WIP Projekt |2015| |2013| boxwagon
Work in Progress


|2015| |2013| boxwagon

Work In Progress

Hello everybody,

Maybe you allready have seen some pictures or asks from us. But now we are gonna build the boxwagon package.

What is in the pack:

  • A special box loader, you can place the boxes easy and but them on the wagon. It is very nice to grab the boxes and place the, in position.
  • A boxwagon unloading on the right side
  • A boxwagon unloalding at the left side
  • The box, first for beets and potatoes. Maybe in a other version it will be multyfruit ready.

I hope you can wait until the mod is ready, help and tips are welcome.

We're working together with Garrmann ,Frame and systems, and FSModding. They help us with the scripts and make everything look at his best.

We've got hulp from a few guy's of the team Bull's, www.facebook.com/BullModding .



Boxwagon Links, 100% (Finished)

Boxwagon Right, 90%

Klem: 100% (Finished)


Box: 100% (Finished)

NEW!: Double box hitch: 20%

NEW!: Turnable Boxwagon: 50%

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