BMW M4 [1.35 - 1.36]

V neues update auf 1.46 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Features Of The Vehicle..

1: Compatible With Ets2” 1.35 – 1.36 ” Version
2: There Are Two Sounds.
3: Reel Engine Sound
4: “Standalone ” Is Independent”

Animations Available
1: Signal Lever Animation
2: Wiper Arm Animation
3: Exterior, Interior Wiper Works Smoothly.
4: Warning Animations

Contributed By: Mert Ir?i,Artin Kazanciyan.

The Car Is Running 1.35×1.36 Smoothly.

The Vehicle Exits At The Mod Dealer.

Arac?n Özellikleri..

1:Ets2 “1.35 – 1.36” Versiyonu ?le Uyumludur
2:?ki Adet Ses Bulunmaktad?r.
3:Reel Motor Sesi
4:Ba??ms?zd?r “Standalone”

Mevcut Olan Animasyonlar
1:Sinyal Kolu Animasyonu
2:Silecek Kolu Animasyonu
3:Exterior,?nterior Silecek Sorunsuz Çal???r.
4:?kaz Animasyonlar?

Eme?i Geçenler:Mert ?r?i,Artin Kazanciyan.

Araç 1.35×1.36 Sorunsuz Bir ?ekilde Çal??maktad?r.

Araç Mod Bayisinde Ç?kar.

Mert ?r?i,Artin Kazanciyan


Modell: Mert İrşi,Artin Kazanciyan
Textur: Mert İrşi,Artin Kazanciyan
Script: Mert İrşi,Artin Kazanciyan
Idee / Konzept: Mert İrşi,Artin Kazanciyan
Tester: Mert İrşi,Artin Kazanciyan
Sonstige: Mert İrşi,Artin Kazanciyan

  • 07. Dezember, 22:36 Uhr
    Version neues update auf 1.46

    BMW M4 - 1.46

    – HQ Model
    – Ao(Ambiyans Coating)
    – Real Sound
    – 2 Different Rims

    Hüsnü Mustafa Akay-Mert ?r?i-Nimit

  • 02. Oktober, 03:01 Uhr
    Version neues update auf 1.45

    BMW M4 2017 + Interior - 1.45

    -1.45 Correction
    -Organized ones
    -Fixed the glass rain issue
    -Physics has been corrected
    -Fixed the issue of glass glare
    -Fixed the glass reflection issue
    **** ************************** *****
    – HQ Model
    – Ao(Ambiance Coating)
    –New wheels

    Halil YAVUZ,Mert ?r?i ,Nimit

  • 10. Juni, 22:43 Uhr
    Version neues update auf 1.44

    BMW M4 2017 + Interior v2.0 (1.44.x)

    -1.44 Correction
    -Organized ones
    -Fixed the glass rain issue
    -Physics has been corrected
    -Fixed the issue of glass glare
    -Fixed the glass reflection issue
    – HQ Model
    – Ao(Ambiyans Coating)
    –New wheels

    Halil YAVUZ,Mert ?r?i

  • 10. Juni, 22:43 Uhr
    Version 2.0 für 1.44

    BMW M4 2017 + Interior v2.0 (1.44.x)

    -1.44 Correction
    -Organized ones
    -Fixed the glass rain issue
    -Physics has been corrected
    -Fixed the issue of glass glare
    -Fixed the glass reflection issue
    – HQ Model
    – Ao(Ambiyans Coating)
    –New wheels

    Halil YAVUZ,Mert ?r?i

  • 18. September, 23:13 Uhr
    Version neues update auf 1.38 (4.0)

    BMW M4 + Interior v4.0 (1.38.x)

    BMW M4 - high quality passenger car mod added for ETS 2 and ATS fans players with own interior and sound. The player of the ETS 2 simulator can choose from an assortment of two engine options with 456 and 550 horsepower, respectively, with its own set of sound effects, and a couple of six speed gearboxes. The BMW car does not have tuning, but branded wheels with low-profile tires will mitigate this drawback.Mod was adapted to the latest version with all standards of the game.

    Features mod BMW M4:

    - independent car model
    - High quality 3D model
    - High quality detailed exterior
    - High quality interior
    - the model has own wheels
    - the model has own interior
    - the model has own sound
    - Correct car proportions
    - Correct seat positions for 4 peds
    - working lights
    - the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat
    - correct position of the BMW logo
    - the choice of engine power
    - the choice of chassis
    - the choice of wheels
    - the choice of body color / metallic paint
    - The correct position of the player
    - tunning accesories present
    - Supports all major functions of the game
    - buy in Acces Mod dealer

    Changes in v4.0:

    - Mod adapted to the latest patch 1.38

    Animations Available:

    - Glass Animation
    - Signal Lever Animation
    - Wiper Arm Animation
    - Exterior, Interior Wiper Works Fine.
    - Warning Animations
    - Animated Scent Ornament
    - Gas Brake Pedal Animation

    Tested on game version 1.38.x

  • 28. Mai, 21:19 Uhr
    Version neues update auf 1.37 (3.0)

    BMW M4 + Interior v3.0 (1.37.x)

    BMW M4 - high quality passenger car mod added for ETS 2 and ATS fans players with own interior and sound. Mod was adapted to the latest version with all standards of the game.

    Features mod BMW M4:
    - independent car model
    - High quality 3D model
    - High quality detailed exterior
    - High quality interior
    - the model has own wheels
    - the model has own interior
    - the model has own sound
    - Correct car proportions
    - Correct seat positions for 4 peds
    - working lights
    - the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat
    - correct position of the BMW logo
    - the choice of engine power
    - the choice of chassis
    - the choice of wheels
    - the choice of body color / metallic paint
    - The correct position of the player
    - tunning accesories present
    - Supports all major functions of the game
    - buy in Acces Mod dealer

    Changes for 1.37:
    - Engine Sound Updated (1.37)
    - Added Glass Animation.
    - No Rain Droplets In The Glass When It Rains.
    - Added Ui Shadow
    - Added Dummy To Lm Parts And Fixed Bugs.
    - Wiper Error Fixed.
    - Added Extra Engine.
    - Independent "Standalone"”
    - Flattened Chassis
    - Normal Chassis
    - 3 Different Engine
    - Interior
    - Standard, Metallic Color
    - 2 Different Wheels+4 Different Plating

    Animations Available:
    - Glass Animation
    - Signal Lever Animation
    - Wiper Arm Animation
    - Exterior, Interior Wiper Works Fine.
    - Warning Animations
    - Animated Scent Ornament
    - Gas Brake Pedal Animation

    Tested on game version 1.37.x

  • 14. März, 20:41 Uhr
    Version neues update auf 1.36 (2.0)

    BMW M4 v2.0 [1.36.x]


    Engine Sound
    -Independent “Standalone”
    -Printed Chassis
    -Normal Chassis
    -3 Different Engine
    -?nteri is
    -Standard, Metallic Color
    -2 Different Wheels + 4 Different Wraps

    Animations Available
    -Signal Arm Animation
    – Wiper Arm Animation
    -Exterior, Inner Wiper Works Smoothly.
    – Warning Animations
    -Animated Odor Ornament
    Gas Brake Pedal Animation

    New Plugins
    -Printed Chassis
    improved hand feel of
    -Played with Physics
    -Exterior Ambience Launched
    -New Chance Added
    -Delete Fixed.

    Contributors: Mert ?r?i
    Exit the Vehicle Mod Dealer.


    -Motor Sesi
    -Ba??ms?zd?r “Standalone”
    -Bas?k ?asi
    -Normal ?asi
    -3 Farkl? Engine
    -Standart,Metalik Renk
    -2 Farkl? Jant+4 Farkl? Kaplama

    Mevcut Olan Animasyonlar
    -Sinyal Kolu Animasyonu
    -Silecek Kolu Animasyonu
    -Exterior,?nterior Silecek Sorunsuz Çal???r.
    -?kaz Animasyonlar?
    -Animasyonlu Koku Süsü
    -Gaz Fren Pedal Animasyonu

    Yeni Eklentiler
    -Bas?k ?asi
    -Fiziklerle Oynan?ld?
    -Exterior Ba?tan Ambiyans At?ld?
    -Yeni ?ans?man Eklendi
    -Silecekler Düzeltildi.

    Eme?i Geçenler:Mert ?r?i
    Araç Mod Bayisinde Ç?kar.

    Mert ?r?i

  • 22. Dezember, 20:45 Uhr
    Version update auf 1.36

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22.12 2019
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