[ATS] SCANIA 143M [1.30.X]

V 1.1 update [15.02.18] Mod für American Truck Simulator

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Scania 143M (Truck of year 1989) for ATS.
Buy in Peterbilt dealer.
Lot of tuning available, have his own cabin DLC in separate file.
Many Engines
Many Transmissions
Many Chassis
Have it's own inetrior
Own Sounds for avalable engines.

Unpack both files from archive with WinRAR or 7-zip(freeware) to your mod folder. Enable both files in mod manager. For correct work cabin DLC file must be above truck file.

IMPOTANT NOTE: Since this mod uses some parts of Scania's you will need some one of these two Scania mods for ATS to be downloaded and enabled in mod manager. Put it then on the bottom of your mod's list. You don't need to buy some Scania S or R or S (2016), R(2016) trucks in the game, you just need some of these two mods to be enabled.  These both Scania mods for ATS can be found on Steam.
Otherwise game will crash.

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Modell: Anaheim, EED123, Sheryo, Ekualizer, Honza_CZ, for cabin DLC file, adapted for ATS vasja555
Textur: Anaheim, EED123, Sheryo, Ekualizer, Honza_CZ, for cabin DLC file, adapted for ATS vasja555
Script: Anaheim, EED123, Sheryo, Ekualizer, Honza_CZ, for cabin DLC file, adapted for ATS vasja555
Idee / Konzept: Anaheim, EED123, Sheryo, Ekualizer, Honza_CZ, for cabin DLC file, adapted for ATS vasja555
Tester: Anaheim, EED123, Sheryo, Ekualizer, Honza_CZ, for cabin DLC file, adapted for ATS vasja555
Sonstige: Anaheim, EED123, Sheryo, Ekualizer, Honza_CZ, for cabin DLC file, adapted for ATS vasja555

  • 16. Februar, 00:20 Uhr
    Version 1.1 update [15.02.18]

    Updated things:
    Completely standalone, don't need any Scania mods for ATS to work
    Better visible inner cabin details (not so dark anymore).
    Fixed missing textures in truck tuning menus.
    Can use with SiSL's Mega Pack.

  • 12. Februar, 21:46 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 851993
    von mods80
    vor etwa 7 Jahren
  • 851992
    von mods80
    vor etwa 7 Jahren
  • 851991
    von mods80
    vor etwa 7 Jahren
  • 851990
    von mods80
    vor etwa 7 Jahren


12.02 2018
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V 1.1 update [15.02.18]
American Truck Simulator
166,8 MB 886
16. 02 2018 886
V 1.0
American Truck Simulator
145,5 MB 484
12. 02 2018 484

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