[ATS] Farbige Hintergrundkarte [1.36.x]

V 3.1 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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I made this mod because I felt that seeing the borders between states was a bit difficult. Even though I’m 100% American, I thought some lines were very difficult to see. So, I’ve decided to make this mod. It was originally for me but I thought about giving it to y’all because I can see it being an issue for others.

MADE FOR 1.36 AND 1.37PB

States Colored:



Modell: Hslo
Textur: Hslo
Script: Hslo
Idee / Konzept: Hslo
Tester: Hslo
Sonstige: Hslo

  • 27. Juni, 10:04 Uhr
    Version 3.1

    [ATS] Colored Background Map v3.1 [1.37 - 1.38 OB]

    For 1.37 and 1.38B
    This mod makes your world map color-coded state by state, spanning each US state.
    The order of the colors is in random order.

    Fixed thinner lines and spread colors out more.

    Author: Hslo

  • 19. April, 12:44 Uhr
    Version 2.0.1

    [ATS] Colored Background Map v2.0.1 [1.37.x]

    For 1.36 and 1.37PB
    This mod makes your world map color-coded state by state, spanning each US state. The order of the colors is in random order.
    Credits: d0nut

  • 16. März, 23:22 Uhr
    Version 2.0

    [ATS] Colored Background Map v2.0 [1.37.x]

    I made this mod because I felt that seeing the borders between states was a bit difficult. Even though I’m 100% American, I thought some lines were very difficult to see. So, I’ve decided to make this mod. It was originally for me but I thought about giving it to y’all because I can see it being an issue for others.

    MADE FOR 1.36 AND 1.37PB

    Version History (Last 5)
    Version: 2
    Patch Notes: Finished the full USA.
    For: ATS 1.36 and ATS 1.37 Public Beta

    Version: 1.2
    Patch Notes: No longer in beta. Added Colorado in Orange and Montana, Wyoming in Grey.
    For: ATS 1.36 and ATS 1.37 Public Beta

    Version: 1.0.1b
    Patch Notes: Redid the lines for cleaner edges and fixes a few color issues.
    For: ATS 1.36 and ATS 1.37 Public Beta

    Version: 1.0.0b
    Patch Notes: Public Release
    For: ATS 1.36 and ATS 1.37 Public Beta


  • 14. März, 22:50 Uhr
    Version 1.2

    [ATS] Colored Background Map v1.2 [1.37.x]

    I made this mod because I felt that seeing the borders between states was a bit difficult. Even though I’m 100% American, I thought some lines were very difficult to see. So, I’ve decided to make this mod. It was originally for me but I thought about giving it to y’all because I can see it being an issue for others.

    MADE FOR 1.36 AND 1.37PB

    States Colored:

    Version History (Last 5)
    Version: 1.2
    Patch Notes: No longer in beta. Added Colorado in Orange and Montana, Wyoming in Grey.
    For: ATS 1.36 and ATS 1.37 Public Beta

    Version: 1.0.1b
    Patch Notes: Redid the lines for cleaner edges and fixes a few color issues.
    For: ATS 1.36 and ATS 1.37 Public Beta

    Version: 1.0.0b
    Patch Notes: Public Release
    For: ATS 1.36 and ATS 1.37 Public Beta


  • 10. März, 01:58 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 927993
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 927917
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 927688
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahre
  • 927687
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahre


10.03 2020
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Ist dieser Mod besonders empfehlenswert?

V 3.1
American Truck Simulator
1,5 MB 256
27. 06 2020 256
V 2.0.1
American Truck Simulator
575,5 KB 102
19. 04 2020 102
V 2.0
American Truck Simulator
578,7 KB 75
16. 03 2020 75
2 ältere Versionen

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