[ATS] Karte "Karibische Inseln" von b738pilot [...

V 1.3.4 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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If you wanted to haul goods between the beautiful islands of the Caribbean, then this map is for you! The Caribbean Map for ATS will feature new countries to explore in ATS including The Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and more! This area for sure deserves representation in our vibrant ATS community! This will be an addon map to the ATS map, not a standalone map, while respecting the same SCS scale.

- All ATS DLC's required
- Although C2C is not a dependency, it is strongly recommended to download it as a ferry port has been created in Fort Lauderdale connecting to the rest of the islands. If you want to do a job from the Caribbean to the US mainland, then you'll need C2C

For v1.39



Modell: b738pilot
Textur: b738pilot
Script: b738pilot
Idee / Konzept: b738pilot
Tester: b738pilot
Sonstige: b738pilot

  • 27. Dezember, 19:30 Uhr
    Version 1.3.4

    Caribbean Map v1.3.4 by TerraMaps (1.49)

    Changlogs v1.3.4
    Adds compatibility for ATS 1.49
    Removes KAMAZ dealerships and truck mod from the map

    The North American continent isn’t restricted to just Canada, the US, and Mexico – there are a lot more nations to explore in the Caribbean and Caribbean Map will deliver this tropical environment right to your sim. Expanding your ATS, Caribbean Map will add Port Everglades to C2C’s Port Everglades to connect you to Nassau in The Bahamas and from there the island journey truly begins with Cuba, Jamaica, Aruba, and many more islands to come!

    Require all SCS DLC’s






  • 04. Juli, 01:49 Uhr
    Version 1.3

    Caribbean Map v1.3 by TerraMaps (1.44.x)

    Caribbean Map - new map to explore added for ATS players. The Caribbean Map for ATS will feature new countries to explore in ATS including The Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and more! This area for sure deserves representation in our vibrant ATS community! This will be an addon map to the ATS map, not a standalone map, while respecting the same SCS scale.

    Features Caribbean Map:
    - new countries to explore;
    - real scale map;
    - not standalone;
    - requires Coast to Coast Map;
    - traffic and pedestrians present;
    - new vegetations, landscapes;
    - All ATS DLC maps required.

    Changes in v1.3:
    - Adds the US Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands;
    - Fixed some bugs.

  • 19. Mai, 06:38 Uhr
    Version 1.2.2 für 1.44

    Caribbean Map v1.2.2 by TerraMaps (1.44.x)

    Caribbean Map - new map to explore added for ATS players. The Caribbean Map for ATS will feature new countries to explore in ATS including The Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and more! This area for sure deserves representation in our vibrant ATS community! This will be an addon map to the ATS map, not a standalone map, while respecting the same SCS scale.

    Features Caribbean Map:
    - new countries to explore;
    - real scale map;
    - not standalone;
    - requires Coast to Coast Map;
    - traffic and pedestrians present;
    - new vegetations, landscapes;
    - All ATS DLC maps required.

    Changes in v1.2.2:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44;
    - Los Angeles Ferry updated for ATS 1.44;
    - Bugs from 1.2.1 fixed and patched;
    - Merged the Kamaz and C2C/Miami bug patches into this version.

  • 02. Februar, 01:31 Uhr
    Version 1.2.2

    Caribbean Map v1.2.2 by TerraMaps (1.43.x)

    The North American continent isn’t restricted to just Canada, the US, and Mexico – there are a lot more nations to explore in the Caribbean and Caribbean Map will deliver this tropical environment right to your sim. Expanding your ATS, Caribbean Map will add Port Everglades to C2C’s Port Everglades to connect you to Nassau in The Bahamas and from there the island journey truly begins with Cuba, Jamaica, Aruba, and many more islands to come!

    Developers comments:
    Version 1.2.1/1.2.2: Adds Puerto Rico, more of Jamaica, northern Venezuela, and Miami to Key West. This version is also non C2C dependent, however, it is recommended you use C2C and if so you can download the C2C connector and place it above Def/Map with C2C below Caribbean in the load order. (Note: if using the Kenworth W900 with a front grill, you will not have enough room to trigger the border gates in PR and VE. Back up after activating, and try again and it should open, or remove the front grill)


  • 19. Dezember, 00:33 Uhr
    Version 1.2.1

    Caribbean Map v1.2.1 by TerraMaps (1.43.x)

    The map will feature new countries, including the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and others

    Added Aruba Island
    New cities in Jamaica: Port Royal, Kingston, Buff Bay, Annotto Bay
    New islands in the Bahamas: Abaco and Andros
    New cities in Cuba: Havana, Habana del Este

    Version 1.2.1: new countries have been added – Puerto Rico and Venezuela, Jamaica has been finalized

  • 25. Juli, 21:57 Uhr
    Version 1.1.1

    Caribbean Map v1.1.1 by TerraMaps (1.41.x)

    Caribbean Map - new map to explore added for ATS players. The Caribbean Map for ATS will feature new countries to explore in ATS including The Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and more! This area for sure deserves representation in our vibrant ATS community! This will be an addon map to the ATS map, not a standalone map, while respecting the same SCS scale.

    Features Caribbean Map:
    - new countries to explore;
    - real scale map;
    - not standalone;
    - requires Coast to Coast Map;
    - traffic and pedestrians present;
    - new vegetations, landscapes;
    - All ATS DLC maps required.

    Changes in v1.1.1:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.41;
    - Added new roads;
    - Fixed bugs from previous version.

  • 24. April, 18:32 Uhr
    Version 1.1

    Caribbean Map v1.1 by TerraMaps (1.40.x)

    Caribbean Map - new map to explore added for ATS players. The Caribbean Map for ATS will feature new countries to explore in ATS including The Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and more! This area for sure deserves representation in our vibrant ATS community! This will be an addon map to the ATS map, not a standalone map, while respecting the same SCS scale.

    Features Caribbean Map:
    - new countries to explore;
    - real scale map;
    - not standalone;
    - requires Coast to Coast Map;
    - traffic and pedestrians present;
    - new vegetations, landscapes;
    - All ATS DLC maps required.

    Changes in v1.1:
    - added Aruba;
    - Jamaican cities: Port Royal, Kingston, Buff Bay, Annotto Bay;
    - New islands in The Bahamas: Abaco and Andros Islands;
    - Cuban cities: Havana, Habana del Este;
    - KAMAZ truck dealership (known bugs in 1.40 with lightmasks), brought to you by Southern Region Maps (Thanks again to our wonderful friends at SRM);
    - Adjusted bugs found late in 1.0.2.

  • 14. November, 00:56 Uhr
    Version 1.0.2

    [ATS] Caribbean Map v1.0.2 by TerraMaps (1.39.x)

    Caribbean Map - new map to explore added for ATS players. The Caribbean Map for ATS will feature new countries to explore in ATS including The Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and more! This area for sure deserves representation in our vibrant ATS community! This will be an addon map to the ATS map, not a standalone map, while respecting the same SCS scale.

    Features Caribbean Map:
    - new countries to explore;
    - real scale map;
    - not standalone;
    - requires Coast to Coast Map;
    - traffic and pedestrians present;
    - new vegetations, landscapes;
    - All ATS DLC maps required.

    Changes in v1.0.2:
    - fixed bugs from previous version

    Tested on game version 1.39.x

  • 08. November, 14:32 Uhr
    Version 1.0.1

  • 3561514
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  • 1008952
    von mods80
    vor etwa 4 Jahre


08.11 2020
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