[ATS] Fruehauf Dryvan 1951 [1.36.x]

V 2.1 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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New model of the semi-trailer Fruehauf Dryvan 1951
Features of the model, which has coloring pages and the ability to paint in any color including metallic and chrome.
At this stage, the trailer has almost no tuning.
And there are some minor problems with the shadow display.
It is possible that gradually  will fix the jambs and add tuning.
Some skins are fictional , some are taken from real companies that existed before.

Author of the original model - BlackAce
converting from 18 Steel Wheels Editing some details, textures coloring and everything else - selonik


Modell: selonik
Textur: selonik
Script: selonik
Idee / Konzept: selonik
Tester: selonik
Sonstige: selonik

  • 12. August, 05:01 Uhr
    Version 2.1

    Fruehauf Dryvan 1951 v2.1 by Selonik (1.38.x)

    Fruehauf Dryvan 1951 - quality trailer mod converted from 18 Steel Wheels game to ATS with new details, textures, coloring and much more. Features of the model, which has coloring pages and the ability to paint in any color including metallic and chrome.
    At this stage, the trailer has almost no tuning. And there are some minor problems with the shadow display. It is possible that gradually I will fix the jambs and add tuning.

    Features mod Fruehauf Dryvan 1951:
    - standalone trailer
    - the choice of color
    - the model has own wheels
    - working brake lights
    - Cables trailer support
    - high quality model

    Changes in v2.1:
    - fixed bugs with crashes of the game for game 1.38

    Link 1 Trailer:

    Link 2 Template:

  • 07. Mai, 03:09 Uhr
    Version 2.0

    [ATS] Fruehauf Dryvan 1951 v2.0 [1.37.x]

    Changes v2.0
    Fixed incorrect position of the trailer on the truck seat.
    Some minor fixes + Three new skins.

    New model of the semi-trailer Fruehauf Dryvan 1951
    Features of the model, which has coloring pages and the ability to paint in any color including metallic and chrome.
    At this stage, the trailer has almost no tuning.
    And there are some minor problems with the shadow display.
    It is possible that gradually will fix the jambs and add tuning.
    Some skins are fictional , some are taken from real companies that existed before.

  • 17. März, 00:37 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 976072
    von mods80
    vor mehr als 4 Jahre
  • 928011
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 928010
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 928009
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 928008
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 928007
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 928006
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 928005
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren


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