BDF Tandem Truck

V 62.5 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Mercedes Benz Actros, Cabin A has been changed to default version, as now when MB logo is in vanilla game anyway. 
Mercedes Benz Actros, Cabin does not fail on internal toys anymore.
All trucks can now have toys without any errors in cabin.
Wheels and Rims tested (Including possibility to change colours) and no problem found. It should work as well.
Reflex signs on rear of almost all trailers at the mudflap is removed.
Texture map (UV-Mapping) has been checked to make sure it is aligned on all cargo boxes
Texture map (UV-Mapping ) has been checked to make sure it is aligned on all trailer boxes
All Cargo updated to WOTR cargo as well, which mean you can haul WOTR with tandem trailers.
All Trailer packs has been updated with new cargo (WOTR) as well as old. (Remember to download them again as well.)
Universal trailer has been fixed. Until I find the real problem with it, it has the reflex on mudflap back on it.
Shadow has been fixed under the truck on all 13 trucks. (Thanks to Capital and 50Keda)
ALL trailer packs on page 1 is updated with manifest files, some have changed name slightly, so delete old one and add new one.


Flemming Vinge, SCS and Blender (with 50keda’s Blender plugin)

  • 19. März, 13:04 Uhr
    Version 62.5

    Mercedes Benz Actros, Cabin A has been changed to default version, as now When MB logo is in vanilla game anyway.
    Mercedes Benz Actros, Cabin does not fail on internal toys anymore.
    All trucks can now have toys without any errors in cabin.
    Wheels and Rims tested (Including Possibility to change colors) and no problem found. It should work as well.
    Reflective signs on rear of almost all trailers at the mudflap is removed.
    Texture map (UV Mapping) has been checked to make sure it is aligned on all cargo boxes
    Texture map (UV Mapping) has been checked to make sure it is aligned on all trailer boxes
    All Cargo updated to WOTR cargo as well, Which mean you can haul WOTR with tandem trailers.
    All Trailer pack has been updated with new cargo (WOTR) as well as old. (Remember to download them again as well.)
    Universal trailer has been fixed. Until I find the real problem with it, it has the reflex on mudflap back on it.
    Shadow has been fixed under the truck on all 13 trucks. (Thanks to Capital and 50Keda)
    ALL trailer packs on page 1 is updated with manifest files, some have changed name slightly, so delete old one and add new one.

  • 26. Dezember, 13:38 Uhr
    Version 61

    UPDATE: v61.0 (Game version 1.22.x OR ANY LATER version is needed.) 1.22.x ready

    Latest update adds 6 more tandem trailers to the pack. (2 axles Curtain, 4 axles Curtain, 3 axles Profiliner, 4 axles Profiliner, 2 axles, Cooliner, 4 axles Coolliner)
    So now total trailers is 13 different. A little explanation will follow on how to use them separated or together.

  • 22. Dezember, 14:36 Uhr
    Version 57

    This UPDATE (57.0) :

    Latest update:
    All shadows has been added to fit all the object in mod.
    All 4x2, 6x2, 6x4 and 8x4 truck chassis has now been added with an dot for stuff to attach. (Like Closet, Battery, Tanks and Tyres)
    Accessories to all truck and chassis are added, like extra spare tyre, battery, closet and tanks.
    All Cargo Boxes (The big one) on all trucks has now been added with an Truck Painted Closet as well, so you can pick between Truck Paint and the old Skin file type.
    All truck chassis has been optimized in model/material and changed to look more nice.
    All trucks now has full length sideskirt for ALL chassis.

    DAF XF and Euro 6:
    Small fixes. Missing parts on chassis added to 4x2, 6x2, 6x4 and 8x4.

    MAN TXG:
    4x2, 6x2, 6x4 and 8x4 Chassis has been adjusted to fit tanks

    Renault Magnum and Premium:
    Chassis fixes.

    Iveco Stralis and Hiway:
    Several small fixes.

    Scania 2009 and Streamline:
    Small fixes.

    Mercedes Bens 2009 and 2014:
    Small fixes.

    Volvo FH 2009 and 2012:
    Caps and other stuff has been added to 4x2, 6x2, 6x4 and 8x4 chassis.

  • 20. Dezember, 11:27 Uhr
    Version 50

    This UPDATE :

    Moved outdoor cam further back to see more of truck from behind.
    Moved file into all skins as this contain roof and front end on all cargo boxes (So it can be skinned as well)
    Lod made or updated on everything that has been updated in this version.
    Skin files, blank, mat, white and world has been updated.
    All cargo boxes on both truck and trailer are not shiny, if you want them all mat, use the new mad skin file.

  • 05. Dezember, 10:44 Uhr
    Version 1.22


05.12 2015
Modhoster Userbewertung
4.67 / 3 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

Ist dieser Mod besonders empfehlenswert?

V 61
Eurotruck Simulator 2
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V 57
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22. 12 2015 525
V 50
Eurotruck Simulator 2
116,7 MB 1498
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2 ältere Versionen

6 Kommentare

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  1. MJ79MJ 26. 02 2017

    Kompatibel auch mit der neuesten Aktualisierung von ETS2?

  2. ladyrose002 21. 03 2016

    wer das orginalpack von fleming haben will sollte es direkt bei fleming runterladen,da hier nur ein bruchteil zuverfügung steht von dem was das pack kann,wer mehr info haben will denn per pn ,fahre seid es das pack gibt mit tandem und haben bei facebook auch ein tandem gigaliner fans und freak seite ,da würd auch geholfen und gezeigt was in dem bereich möglich ist

  3. ladyrose002 21. 03 2016

    wer das orginalpack von fleming haben will sollte es direkt bei fleming runterladen,da hier nur ein bruchteil zuverfügung steht von dem was das pack kann,wer mehr info haben will denn per pn ,fahre seid es das pack gibt mit tandem und haben bei facebook auch ein tandem gigaliner fans und freak seite ,da würd auch geholfen und gezeigt was in dem bereich möglich ist

  4. MONSTER™ 11. 01 2016

    mehrfach runtergeladen aber jedesmal fehler beim entpacken, datei befindet sich nicht mehr im verzeichnis :-(

  5. Degie54 27. 12 2015

    Super Mod. Endlich wieder ein Tandem, wie ich ihn mir vorstelle.

  6. ralf-sdrojek 08. 12 2015

    Hi kann mir jemand sagen wie oder wo man den mod hin kopiert mit nur in den mod ordner is das ja nicht getan .

    finde den mod von den bildern her echt super.

    1 Antworten


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