Custom Attenuation Sound | 1.43

V 1.1 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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this will make interior sound more had a bass effects & more isolated.


maybe some of the existing sound mods will be weird if you combine them with this mod.
therefore you need to update the sound mod to the latest version + also need to change the sound configuration.

work on all default scs truck,rjl scania,eugene scania,fred scania,daf schumi,mercedes schumi or truckmods with default scs definition

BWS(Bimo Wahyu Saputro)


Modell: BWS(Bimo Wahyu Saputro)
Textur: BWS(Bimo Wahyu Saputro)
Script:BWS(Bimo Wahyu Saputro)
Idee / Konzept: BWS(Bimo Wahyu Saputro)
Tester:BWS(Bimo Wahyu Saputro)
Sonstige: BWS(Bimo Wahyu Saputro)

  • 21. März, 22:53 Uhr
    Version 1.1

    Custom Sound Attenuation v1.1 - 1.43

    this will make interior sound more had a bass effects & more isolated.

    WARNING !!!

    maybe some of the existing sound mods will be weird if you combine them with this mod.
    therefore you need to update the sound mod to the latest version + also need to change the sound configuration.

    work on all default scs truck and payware mods (Fred).

    Bimo Wahyu Saputro

  • 15. Dezember, 00:07 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 2200658
    von mods80
    vor etwa 3 Jahre


15.12 2021
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V 1.1
Eurotruck Simulator 2
133,3 KB 580
21. 03 2022 580
V 1.0
Eurotruck Simulator 2
50,6 KB 492
15. 12 2021 492

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