This mod brings the Snüfelstück to Farming Simulator 22 for a wide range of applications. The Snüfelstück, which is also called the Swiss Army Knife for dollies, is a multifunctional dolly with a
Rear hydraulics with PTO shaft, low trailer and trailer mount and a fifth wheel.
- Price: $7,500
- Configurations: Main Color, Rear Hydraulics Color, Trailer Hitch Color, LED Beacons, Tire Brand/Configuration, Rear Hydraulics
Have fun!
- Air and electrical lines added
- Complete lighting added
- Color choice for the lighting carrier added
- Price of off-road tires reduced
- Added new tire brands (Michelin, BKT and Vredestein) and Trelleborg care tires
- Added new configuration for beacons (original and LED).
- Rear hydraulics and frame rebuilt
- Adaptation to current patch
- Wheel steering angle adjusted
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