WIP Projekt Bjersted gods (Gods= means a huge "farm" agri in DK)
Work in Progress


Bjersted gods (Gods= means a huge "farm" agri in DK)

Work In Progress

11/10/15 UPDATE : Bjergsted Gods / Gaard / Farm

  1. Made room for the placeable V1.21 SALAD, and it look guuud (NO ERRORS)
  2. The farms grain system has changed, so know you need to fill your trailers all by your-self.
  3. Made room for more PLACEABLE at the Farm, but there wont be free huge square, so the IRL spirit is intact.
  4. checking all fields, so your combines-cutter, wont go sideways , so that will be fixet if to steep.
  • MISSING - Not installed yet
  • 1. GRASS Extra detail : Bennesell, Unkratz and more
  • 2. Chopped Straw
  • 3. Soil Mod

Remember, you can follow the WiP on this link https://www.facebook.com/bjergstedgods , AGAIN, its not a like hunter page, and you do not need a facebook account to see the page .

Thanks for stepping by , Rgr HepHep (Denmark)





UPDATE 17.09.15

  1. Texture update
  2. Field update
  3. New roadways called "Strandvejen" ( Beachway) , Rørby strandvej, Kalundborg vej ....
  4. Farm site is being updated, also added long silage silos. 5 Silage at the Gaard and 2 near "Strandvejen".
  5. Datails around the map
    - I would say i'm 72% done 17.09.15...... ( 60% at Aug'24-2015
    - NOT IN YET : Soilmod and others like these......Unkrazt and more


OFF*TOPIC : facebook.com/bjergstedgods , please have in mind, that its a WiP FB/page its only about how farr i'm with work , and I will often upload pictures to FB page, just remember, its not a "like hunter page" , but only day'to'day on how goes with the map . & You do not have to own a FB profile to view and follow "BJERGSTED" , I made the whole thing OPEN, so no need to log-in on FB, easyer that way . When the map is complete, It will only be uploaded here to MODHOSTER.com , bcs of the community on FORUM for help and more, a site full of friendly gamers, ready to help.... So thanks to you guys & Girls, when help is neaded, you are always right there, So many Thanks.




BJERGSTED GODS , The name comes from the area I live in , Near Kalundborg, with towns included RØRBY and SVEBØLLE, KALUNDBORG , I guess many German who read this, has been at vacation the beautiful summer-houses ine the areas around Kalundborg and Bjerge Beach . Anyway, Back to the map . There is a complete roadset and not "selfmade dirt roads" .

The map is the normal "MAP SIZE" , but it is NOT a edit of the FS15 map , but made from scrats, and everything has been used , there is nothing left . But if you like square fields, i need to make you sad, only a few i square fields, the rest is landscape, and for machinary, this map is for the biggest, or it can played with medium machinary , Its only HOW YOU WANNA PLAY IT , and thats what counts = YOUR GAME, YOUR RULES, YOUR FUN :-)

Buyers are REAL BUYERS : DLG for grain (near Svebølle town) , Kalundborg Port Grain+PS, Schultz Shipping Grain+ PS .
Schulstad Bread : wheat, Barley & Maize .

PIG BUYERS : Madsen Meat Svebølle , Tulip Bacon Svebølle , Netto KLB & Lidl KLB, There are another Lidl in Rørby .
KLB = Kalundborg


- I would say i'm 60% done...... ( 60% at Aug'24-2015
- NOT IN YET : Soilmod and others like these......

Thanks for stepping by my WiP project,

Have a great day....
HEPHEP -> Denmark

von hephep

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