Anhänger Settings von Dragon Afk [SP , MP] 1.37.x

V 0.1 Mod für American Truck Simulator

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I am not responsible for possible errors or bugs in companies, game crashes and ban, kick or for reckless driving and blocking in TrukersMP. drive safely and respect the signs. It is not advisable to make comvoys of 2 or 3 trucks if they do take into account the pilot cars to warn of the arrival of the extra long comvoy.   in TruckersMP not to use in case of bad connection or high ping is to protect other players.   By Dragon Afk.   inspired by Australian trailers and trucks.


Modell: Dragon Afk
Textur: Dragon Afk
Script: Dragon Afk
Idee / Konzept: Dragon Afk
Tester: Dragon Afk
Sonstige: Dragon Afk

  • 07. April, 23:36 Uhr
    Version 0.1

  • 931467
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 931466
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren
  • 931465
    von mods80
    vor etwa 5 Jahren


07.04 2020
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V 0.1
American Truck Simulator
42,7 KB 60
07. 04 2020 60

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