Boreman LED Marker Lights v1.0 (20.02.2018) [1....

V update auf 1.50 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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What’s up fellow truckers?
I’m here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers. Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks. Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.

HQ 3d model
Custom flares
Custom light-mask
3 light colours: white, light orange, blue

Installation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive, unpack it, place the included mod files in the mod folder.


obelihnio, SCS Software


Modell: obelihnio
Textur: obelihnio
Script: obelihnio
Idee / Konzept: obelihnio
Tester: obelihnio
Sonstige: obelihnio

  • 24. Mai, 04:39 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.50

    Boreman LED Marker Lights Pack [1.50]

    – Support for 1.50 game version

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Amber & red blinker variants – IMPORTANT – red blinker lightmask will not show properly in ETS2 (lamp system limitation)

    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks.
    Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars.


  • 08. November, 17:16 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.49

    Boreman LED Marker Lights Pack - 1.49

    Compatibility for 1.49

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Amber & red blinker variants – IMPORTANT – red blinker lightmask will not show properly in ETS2 (lamp system limitation)

    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks.
    Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars.


  • 17. Juli, 20:41 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.48

    Boreman LED Marker Lights Pack - 1.48

    Support for 1.48 game version

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Amber & red blinker variants – IMPORTANT – red blinker lightmask will not show properly in ETS2 (lamp system limitation)

    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks.
    Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars.


  • 03. April, 23:46 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.47.1

    Boreman LED Marker Lights Pack - 1.47.1

    Update: 3 Apr
    Support for 1.47.1 game version.

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Amber & red blinker variants

    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks.
    Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars.


  • 18. März, 22:08 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.47

    Boreman LED Marker Lights Pack - 1.47

    HQ 3D model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Updated for version 1.47


  • 26. Oktober, 08:02 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.46

    Boreman LED Marker Lights Pack - 1.46

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Amber & red blinker variants – IMPORTANT – red blinker lightmask will not show properly in ETS2 (lamp system limitation)

    Update: 17 Oct 2022
    Added support for 1.46 game version

    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks.
    Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars.
    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.


  • 08. Juli, 21:03 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.45

    Boreman LED Marker Lights by obelihnio - 1.45

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Amber & red blinker variants – IMPORTANT- Red blinker has limited functionality in ETS 2


  • 21. Mai, 00:27 Uhr
    Version 2.0.2

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v2.0.2 by obelihnio 1.44.x

    A pack of Boreman LED marker lights for any trucks.

    High-quality 3D models
    Custom glow effects
    Custom light masks
    8 colors: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, light blue, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe options: left and right
    Yellow and red flashing indicator options

    Changes: adaptation for patch 1.44.x


  • 25. April, 21:32 Uhr
    Version 2.0.1

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v2.0.1 by obelihnio 1.44.x

    Game version: [1.35.*] – [1.44.*]+

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Amber & red blinker variants – IMPORTANT – red blinker lightmask will not show properly in ETS2 (lamp system limitation)


  • 09. Dezember, 17:04 Uhr
    Version 2.0

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v2.0 by obelihnio 1.43.x

    Update - support for 1.43 game version.

    HQ 3d model

    Custom flares

    Custom light-mask

    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple

    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only

    2 strobe variants: Left & Right

    Amber & red blinker variants - IMPORTANT - red blinker lightmask will not show properly in ETS2 (lamp system limitation)

  • 24. Oktober, 21:39 Uhr
    Version 1.9

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v1.9 by obelihnio 1.42.x

    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks.
    Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars.
    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Amber & red blinker variants – IMPORTANT – red blinker lightmask will not show properly in ETS2 (lamp system limitation)

    Updated for 1.42 game version.

  • 16. April, 02:24 Uhr
    Version 1.8

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v1.8 by obelihnio 1.40.x

    Changelog v1.8:
    Complete rework of the flare setup for 1.40 lamp system
    Old strobe only variants replaced with new models
    Marker + Strobe variants reworked, now have separate left/right models
    Fixed small glitches in the 3D models
    Cleaned up and organized flare and definition structure

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    3 types: solid marker, marker + strobe, strobe only
    2 strobe variants: Left & Right
    Amber & red blinker variants – IMPORTANT- Red blinker has limited functionality in ETS 2


  • 16. Mai, 20:51 Uhr
    Version 1.7

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v1.7 by obelihnio 1.35.x

    Note from the Author:
    I'm here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers.
    Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks.
    Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

    *Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of "suitable_for" variables.

    Features mod:
    -HQ 3d model
    -Custom flares
    -Custom light-mask
    -8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    -2 strobe variants: strobes only or strobes + backlight
    - 3 strobe modes: single alternate, left, right
    - Amber & red blinker variants - IMPORTANT- Red blinker has limited functionality in ETS 2

    New Version 1.7:
    - Compatibility with 1.35 game version;
    - Added new "suitable_for" entries.

    IMPORTANT: The latest version works only on 1.35 version of the games.

  • 21. November, 14:50 Uhr
    Version 1.61

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v1.61 (upd. 20.11.18) 1.32.x

    Game version: 1.30.* – 1.33.* and later.

    What’s up fellow truckers?
    I’m here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers. Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks. Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    2 strobe variants: strobes only or strobes + backlight
    3 strobe modes: single alternate, left, right
    Amber & red blinker variants – IMPORTANT- Red blinker has limited functionality in ETS 2

    Installation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive, into your mod folder. Enable the mod in the manager.

    Respect the original download links.

    [v1.61]: Added 5 new suitable part types.
    [v1.6] Changed amber LED light-mask; added amber & red blinker variants; added 11 new “suitable_for” entries
    [v1.5a] Fixed missing beacon suitable.
    [v1.5] Added new strobe modes: left & right
    [v1.4] Textures for non-standard colours got completely re-done, textures size significantly reduced, all flares replaced, all flare definition colour data tweaked, “led + strobe” variant now casts light when strobe is off.
    [v1.3] Tweaked amber and yellow flares, increased range of static flares by 0.1m; increased strobe flares range to 2.5m, tweaked the 3D model of the light housing, added extender add-on.
    [v1.2] New flares, 2 new strobe variants, tweaked flare data, added some new suitables.
    [v1.12] Twekaed the amber LED light colour and flare; tweaked the position of the models to reduce compatibility issues with some parts/mods; added new compatible suitable_for parts.
    [v1.11] Added support for: Peterbilt 387 by Viper2, Peterbilt 579 by Tom Dooley, Freightliner FLB by Harven, Volvo VNL 670 by Aradeth
    [v1.1]Reduced the physical size of the models about 5%; slightly increased the length and angle of flare light cast; added 5 colours: amber, blue, cyan, green, purple


  • 21. Oktober, 23:26 Uhr
    Version 1.6


    v1.6: Changed amber LED light-mask; added amber & red blinker variants; added more "suitable_for" entries

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    2 strobe variants: strobes only or strobes + backlight
    3 strobe modes: single alternate, left, right
    Amber & red blinker variants

    Game version: [1.30.*] up to [1.32.*]
    Supported games: American Truck Simulator & Euro Truck Simulator 2

  • 04. August, 00:17 Uhr
    Version 1.5

    [ETS] Boreman LED Marker Lights v1.5 [03.08.2018] 1.31.x

    What’s up fellow truckers?
    I’m here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers. Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks. Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    2 strobe variants: strobes only or strobes + backlight
    3 strobe modes: single alternate, left, right

    Installation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive, unpack it, place the included mod files in the mod folder.

    Respect the original download links.

    [v1.5:] Added new strobe modes: left & right
    [v1.4:] Textures for non-standard colours got completely re-done, textures size significantly reduced, all flares replaced, all flare definition colour data tweaked, “led + strobe” variant now casts light when strobe is off.
    [v1.3:] Tweaked amber and yellow flares, increased range of static flares by 0.1m; increased strobe flares range to 2.5m, tweaked the 3D model of the lamp housing
    [v1.2:] New flares, 2 new strobe variants, tweaked flare data, added some new suitables.
    [v1.12:] Twekaed the amber LED light colour and flare; tweaked the position of the models to reduce compatibility issues with some parts/mods; added new compatible suitable_for parts.
    [v1.11:] Added support for: Peterbilt 389 by Viper2, Peterbilt 579 by Tom Dooley, Freightliner FLB by Harven, Volvo VNL 670 by Aradeth
    [v1.1:] Reduced the physical size of the models about 5%; slightly increased the length and angle of flare light cast; added 5 colours: amber, blue, cyan, green, purple


  • 13. Juli, 00:09 Uhr
    Version 1.4

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v1.4 [upd. 11.07.2018] 1.31.x

    What’s up fellow truckers?
    I’m here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers. Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks. Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    2 strobe variants: strobes only or strobes + backlight

    Installation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive, unpack it, place the included mod files in the mod folder.

    [v1.4:] Textures for non-standard colours got completely re-done, textures size significantly reduced, all flares replaced, all flare definition colour data tweaked, “led + strobe” variant now casts light when strobe is off.
    [v1.3:] Tweaked amber and yellow flares, increased range of static flares by 0.1m; increased strobe flares range to 2.5m, tweaked the 3D model of the lamp housing
    [v1.2:] New flares, 2 new strobe variants, tweaked flare data, added some new suitables.
    [v1.12:] Twekaed the amber LED light colour and flare; tweaked the position of the models to reduce compatibility issues with some parts/mods; added new compatible suitable_for parts.
    [v1.11:] Added support for: Peterbilt 387 by Viper2, Peterbilt 579 by Tom Dooley, Freightliner FLB by Harven, Volvo VNL 670 by Aradeth
    [v1.1:] Reduced the physical size of the models about 5%; slightly increased the length and angle of flare light cast; added 5 colours: amber, blue, cyan, green, purple


  • 29. April, 21:21 Uhr
    Version 1.3

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v1.3 [upd. 29.04.2018] (1.31.x)

    What’s up fellow truckers?
    I’m here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers. Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks. Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    2 strobe variants: strobes only or strobes + backlight

    Installation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive, unpack it, place the included mod files in the mod folder.

    [v1.3:] Tweaked amber and yellow flares, increased range of static flares by 0.1m; increased strobe flares range to 2.5m, tweaked the 3D model of the lamp housing
    [v1.2:] New flares, 2 new strobe variants, tweaked flare data, added some new suitables.
    [v1.12:] Twekaed the amber LED light colour and flare; tweaked the position of the models to reduce compatibility issues with some parts/mods; added new compatible suitable_for parts.
    [v1.11:] Added support for: Peterbilt 387 by Viper2, Peterbilt 579 by Tom Dooley, Freightliner FLB by Harven, Volvo VNL 670 by Aradeth
    [v1.1:] Reduced the physical size of the models about 5%; slightly increased the length and angle of flare light cast; added 5 colours: amber, blue, cyan, green, purple

    obelihnio, SCS Software

  • 21. April, 22:34 Uhr
    Version 1.2

    What’s up fellow truckers?
    I’m here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers. Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks. Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple
    2 strobe variants: strobes only or strobes + backlight

    Installation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive, unpack it, place the included mod files in the mod folder.

    [v1.2:] New flares, 2 new strobe variants, tweaked flare data, added some new suitables.
    [v1.12:] Twekaed the amber LED light colour and flare; tweaked the position of the models to reduce compatibility issues with some parts/mods; added new compatible suitable_for parts.
    [v1.11:] Added support for: Peterbilt 387 by Viper2, Peterbilt 579 by Tom Dooley, Freightliner FLB by Harven, Volvo VNL 670 by Aradeth
    [v1.1:] Reduced the physical size of the models about 5%; slightly increased the length and angle of flare light cast; added 5 colours: amber, blue, cyan, green, purple

    obelihnio, SCS Software

  • 16. März, 23:41 Uhr
    Version 1.12


    Game version: [1.30.*]
    Supported games: American Truck Simulator & Euro Truck Simulator 2

    [v1.12:] Twekaed the amber LED light colour and flare; tweaked the position of the models to reduce compatibility issues with some parts/mods; added new compatible suitable_for parts.

    Hey hey hey!
    What's up fellow truckers?
    I'm here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers. Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks. Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of "suitable_for" variables.

    Features:HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purpleInstallation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive, unpack it, place the included mod files in the mod folder.

  • 11. März, 18:21 Uhr
    Version 1.11

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v1.11 (upd. 04.03.2018) [1.30.x]

    What’s up fellow truckers?
    I’m here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers. Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks. Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple

    Installation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive, unpack it, place the included mod files in the mod folder.

    [v1.11:] Added support for: Peterbilt 387 by Viper2, Peterbilt 579 by Tom Dooley, Freightliner FLB by Harven, Volvo VNL 670 by Aradeth
    [v1.1:] Reduced the physical size of the models about 5%; slightly increased the length and angle of flare light cast; added 5 colours: amber, blue, cyan, green, purple

    obelihnio, SCS Software

  • 02. März, 18:43 Uhr
    Version 1.1

    Boreman LED Marker Lights v 1.1 (upd. 02.03.2018) [1.30.x]

    What’s up fellow truckers?
    I’m here to present you some nice bling for your trucks, the Boreman LED markers. Made from scratch in Blender Tools, with high quality lamp texture and light mask.
    Mod supports a wide range of modded trucks. Full support for my Kelsa Light-bars for DAF.

    Special thanks to Csabee and abasstreppas for a comprehensive lists of “suitable_for” variables.

    HQ 3d model
    Custom flares
    Custom light-mask
    8 light colours: white, light orange, red, amber, blue, cyan, green, purple

    Installation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive, unpack it, place the included mod files in the mod folder.

    [v1.1:] Reduced the physical size of the models about 5%; slightly increased the length and angle of flare light cast; added 5 colours: amber, blue, cyan, green, purple

    obelihnio, SCS Software

  • 24. Februar, 19:51 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 3540157
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24.02 2018
Modhoster Userbewertung
5.0 / 1 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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