V überarbeitete 1.0 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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International ProStar Daycab rework for American Truck Simulator 1.35 and up

Buy in International dealer (access mod dealer for now, later can be in the International dealer)
1 Cabin (Daycab)
1 Chassis (6x4)
1 Interior

updated in 1.35:
- Adapted for DX11
- Fixed shadows
- Reworked windows
- Added beacon and horns option
- Added working trailer cables
- Added compatibility with most items from SiSL accessories pack (must have SiSL pack otherwise will be missing a lot of accessories in the cabin).
- Added compatibility with ATS Steam hanging toys (Chainsaw, XMas trees, bears etc).
- Reworked engine sound for each engine.

NOTE: May not be compatible to use along with Lonestar and Durastar.If so then just use this truck in different profile.
Additional Note: While waiting for International dealer here is another "deadman from the grave" ! Feel free to update and share. Credits are due then.
Trick to those who know how and where - truck have two changeable computers. Light brown pattern and dark one. Just rename computers2.sui to computers.sui and vice versa.
Known issue - Hood mirrors.

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Modell: Carlos Delgado; 1.35 update by vasja555
Textur: Carlos Delgado; 1.35 update by vasja555
Script: Carlos Delgado; 1.35 update by vasja555
Idee / Konzept: Carlos Delgado; 1.35 update by vasja555
Tester: Carlos Delgado; 1.35 update by vasja555
Sonstige: Carlos Delgado; 1.35 update by vasja555

  • 27. Oktober, 21:37 Uhr
    Version überarbeitete 1.0

  • 906863
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre
  • 906862
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre
  • 906861
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre
  • 906860
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre
  • 906859
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 5 Jahre


27.10 2019
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V überarbeitete 1.0
American Truck Simulator
65,5 MB 144
27. 10 2019 144

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