Charity Pack” / ????????? ????????????? ? DLC “??????? ?????. ????????????????? ?????”
    -reconfigured adjustments of all truck chassis and trailers under patch 1.36 / ????????????? ??????????? ???? ????? ????????? ? ???????? ??? ???? 1.36
    -minor bugs fixed / ?????????? ?????? ??????
    – tested on game version / ????????????? ?? ?????? ????

    In the downloaded archive (compiled using 7-Zip v19.00) you will find two files with the extension .scs
    “D3S Mercedes Antos’ 12 r1.36.0.x” – this is the main, base file – required to connect.
    “D3S Route Advisor Marker 2.0.123” – is an auxiliary and optional file that simply changes the appearance of the cursor on the game map and in the navigator. That is all he does. If you connect it, it must be installed with a higher priority than the set of your mod-maps.
    Additional folder “Template bodywork and truck” – contains cab coloring templates and decoding of details of .dds files of the truck body and trailers.

    -Open the downloaded archive.
    -Copy the base file to the “mod” folder
    -In the mod manager, delete ALL the old mod files and connect the latest update (remember that the main file is now one).

    author base model: DANZ[D3S DESIGN], further development of the mod: dobr4060

  • 09. September, 21:47 Uhr
    Version update auf

    D3S Mercedes Antos' []

    D3S Mercedes Antos’ r[]

    -added compatibility with DLC “Goodyear Tires Pack” and “Actros Tuning Pack”
    -minor bugs fixed
    -tested on game version

    In the downloaded archive (compiled using 7-Zip v19.00) you will find two files with the extension .scs
    “D3S Mercedes Antos’ 12 r1.35.1.x” – this is the main, base file – required to connect.
    “D3S Route Advisor Marker 2.0.123” – is an auxiliary and optional file that simply changes the appearance of the cursor on the game map and in the navigator. That is all he does. If you connect it, it must be installed with a higher priority than the set of your mod-cards.
    Additional folder “Mercedes_Antos_Template” – contains cab coloring templates and decoding of details of .dds files of the truck body and trailers.

    -Open the downloaded archive.
    -Copy the base file to the “mod” folder
    -In the mod manager, delete ALL the old mod files and connect the latest update (remember that the main file is now one).

    base model – DANZ[D3S DESIGN], rework-adaptation, further development of the mod, starting with patch 1.26.x – dobr4060

  • 14. Juli, 18:55 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.35

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14.07 2019
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5.0 / 1 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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